Page 9-THE NEWS-May, 1984 iround The JCC Early Childhood Session Hailed On March 21 a group of mom’s and mom’s-to-be gathered at Beth Linderman’s house for an informative pro gram on how children develop. After spending some time getting acquaint^ over coffee and cake, Vicki Christiansen of Child Development, led an hour long program on the dif ferent devdopmental stages of children from birth to two years. Vicki addressed such topics as what things should be and can be done to stimulate and aide develop ment and what things have no effect or are actually detrimen tal to development. When Vicld’s program end ed the group spent some very productive time brainstorm ing on how to apply our newly gained knowledge to the JCC programs and particularly to the Creative Playgroup. Thanks to all who par ticipated in making this pro gram a success by attending, asking good thoughtful ques tions and giving creative suggestions. **We*re All Getting Older** Twenty five people joined for outstanding lectures Thursday, March 29 at the se cond JCC Jewish Social Ser vices Family Life Education program, “We’re All Getting Older,” featuring psychiatrist Kent Kalina, psychologist Jay Kirsch, aging consultant Sheryn Northey, and home health care practitioner Mary Durham, speaking on a varie ty of subjects including: cause and effects of drugs, physio logical changes, transporta tion and housing for retired and elderly people, and primary prevention as a means to living a fuller life. The program, held at Lans- downe Elementary School, focused on the needs of aging persons in our society. The au dience lent insight about what did and did not correspond with their own experiences and those with friends and family. After the discussion, there was a brief refreshment break with baked goods pro vided by Mae Kropp and Stephanie Seitlin followed by more discussion, questions and answers. Additional Fami ly Life Education programs are being organized for sum mer and fall. SWIM TEAM ATT: JCC Members - 6-17 yrs. old! We need swimmers who want to participate in the 1984 swim season from late May to the beginning of July. Children improve their swimming skills while having lots of fun. Our team is high on team spirit and participation. FEES: $13 - One Child $22 - Two Children $25 - Three or More Children Team bathing suits are required for every meet. They are available at L and S Children’s Shops at retail price. The style this year is single panel - navy and white. Parents: We need you to assist during swim meets. Please call Barbara Bemhanlt at 364-0694 to volunteer. For additional information call Abby at 366-0357. Family Phone * Child’s Name Child’s Name Child’s Name Child’s Name Amount Enclosed Swim Team Registration Forin- Name Address _ -Age -Age -Age Age .Birthdate 3irthdate 3irthdate 3irthdate Chal In April the Chai Group par ticipated in Passover and political events. The morning of April 2 at Randolph Park Clubhouse, began with a “Tuesday’s primary” discus sion led by Marty Schneer, JCC Director. Forecasting and surmising, the group started to bring the election close to home as May 8 is the North Carolina primary. Rabbi Richard Rocklin hosted the afternoon program with a theological talk on Passover. April 9, Peggy Gartner did a morning demonstration and talk on “cooking for one.” The afternoon was filled with a discussion on the Middle East with UNCC professor Harry Chemotsky. The Chai Group returned after Passover to a Monday morning program at Temple Beth El followed by a scrump tious JCC Older Adult Luncheon. Exclusive Free Cultural The Jewish Community Center wiU sponsor two cultural performances for its membership in May and July. Both programs are offered to the membership at no charge. These events are made possible by the generosity of the performing group and by grants. Reservations may be made at the JCC, 366-0357, The schedule of events is as follows: Wed., May 9: The Charlotte Symphony 7:30 p.m. at Myers Park High School Auditorium Wed., July 18: The Charlotte Summer Pops Orchestra 7:30 p.m. at Providence Baptist Church Joint Adult Jewish institute Lecture Series The JCC, in cooperation with each of the Temples, will sponsor a lecture series for Thursdays in May for the en tire community. Ail lectures will be held from 8 to 9:30 p.m. at Temple Beth El with refreshments included. The ifee is $5 for the whole series or $2 per lecture. May 10: Anti-Semitism Rabbi Richard Rocklin, Temple Israel May 17: Jewish Philosophy Made Practical Rabbi Yosef Groner, N.C. Lubavitch May 24: The Unique Jewish Way of Life Rabbi Robert Seigel, Temple Beth Shalom NAME ZIP _ Registration Form Adult Jewish Institute ADDRESS .PHONE AMOUNT ENCLOSED Mail to: JCC, P.O. Box 220188, Charlotte 28222 The Summer Fun Place For Kids!! TAKE: Lots of children, staff and counselors who care about kids, 16 acres of wooded land, one 4 week session and one 3 week session. ADD: Several dashes of... tennis shoes, socks, jeans, t-shirts, bathing suits, towels, arts and crafts supplies, sports equipment, canoes, frisbees, balls of all kinds, Judaic programming. Lots of... basketballs, tennis courts, swimming pools, bows and arrows, music, drama, nature crafts, tents, gardening, animals. TWO ... overnights. ONE ... Israeli Shaliach. Many, many ... smiling and friendly faces. BLEND: All of these ingredients and mix carefully. Add an extra dash of smiles and love. Place the mixture gently at the JCC and let it sit 4 to 7 weeks, depend ing on your taste. This simple easy recipe can be tried by all by filling out the application below and sending in a non-refundable $25.00 deposit. Call the JCC at 366-0357 for more recipe information. * 4> 4 « * 3 Year olds 4 year olds K - 6 The camp day is MWF 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. for 3’s M-F 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. for 4’s M-F 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. for other campers Pre-camp care 8:00-9:00 a.m. is available for $6.00 per week Post-camp care 4.00-5:30 p.m. is available for $9.00 per week Sesson I $92M/$135NM Session II $70M/$105NM $125M/$175NM $95M/$135NM $175M/$250NM $135M/$190MN „CAMP MACCABEE REGISTRATION FORM SUMMER 1984 CHILD’S NAME CHILD’S NAME DATE OF BIRTH .SEX J)ATE OF BIRTH .SEX. Grade entering Sept. ’84 ADDRESS Grade entering Sept. ’84 _ ZIP HOME PHONE EMERGENCY PHONE PLEASE CHECK DATE Sesstcm I So88i»i II June 25-July 20 □ Jiily 23-August 10 □ Pre camp care □ Post camp care Pre camp care □ Post camp care