Page 13-THE NEWS-April, 1986 LUBAVITCH OF N. C. Thoughts From The Lubavitcher Rebbe Passover and the Pascal Lamb Purlin Kits Were Distributed By Rabbi Yossi Groner Passover is the festiv£il that celebrates our exodus from Egypt; the actual celebration begins a few days before Pesach. That is on the Shab- bat before Pesach. This Shab- bat is called the great Shabbat (Shabbat Hagodol). The reason is as follows: “On the 10th day of the Hebrew month of Nissan, (which fell on a Saturday Shabbat) the Jews selected and took the lamb for their Pascal sacrifices. A great miracle took place in conse quence to the Jewish peoples action; the Egyptians gather ed around them and asked; “Why are you doing this?” They answered that it was a Passover sacrifice to G-d, who would slay the Egyptian first born. When the first-born heard this, they approached King Pharoah and the elders and demanded that the Jews be released. Pharoah refused and in response, they waged war against each other and many Egyptians were killed. This was considered a great miracle and to commemorate the event the Shabbat before Passover is called the great Shabbat, emd parts of the Passover Haggadah are read on this day. This year the days of the month correspond to the same days of the week as the first year when the miracle actually took place. Our sages have called the exodus “one of Torah’s general principles.” The Torah and its commandments are in trinsically related to the ex odus from Egypt, therefore a Jew must bring every aspect of life into connection with the Exodus. Awareness of the Ex odus must permeate a Jew’s entire existence, therefore we are commanded to recall it twice daily, in the morning and evening. In a personal and practical sense, the exodus from Egypt refers to each individual’s per sonal departure from all the restrictions and constraints on the Divine Soul. It is interest ing to note that the Hebrew word for Egypt — “Mitz- rayim” is etymologically related to the Hebrew word “meitzorim” which means boundaries or limitations, so in essence Egypt represents the bound£u*ies and limitation of Israel. We are to experience our own Pesach, our own exodus and create a miracle; miracles represent a step beyond the limitations of nature, a miracle is there to lift the person into a high state of spiritualism. The goal of a Jew is to reach true greatness, i.e. a state which is not confined by any limits. On Pesach, a Jew must “spring forth” and attempt to reach such a level of unlimited freedom. As a preparation, in order to stimulate his potential, on the Shabbat before, G-d performs a great miracle revealing a state of total limitlessness. The midrash describes the state of the Jewish people in Egypt as very poor spiritually, for this reason, G-d command ed them to bring the Pascal sacrifice. The bringing of the Pascal sacrifice demanded a total transition of character from being in a poor state, to pro gress to the highest levels of self sacrifice and devotion to G-d. The selection of the lamb for slaughter involved a very real threat to their lives, as Moshe himself told Pharoah, “If we sacrifice the Egyptian’s god (the lamb was one of the idols) before them, surely they will stone us. Nevertheless, after the selection of the Pascal sacrifice, the lamb was tied to the bed posts of the Jewish people, to excite the Egyptian curiosity. Despite the tremen dous gap between their pre sent state and the service demanded from them, the Jews were able to summon up their power of self sacrifice and make a public display of selecting the lamb. This total transition, in turn, brought about the great miracle. These days are to be remem bered and celebrated. By reliv ing the process of bringing the Pascal sacrifice, a Jew caused G-d to bring about a great miracle, and bring us closer to the exodus from our present state of “Egypt.” ROBERTS TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Telephone Services For Residence & Business. New Jacics & wiring. Key systems moved & instaiied. Additions & maintenance to existing systems, aii makes. 16 Years Experience 847-5541 More than 1500 Purim kits have been distributed by Lubavitch to Jewish school children around the state. The kits were designed to help the child celebrate the Purim festival. On Purim we send at least two food gifts to friends, and we give charity to at least two poor people. Each of the kits contained various kinds of snacks including some from Israel: it also had a packet with coins for charity. A color ful brochure, which described the many joyous mitzvot observed on Purim day, was also placed in the Purim kit. The majority of these kits were distributed during special Purim programs throughout the Carolinas. The number one program was held Sue and Louis Doctor preparing kits. right here in Charlotte. Addi tional programs were held in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Fayetteville, Ft. Bragg, Myr tle Beach, Durham and many more. This is all part of the educational project of Luba vitch of North Carolina. In addition to the above, Lubavitch mailed out Purim guides to over 7,500 Jewish households in the Czirolinas. These brochures £ire very well received, since they give a comprehensive overview of the holiday with specific detcdls of the observances. They are seen as an excellent educa tional tool by parents and teachers alike. ASE YOU READY FOR CAMP GAN ISRAEL? “The best camp in the South.” That’s what they call Camp Gan Israel. It provides Jewish boys and girls of all ages with a combination of a true Torah spirit and the very best in summer recreational activities. Every camp counselor is specially trained to care for the personal welfare and safety of cach camper in the spirit of Judaism. Camp Gan Israel helps ensure that each boy and girl spends a summer to remember enjoying a wide range of activities in a Jewish atmosphere • Swimming • Baseball • Soccer • Basketball • Reid Races • Bowling • Miniature Golf • Rollerskating • Carowinds • Discovery Place • Movies • Arcades • Arts & Crafts • Culture • Discussion Groups • Songs • Shabbatons • Riverbank Zoo • Hebrew Studies • Jewish Education • Petting Farm • Horseback Riding • Shabbos Parties JUNE 15 - 27 MONDAY - FRIDAY TINY TOTS 3-4 PIONEERS 5-12 $100.00 $130.00 9-1 9-3 HOT NUTRITIOUS LUNCHES ARE SERVED FOR MORE INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL LUBAVITCH OF NORTH CAROLINA 6500 NEWHALL ROAD. CHARLOTTC, NC 28226 (704) 366-3984 DOOR TO DOOR TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE Scholarships are available. No chfld is turned away because of iruibilitY to pay. Confidential fee adjustments can be made by arrangbig an appotntnnent wt^ the director.