Page 18-THE NEWS-December. 1988 LUBAVITCH OF N. C. Thoughts From The Lubavitcher Rebbe Chanukah By Rabbi Yossi Groner The story of Chanukah is first found in the Talmud (Tractate Shabbos) with a short description: “During the occupation of the Holy Land by the Greeks, they entered the Hechel (inner sanctum of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem) and defiled all the oils. When the Hasmoneans defeated them, one cruse of oil was found, which, evidently, had not been touched by the Greeks. It contained enough oil only for one day. The menorah was rekindled and the oil miraculously lasted eight days until new oil could be prepared.” Although the description in the Talmud is short, neverthe less it conveys a powerful message. From the text of the Talmud it is clear that the defilement of the oil was not accidental, but intentional and systematic. This is a bit puzzling. If the purpose of the Greeks was to extinguish the light of the menorah and prevent its re- , kindling, why did they merely defile the oil? They could have accomplished this more effec tively by destroying it com pletely. The true objective of the Greeks was not to prevent the kindling of the menorah, but rather that it should be kin dled with defiled oil. Hence, they purposely left a supply of defiled oil in the sanctuary to be readily available for this purpose. This, in fact, is the essential message of Chanu kah. The Greeks were willing to recognize the Torah, or even accept it as a perfect and beau- BRING BACK OLD MEMORIES! VIDEO TRANSFER Convert your old home movies and slides to video tape for easy viewing. Our quality is the best available with quick return and most important we do it right here in Charlotte. Your precious memories aren’t mailed or shipped with the possibility they might get lost. BIGGS 80S S. KINGS DR. • 377-3492 ^ A HA ^ O A * 549-4912 Hll INDEPENDENCE SHP. CTR. • 536-9076 IKdllGC C€NTCRS overstreh mall • 376-6149 Day School Adds New Modular Building tiful literary creation, a work of poetry, wisdom, profound philosophy, provided it was considered a human creation, like their own mythology which was a human creation where duties were represented in human shapes or forms with human cheu-acteristics, pas sions, etc. As such the Torah could be changed and modified from time to time, so as to fit in with the character of the ruling class. It was not the supression of the Torah that they aimed at, but at its acceptance as the G-d given word, as G-d’s Torah. Similarly, they were not averse to the moral and ethical values contained in the Torah, but they prohibited the Divine “supra-rational” pre cepts, which make the Jewish way of life holy and pure. The Maccabees could not ac cept the Greek approach. They stood up to the challenge and rallied Israel behind them. Although they were in the minority, their message was loud and clear and people all over Israel heeded their mes sage. Just as a candle, so pure and bright, illuminates darkness with one small flame, so it is with the pure and bright mes sage of the Torah. Chanukah teaches us the importance of quality over quantity, the pure over the defiled. When we kindle the meno rah in our homes on Chanu kah, we listen to the message of the flickering flames: to be pure as light, a light which reflects the purity of G-d. This light can overcome and dispeU the greatest darkness of our time and warm the hearts of our people to the pure and holy Torah. A new modular building was added to the Chabad House. The new building with its spacious classrooms will house the kindergarten and Judaica program. “As our school grows, the need for adequate space in creases,” said Mariashi Groner, administrator at Lubavitch School. “We have seen an increase of enrollment in our preschool, day school and Tedmud Torah,” she seiid. “We are pleased to provide the programming, especially in the facility.” Susan Doobrow, who teaches the kindergarten/first grade, couldn’t hide her excitement with the new building. The program has done very well under Susan’s guidance. Her diligent effort in teaching the children has produced excel lent results. Chanie Weiss, Judaica New modular building. teacher, has created a Judaica room in the new building. This room will not only be for kin dergarten use, but will house the very successful Talmud Torah program at Lubavtich. Chanie Weiss and Susan Doobrow have decorated the new classrooms with a delight ful appeal to children. “The rooms convey a good feeling of warmth and acceptemce to the little ones,” said one of the parents. Chanie Weiss with Ian Block dur ing Jewish story time. Conference Held at Lubavitch World Headquarters Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbis, representing every Jewish community in the world, gathered for the annual Inter- nationsd Conference held at Lubavitch World Headquar ters in Brooklyn, New York. The theme of this year’s con ference was Jewish education. This was in response to the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s call to proclaim this year as the “Year of the Jewish Child.” Rabbis Yossi Groner and Binyomin Weiss attended the conference, as did Rabbi Hesh Epstein from Columbia, SC and Rabbi Doron Aizenman from Myrtle Beach, SC. The conference, giving educators and Rabbis the op portunity to exchange ideas and thoughts concerning Jew ish education, was addressed by the world Jewish leader. Rabbi Menachem M. Schneer- son, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The Rebbe emphasized the need for dedicated leadership in Jewish education. He also encouraged the Rabbis to devote this year to build new Jewish educational buildings. One of the highlights of the convention was a dinner held in honor of the Rabbis and their supporters. During the dinner, each group of dele gates was introduced by state or country. OSHlfoSH B’GOSH" Back to the basics. Durable OshKosh B'Gosh® bibs make a great foundation for your child's wardrobe. And now they're available in stone washed and pre-washed denim at very special holiday prices! —HOLIDAY SPECIAL— — TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 15% OFF OshKosh Bib Overalls In Basic Denim & Railroad Stripe Only Coupon Expires 12/15/88 L&S CHILDREN'S FASHIONS Charlotte's One Stop Chiidren'$ Shop Loehmann's Plaza Pa-lc 567-2006 527-5282