5007 Providence Road Charlotte. NC 28226 Change Service Requested PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT# 1208 CHARLOTTE, NC The Charlotte JEWISH Vol. 29, No. 7 Av-Elul 5767 August 2007 An Affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte 2007 Annual Campaign Surpassed its Goal! that^ The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte thanks all of our donors and volunteers for their extraordinary efforts on behalf of the 2007 Annual Campaign. With your help, our community raised over $3 million to support Jews in need and locally, in Israel and around the world. ■ EWISH^ FEDERATION^ R CHARLOTTE OF GREATER CHARLOTTE Local, Global, Eternal Thank you for living generously ...it does a world of good (See related story on page 2) Please show your support for those who advertise in the Charlotte Jewish News. Patronize the advertisers you see In this issue and tell them you saw it in the Charlotte Jewish News.