Page 3-THE NEWS-November, 1988 Opinions and Commentaries Is There a Boycott on Tourism? When Jews are Suffering and Dying, It is Time to Act By Dr. Marilyn Gootman Are we American Jews fair weather friends of Israel? It certainly seems that way right now. More successful than £my Arab boycott is the current boycott of Israel by American Jews. Oh, how proud we have been of her economic and military accomplishments. Our self esteem shot up with the suc cessful establishment of our own Jewish state. We “kvelled” as her outstanding agricul tural products became known throughout the world. But now, Israel’s image has been tarnished. Israel has reacted with force to the Palestinian uprising. The media have sensationalized this tragic situation and have portrayed Israel as an op pressor who beats and tor tures Palestinians. We have been appaUed and raised our voices in protest. And Israel has listened and continues to listen. But the media have neglected to por tray Israeli efforts to rectify the situation. The media have neglected to portray the severity of the stresses that are overwhelming 18 and 19-year-old boys as well as the entire Jewish population of Israel. No, we should not condone cruel and unjust behavior. No, we should not blindly agree with everything Israel does just because she is Israel. Yes, we must encourage a solution that acknowledges the rights of the Palestinian victims. But we must also not abandon the Jewish state. We aU know that loved ones need our help and support in times of trouble. Whether we condone their behavior or not, our presence is essential for successful recovery. Israel needs our presence now. Fear not for your safety. Life proceeds as normal within the pre-1967 borders. Visiting Israel is definitely safer than visiting many large cities throughout the United States. Would you cancel a trip to New York or Los Angeles because of elevated crime statistics? UnUkely. So why cancel a trip to Israel? In fact, Tel Aviv is far safer than most major U.S. cities and even small towns. While my daughter was safely walk ing home from parties in Tel Aviv at 1 a.m. with her Israeli friends this spring, some of her friends were mugged at 9 p.m. right outside a downtown Athens, Georgia movie the ater. Yes, caution is necessary in Letters to the Editor CJN Was Great Help to Project Thank you so much for printing HaLailah BBW’s Soviet Jewry articles in their entirety. Your generous con sideration has given us the at tention that we need in order to make this a conscience sub ject not stored away as nor mal. Our letter writing was a success. We wrote 100 letters. People are getting responses from government officials. We also acquired three {>eople to serve on the Soviet Jewry Task Force of the Federation. Again, edl this has happened with the help of our Jewish News articles. Thank you! — Linda Spil We encourage our readers’ viewpoints. Let ters should be submitted typewritten and double spaced and signed. Please include your address and phone numt>er. We reserve the right to edit. areas affected by the Intifada, but as a general rule, you can roeun the streets of Israel far more szifely than you can roam the streets of your own home town. Israel is suffering tremen dous economic hardship because of the large decline in tourism by American Jews. (Europeans and Christian Americans are still coming though with some decline.) Shops are closing, hotels are on the verge of failure, and many workers in the tourist in dustry are losing their jobs. By boycotting Israel at this crucial time, we are aiding the Intifada. Israel can survive the rocks and stones, but not the abandonment of American Jews. Our Israeli brethren need our support. Now is the time to visit your friends and relatives. Talk with them. Discuss your concerns direct ly with the voters. Say what you like, but be with them. Now is the time to prove our commitment to a Jewish home land. If not now, when? • Dr. Gootman is on the facul ty of the University of Geor gia, specializing in early child hood development. She and her family recently spent several months in Israel, where her husband Dr. Elliott Gootman, professor, graduate studies-theoretical math of the University of Georgia, was a visiting professor at Hebrew University in Tel Aviv. The Gootmans are the niece and nephew of Charlotteans Baila and John Pransky. toliUfecwo Patronize Oiir Advertisers Todd’s Flowers and Plants Serving Charlotte for almost 50 years Best Wishes For Happy Holidays We have a wide selection of green and blooming plants, wreaths, centerpiece ar rangements, fruit baskets, wine and gourmet food baskets and gifts for the holidays. We also offer world-wide wire service. SouttiParfc Mall 364-5697 Eastland Mall 53S-2505 Carmal Commons 542-8769 1800 E. Indapondanca Blvd. 332-5167 Indapandanca Cantar (101 N. Tryon) 3764)131 rODD'S FLOWERS In unprecedented unity, 15 key leaders of the Ethiopian community have met with the former Israeli Ambassador to Ethiopia, representatives from the World Union of Jewish students (WUJS) and other leading Jewish activists to launch a petition for family reunification of separated Ethiopian families. A committee for the reuni fication of Ethiopian Jewish families was formed which hopes to set innovative and dramatic directions for an enhancement for quiet diplo macy. The Ethiopian comu ni ty aims to motivate Israeli and Diaspora Jewry into tak ing a more active and vocal part in a family reunification campaign. Currently, three and a half years after Operation Moses, an estimated 10,000 Ethiopian Jews are still trapped in Ethiopia. They are mostly women, children, the elderly and the infirm. For those in Israel, separa tion from immediate family has caused severe emotional trauma. About 1500 children are separated from their parents; many husbands left behind wives; brothers and sisters have been parted. Their despair affects every aspect of their new life and positive absorption. Already, 11,000 signatures to the petition have been col lected by the American Asso ciation for Ethiopian Jews in the United States. The peti tion reads: “We, the under signed, citizens , from all walks of life appeal to the government of Ethiopia to express our shock and deep concern about Ethiopian Jews who are denied their right to join their children, fathers and mothers living in other coun tries. Ethiopia, as a co signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, is oblig ed to abide by its clause per mitting and assisting the unification of families separated by migration — a principle accepted and re spected by all civilized govern ments and members of the in ternational conununity of na tions. We implore the govern ment of Ethiopia to heed the biblical supplication; Let my people go.” Support is needed for this world-wide effort. Those in terested in distributing the petition and gathering signatures of support can con tact: Committee for Family Reunification, P.O.B. 7914, Jerusalem, Israel, tel: 02-639-314; or Morton Mar cus, 4995 SW 82d St., Miami, FI., tel: 305-665-2507. R USSELL’S PHOTOGRAPHY • Studio Near Pinevllle. N. C. • E. ROBIN RUSSELL PORTRAITS WEDDINGS CALL: SPECIAL EVENTS 542-8711 COMMERCIAL DAYS OR EVENINGS Mreensvon H & Associates I Inc. J Insurance Specialists In Personal and Business Life Insurance Employee Benefits 125 Cottage Place • Charlotte, NC 28207 • (704) 376-7434. Harrington/Dowd REALTY COMPANY WELCOMES- ANN LANGMAN We Are Proud To Announce That ANN LANGMAN has re joined our firm. Ann has been a leader and top producer in the real estate industry for many years. 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