page 5—THE NEWS—April 1979 JCC Summer Camp Campers Flock In For Early Bird Regisfration These Early Birds caupht their tee shirts as of March 14th: Munchkins (2 year olds) — Stacy Blumenthal, Amy Widis, Rebecca Hockfield and Richard Rubin. Camp Shalosh (3 year olds) — Alan Shulimson, Alexandra Os- trow, Jaime Cojac and Sara ttnk. Camp Arba (4 year olds) — Jill Blumenthal, Steffany F'ein, Gillian Apfel and Peter Kaye, Camp Mitzvah (K & 1st grade) — Matthew' Levenson, Ashley Widis, Erin Alpert, Amy Cojac, Alexis Lerner, Rebecca Cowan, Holly Rubin, Mark Schreibman and Sara Hopkins. Camp for 2nd-5th graders — Ijee Benjamin. As of April 1st, early bird registration is over. Registra tion for day camp is now open to the community. S(5me of the camp programs have a max imum number of campers vyho can be accepted so it is impor tant to reserve your place now. Once again the Jewish Com munity Center will offer two 3- week sessions for the coming season. The first session will be Monday, June 25th through Fri day, July 13th; the second ses sion will be Monday, July 16th through FViday, August 3rd, MUNCHKINS If your child will be two years old by April 15,1979, he/she can attend the JCC Munchkins Camp on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30-11:30 A.M. Juice and snack will be provided along with developmental acti vities and lots of fun supervised by two teachers and an aide. Sign up for all three days, only, one or both sessions! (Birth cer tificates required to verify age.) $40/Session - MEMBERS ONLY! CAMP SHALOSH (Mother^s Morning Out) If your child will be three years old by October 15, 1979, he/she can , attend the JCC Camp Shalosh on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:3()-12:30. Crafts, games, phy sical activities and a swimming instructor (WSI) to work sepa rately with this group will all be a part of Camp Shalosh, Juice and snack are provided. Sign up for all three days only, one or both sessions! (Birth certifi cates required to verify age.) $40/Session - Members; $55/Session - Non-members. CAMP ARBA (Pre-school Day Camp) If your child will be four by Oc tober 15, 1979, he/she can at tend Camp Arba every morning from 9:30-12:30, Arts and crafts, physical activities, snacks, games and swimming instruc tion are all included. On Fridays this group will join all campers for a special Shabbat program and lunch (provided by the camp). Sign up for one or both sessions now! (Birth certifi cates required to verify age.) $65/Session - Members; $90/Session - Non-members. CAMP MITZVAH If you child is entering kindergarten or first grade in September 1979, this is the camp for him/her. Two sessions, each three weeks long, will be held daily from 9:30-3:30. Swimming instruction, arts and crafts, , nature, sports, games, gym nastics, singing, dancing, free swim and more ,.. all in a Jewish oriented program. Bring a dairy lunch daily except on Friday — we’ll provide a special Shabbat lunch, (Optional lunch plan for 'ruesday-P>iday — details to be announced,) Sign up now for one or both sessions! $90/Ses- sion - Members; $135/Session - Non-members, A NEW CAMP PROGRAM FOR OLDER CAMPERS If your child will be entering 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th grade in September 1979, this is the place to be. After meeting together each morning this group will have swimming instruction and then go to a pre-selected activity group for a period of time each day, A sneak preview of the ac tivity groups which are still be ing developed are listed below. Each can^per will select his/her group before the session begrins. SPORTS — Tennis instruc tion each day for three weeks by a qualified tennis instructor before lunch. One week each of intense -gymnastics, soccer and archery after lunch. ART — One week each of an intense workshop in woodwork ing, drawing and sketching and mixed media. POTPOURRI - One week each of an intense workshop of drama (clowning and magic), nature and photography. Each activity group will be planned and supervised by a specialist in each area. Field trips, where appropriate or necessary, will be a part of the group work. Plans are being made for horseback riding for the 4th and 5th graders three mornings a week before camp. This group will meet at the “J” at 8:00 a,m. and go with an in structor to the riding location and then return to the "J” at 10:00 in time for swimming in struction. There will be an ad ditional fee for horseback riding which will be announci d later. Each afternoon the campers will participate in free swim and camp closing with the other groups.'This camp is 9:30-3:30 daily, two sessions, each three weeks. Bring a dairy lunch daily except Friday — we provide a special Shabbat lunch. (Op tional lunch plan for Tuesday- Friday ~ details to be an nounced.) Sign up now for one or both sessions. $ll()/Sossion - Members^ $150/Session - Non members. REGISTRATION FORM Fill out and mail to: JCC, P.O. Box 220188, Charlotte* N.C. 28222. FAMILY NAME MEM NON-MEM $25.00 Depodt cncloMd REGISTER YOUR CHILD TODAY! ADDRESS PHONE GRADE ENTER ING IN SEPT, SESSION TOTAL CHARGES NOTE: NO CHILD WILL BE ADMITTKD TO CAMP UNLESS ALL FEES HAVE BEEN PAID, CAMPER’S NAMB SEX BIRTH DATE AGE I II MUNCH- UN8 ' CAMP BHALOeH CAMP ARBA CAMP MITZVAH Sml-5Ck CAMP Acnvmr GROUP (2nd-Atk oaijr) 8PORTH ART POTPOURRI UpM of TOW I '•gMn itloa Itwa w UUm ■lUliMMi M fcraM Mdfaal fcnHfor