World Beat cont’d from preceding page Page 5-THE NEWS-May 1991 taking a very long time to give permission to Jews seeking to leave the Soviet Union for the United States who have already received permission from the United States,” said Karl Zuk- erman of HIAS. “The OVIR, instead of taking three to four months, is taking eight or nine. “This delay is inhibiting the flow quite considerably, which is why we have, after half a fiscal year, just about 9,000 arrivals out of an expected 40,000 for the full fiscal year,” he said. Age of Dad Sea Scrolb Determined TEL AVIV (JTA) — A lab oratory in Zurich employing a new, improved method of car bon-14 dating has pinpointed the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls to between the second century BCE and the beginning of the first century C.E., according to Magen Broshi, curator of the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum, where some of the most important scrolls are kept. The scientific finding should put an end to a 40-year challenge to the scroll’s antiquity by some wary scholars. The determination of the amount of radioactive carbon- 14 remaining in the scrolls means they were written between 2,000 and 2,200 years ago. Of more than 800 scrolls found, only two refer to historic events which suggest a date. Previous estimates of their age were based mainly on paleo graphy, the study of ancient writing. On this basis, scholars had deduced that the scrolls were written over the course of three- .and-a-half centuries, from the mid-third century BCE to the eve of the Roman conquest, or 68 C.E. Over 120 Groups in USSR Associate with or Resemble Pamyat LONDON (JTA) — As many as 120 groups active in the Soviet Union are associated with or bear a resemblance to the overtly anti-Semitic Pamyat society, according to Soviet scholar Lionel Dadiani. Some of these groups are seeking contact with overtly racist or violent political factions in the West, Dediani said. For example, Alexsandr Ku lakov, a leader of the Pamyat (Russian) Orthodox Patriotic Front, declared at a news con ference a year ago that his group favored cooperation with “healthy forces” in Europe. Kulakov gave as examples Jean-Marie Le Pen’s National Front in France, and Germany’s Republican Party headed by former Waffen SS officer Franz Schoenhuber, both extreme right-wing groups, and the out lawed Irish Republican Army Dadiani reported. He said anti-Semitic groups in the Soviet Union are trying to infiltrate the Untied Front of Workers, a major nationwide conservative nationalist organi zation. They are also seeking recruits among veterans of the Afghan istan war and World War II, and among students, the military and ecology circles. Dadiani quoted Leningrad- based chemistry teacher Nina Andreyeva as saying that her neo-Stalinist Unity Association maintains close contacts with anti-Semitic groups. The IJA said Dadiani believes there are relatively few anti- Semitic activists in the Soviet Union, but the number of people holding anti-Semitic views is considerable and growing. He wrote that several “hard line” — i.e. anti-Semitic — critics of Zionism in the admin istration of the late Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev “have now become ideologues of Pamyat.” Dadiani himself was described as a “soft-line” critic of Zionism by Lukasz Hirszowicz, an IJA specialist on Soviet anti-Semit ism. The IJA, an international research body sponsored jointly by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith and the World Jewish Congress, said Russian anti-Semites “appear to be mak ing a bid to regain the leading position the (Czarist) Black Hundreds occupied in European anti-Semitism at the beginning of the century. In this respect they hold a strong card — they have more Jews to bait than any other country in Europe.” Synagogue Fire in Sidney Unites CbilstiaEs/Jews for Law SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) — Christians and Jews joined in demanding national anti-hate laws as another Sydney syna gogue went up in flames, forcing 200 congregants to seek an alternative place to worship on the eve of Passover. The Allawah synagogue in southwest Sydney sustained extensive damage. The fire, attributed to arson, was the fifth to hit Sydney synagogues in two months and the seventh coun trywide. Only hours before the latest blaze, a delegation of Jewish community leaders met with Prime Minister Bob Hawke to urge legislation outlawing racial vilification and racial violence. Leslie Caplan, who led the delegation on behalf of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, said after that the attack on Allawah was further evidence that racism in this country must be confronted at the highest level. The Rev. David Gill, secretary of the Australian Council of Churches, the largest Christian body in Australia, joined Ca- plan’s call. The council fully supports the introduction of anti-racist legislation. Following his remarks, nearby churches offered use of their facilities to Jewish congre gations whose synagogues were burned. There are four in Syd ney alone. A fifth escaped dam age when the security guard drove off arsonists, sustaining injuries in the process that required hospitalization. Synagogues have been at tacked in Newcastle and Mel bourne as well. Prime Minister Hawke is reported to have told his Jewish visitors that the Attorney Gener al’s Office is studying various legislative models to deal with the problem. Bulgarian Olim Arrive in Israel JERUSALEM (JTA) — The first flight to Israel by Alkan Air, Bulgaria’s national airline, landed in early April at Ben- Gurion Airport with 68 immi grants on board. Jewish Agency officials ex pressed hope that at least 100 Bulgarian olim would arrive each month now that direct flights from Sofia have been established. About 1,000 Bulgarian Jews immigrated to Israel last year. They traveled by indirect routes in the absence of direct flights. About 5,000 Jews live in Bulgaria, most of them in Sofia, the capital. Jewkb Agency Reopens in Romania JERUSALEM (JTA) — The Romanian office of the Jewish Agency for Israel, shut down during 40 years of Communist rule, was reopened in Bucharest. The ceremonies were attended by the country’s chief rabbi, Moses Rosen, who affixed a mezuzah to the doorpost. The office was officially reo pened by Simcha Dinitz, chair man of the Jewish Agency and World Zionist Organization executives, in the presence of representatives of Romania’s Jewish community. About 50,000 immigrants passed through Bucharest dur ing the past year, most of them Soviet Jews immigrating to Israel. European Anti-Semitism Growing LONDON (JTA) — A former deputy prime minister of Swed en active in fighting anti-Sem- itism offered a pessimistic fore cast for the 1990s here at a public meeting of the European Jewish Congress Commission on Ter rorism and Anti-Semitism. He predicted anti-Semitism would grow. Per Ahlmark, a leader of Sweden’s Liberal Party, is one of the non-Jewish members of the Swedish Committee on Anti- Semitism founded eight years ago. The committee was instru mental recently in silencing a viciously anti-Semitic radio station serving the Islamic com munity in Stockholm. Ahlmark said that 1982, when Israel invaded Lebanon, was a pivotal year marking the serious revival of anti-Semitism. Since then, Moslem immi grants have absorbed European anti-Semitism, which they have added to their own, while non- Moslem revisionists in Britain, France, Canada, Australia and the United States denied the occurrence of the Holocaust to a new generation with no mem ories of World War II. His committee, composed half of Jews and half non-Jews, monitors anti-Semitic articles and innuendoes in the media and tries to educate the public on the dangers of Holocaust revision ism. Israel Approves $20 MUUoa To Help Build Atari Factory TEL AVIV (JTA) — The Cabinet agreed unanimously to authorize about $20 million to facilitate establishment of a personal computer factory in Israel by Atari, the American videogames and computer giant. The government money would be used to set up a new investment corporation that would modernize existing plants or build new ones to produce parts and provide ancillary services for the Atari factory. That was the condition of Atari, whose headquarters are in Sunnyvale, Calif., for choosing Israel as the site of its new offshore plant. The entire project promises to create over 2,000 new jobs in Israel, and ultimately possibly as many as 3,000, at a time of severe unemployment. Final approval is needed from Finance Minister Yitzhak Mo- da’i and the minister of industry and trade, Moshe Nissim. Israeli System Marks Minefields TEL AVIV (JTA) — A system developed in Israel for marking safe lanes through minefields is helping armored units of the U.S. Marines in the Persian Gulf area, according to the manufac turer. Known as the Clear Lane Marking System, or CLAM, it was developed by Israel Military Industries and is widely used by the Israel Defense Force. The system is mounted on the front of tanks, equipped with mechanical devices to defuse land mines. As the tank clears the field, the CLAM is programmed to release brightly colored markers equipped with night illumina tors. They define the safe path through the minefield for follow ing troops and vehicles. Israel Military Industries says several hundred CL A Ms have been supplied to the Marines. MIL S SHIP BUSINESS CENTER (A OIwMmi «l TnMVahw llwwn| Provfctonc* SqtMTt S/ioppjng C«iH*r urt tT-1rt Car4 Mwp PiptO Fttfaral bpfw* FAX CanMMMM YOUR ONE-STOP BUISNESS SEflVICE CENTER $100,000. worth of life insurance for about $15.00 a month. Yes, that's all it would cost a male non- smoker, at age 55, to establish an Immediate $100,OCX) tax-free death benefit, if you're younger or older, male or female, you can’t help but be Impressed with these very attractive premium rates: First v»ar iiatas for $100,000 of Life insurance* Male/ Monthly Mrnirt/ Monthly AQt Fren^ii /iff Pfmhim 25 S12.99 25 Sl1.9b 30 13>6 30 12.73 35 15.14 •S5 14.02 40 19.09 40 16.77 45 24.42 45 21.50 50 30.44 50 26.49 55 38.44 55 33.45 Norvsmoker monthly automatic pr^rnium irc'uding poHcy ft Rates Increase annuaUy tnercafter. 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