Page 2-THE NEWS-November, 1987 THE CHARLOTTE JEWISH NEWS Published monthly by: Charlotte Jewish Federation Michael L. Minkin, Director Foundation of Charlotte Jewish Community & Jewish Community Center Barry Hantman, Director Charlotte Jewish Day School Berta Straz, Principal Lubavitch of N.C Rabbi Yossi Groner, Director Editor Rita Mond Advertising Blanche Yarus Copy deadline the 10th of each month P.O. Box 13369, Charlotte, N.C. 28211 The appcarancc of advcrtUing in The Newt docs not constltut* a kashruth •ndorMMant. Editorials Support Our Federation It’s that time of year agsiin when The Chsirlotte Jewish Federation will be calling upon us to give our financial support. It is our moral responsibility to help one another...the Jews in Charlotte...the Jews in the Soviet Union...the Jews in Israel...the Jews all around the world. The Federation also gives its finan cial support to other interdenominational chsirities which help the needy. In order to explain how much we need those dollars and where those dollars Eire go ing, a special supplement has been included in this month’s Charlotte Jewish News. We hope after reading it, you will give generously. Say “yes” and give your pledge, when a volunteer calls upon you. Thank you. I Need Your Help! After nine years of doing this newspaper, I still have to ask that those who want their articles published adhere to the guidelines, especially the deadline date. In order to get each issue out on time, it is absolutely, positively necessary that all items are submitted no later than the 10th of the month, preceding the month of issue; i.e., Nov. 10 for the December issue. If that day falls on the sabbath or on a holiday, then get it in before the 10th! Anything sent in late will not be printed! Photos may come in later, but please let me know that they are being sub mitted (deadline on them is the 20th). All copy must be typed, double-spaced, and done in upper and lower case (not everything in capital letters). No hand written copy will be accepted! If you have any prob lems concerning this, then call me weekdays only from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. We have been having a difficult time with the post office; for some reason they love to hold on to the paper, sometimes for as long as a week to 10 days. If your paper is late, please complain to them, not to me. If you do not receive your paper, complain to the post office, not to me. I can not personally deliver your paper to you, but you can pick up an additional copy at the front desk of the “J”. We also £ire receiving a tremendous number of “re turns” on our mailings, due to people not letting us know that they have moved. For every piece of mail returned, we pay the post office 30t. That may not seem like a lot of money, but when you multiply that by the numbers times the months, it really comes to quite a sum. Please let us know your new address and help us save money. Thank you for your help and understanding. —Rita Mond Jewish Calendar Candleligiiting Nov. 6 - 5:07 p.m. Nov. Nov. 13 - 5:01 p.m. Dec. Nov. 20 - 4:57 p.m. Dec. 27 - 4:54 p.m. 4 - 4:53 p.m. 11 - 4:53 p.m. Why We Need A Jewish Day School Our hearts were broken on Aug. 31 when, after a vote of the Charlotte Jewish Day School Board, Bob Brodsky, president, announced that the school would close Sept. 11. When we told our daughter Ruth, she was in tears (so were we). She had attended kinder garten at the school and was enjoying her new first grade class. Ruth immediately asked to go to “the yellow school bus school”. We transferred her so that she would have an oppor tunity to make friends and ad just to the new environment. Academically and socially, public school was fine, but something was missing. Ruth could not tell us what it was. When Roz (her mother) joined Ruth for lunch at school, she heard Ruth say her Hamotzi before her meal and B’rachot after her meal. We realized that it was her Jewish educa tion that she missed. When, through the efforts of many, many concerned people, we were able to reestablish the Day School, all of us were elated, and naturally Ruth Letters to the Editor returned. Ruth loves the school, and her excellent, loving and understanding secular tea cher, Mrs. Freda Thrower. She comes home and teaches her three-year-old sister, Rachael, the Hebrew and Judaica she is learning from Berta Straz, as well as the spelling and math. —Roger Meyers How Do We Subscribe to The CJN? Please advise when our subscription ends so that we may renew it. Your paper is a quality production, deserving of national attention. Thank you. —Cliff & Mary Angeroih Rock Hill, SC (Editor’s note: Thank you for your kind words. There is no subscription charge; anyone who would like to receive our paper just makes a request to be put on our maiUng list. We do have a special “CJN” fund evolved from unsolicited donations.) WARMER.PAVS ARf COMIN^ A Special Thank You On behalf of my family, I want to sincerely thank you for the wonderful publicity you gave the recent Ashen- dorf/Citron Memorial Concert in The Charlotte Jewish News. The concert was a real suc cess, and much of that can be credited to the fine publicity it received. —Bill Ashendorf (Editor’s note: This annual con cert is a “special treat” and a wonderful event that the Ashen- dorf/Citron families present to the community. It deserves all the publicity The CJN can give!) Sharing a Message I received the following note from our Mayor — it speaks for itself. . r-Irving Mond Dear Mr. Mond: Please accept my sincere apology for the major schedul ing error we made in setting up a fund-raiser for the even ing of October 2. Apparently in choosing that date, our sponsors were unaware that this was the beginning of Yom Kippur. In no way would we have knowingly scheduled this event, for I value the support of my Jewish friends and respect the sacredness of their holidays. Again, I apologize for this oversight and I ask your forgiveness and your con tinued support in our effort to serve you again as Mayor. Sincerely, Harvey B. Gantt ■—'.HA© We encourage our readers' view points. Letters should be submitted typewritten and double-spaced and signed. Please include your address and phone number. We reserve the right to edit. Dreyfus and Le Pen By Robert E. Segal (JTA) It is ironic that while the Jewish Museum of New York is displaying a striking exhibit dealing with the French anti- Semitism that led to the false imprisonment of Jewish army officer Alfred Dreyfus at the turn of the century, a similar incident occurs. Jean-Marie Le Pen, who symbolizes much that dis turbs the Jews of France, recently said that Hitler’s gas chambers may not have ex isted, and even if they did, con stituted a minor point in the history of World War II. If incipient fascism exists in France, it is being incubated in the French Nationed Front, organized by the French fiery rightwing politico Le Pen 15 years ago. Taking advantage of the weakness of the French economy and hoisting the ban ner of “France for the French”, Le Pen has reveled in seeing support for his xenophobic enterprise rise from 2 percent three years ago to 11 percent today. The only cloud in his political sky is that his adventure in Holo caust revisionism has brought some opposition within his own ranks and solidified the influential forces standing against him. The much admired and respected Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger, whose Jewish mother died at Auschwitz, was startled by Le Pen’s com ment about the gas chambers and said he was frightened by the debasement of thought of Le Pen and his followers “be cause they play a role of perversion of all generations.” Foes of Le Pen are pleased that the International League Against Racism and Anti- Semitism has brought legal ac tion against Le Pen, with the result that the court ordered him to pay damages to all of the civil rights group taking part in the case. Le Pen, a World War II paratrooper, is a spellbinding public speaker with seemingly unlimited financial resources. His comrades in racism ad mire him for “saying out loud what the French think deep down”. That is: Well, that foreigners admitted to France are an insect-like plague. That all who oppose the National Front are Marxists. That “For the Socialists, it’s me or suicide”. And aspiring to bring all Frenchmen together in a fasces, thus echoing the philosophy of Mussolini. Le Pen knows how to draw out the worst in his mob. For example, when the name of the distinguished Jewish states- woman Simone Veil, a former President of the European Parliament, was mentioned at a National Front rally, the neo- fascists shouted: “Back to Auschwitz”. Although they failed to mention Bergen- Belsen, they might have, for she suffered during the Hitler era in both death camps. His television tirades have attracted an estimated 14 million. What, then, of his future? Sardonically, in 1985, France’s well-edited daily Le Monde reconmiended “letting the werewolf howl emd foam himself into exhaustion”. This is a dubious proposal. Recall that a werewolf named Hitler howled and foamed so effec tively that he nearly con quered Europe. If there is hope for halting Le Pen’s thrust to the degree of power fmd influence to which he aspires, it lies in part in the fear of terrorism in France. This trepidation has prompted thousands of citi zens to raise cries of outrage as they march down Paris streets protesting such trage dies as the 1980 bombing of the Rue Copemic Synagogue and the 1985 Rivoli Beau- bourg cinema bombing during the Jewish Film Festival. The shame of the Dreyfus affair cannot be easily forgot ten in France. Nor will that historic, civilized nation capitulate to the National Front or any other group of Hitler-admirers.