The Charlotte Jewish News - March 2009 - Page 2 TEWISH FEDERATION NEWS ^Federation Funding IViales Jewish Education Available to All ^ By Lisa Blau, Board President, ^ Charlotte Jewish Preschool ^ I am a mother, a wife, a sister and a daughter. I am a board ^ president, a vice president, a ^ consultant and a banker. I am a ^ Jew by choice, a reformist and a ^ proud member of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte. ^ Like most young people, it r takes a major life event to get ^ involved. For me, it was the birth of my first child, Benjamin. My husband and I ^ knew we were going to raise our ^ family in a solely Jewish envi- ^ ronment, and once Ben arrived, ^ my resolve for providing that Jewish education and experi- ^ ence was undeterred. ^ Ben entered school at two at ^ the Charlotte Jewish Preschool. ^ The school was a wonderful experience for our family, and I knew that I had the desire and ^ drive to be more involved. I ^ became a member of the Board ^ of Directors of the Preschool, ^ joined a committee at Temple ^ Beth El and became a daily fix- ^ ture at the LJCC. The experi- ^ ences we were having in the ^ community made our family ^ complete, and I wanted to give ^ more. It was my first meeting with ^ Sue Littauer - Development ^ Director at the Federation - that hooked me. Since that fateful lunch, I have felt embraced by ^ the Federation and have seen ^ first-hand the wonderful, self- ^ less support it provides community. Lisa Blau to the Shabbat Candle Lighting for March 2009 Friday, March 6, 6:04 PM Friday, March 13, 7:10 PM Friday, March 20, 7:16 PM Friday, March 27, 7:22 PM The Charlotte Jewish News 5007 Providence Road, Suite 112 CKiarlotte, NC 28226 JEWISH^ FEDE^RAT10N5 OF GREATER CHARLOTTE Phone (voice mail after office hours) Office 704-944-6765 FAX 704-365-4507 email: amontoni@shalomchar- An Affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte Amy Krakovitz - Editor Advertising Sales Reps: Pam Grossman, 704-841-1544; Jodi Valenstein, 704-841-4040; Rita Mond, 704-366-6632; Gene Goldberg, 704-366-4602 CJN Editorial Board Chair - Bob Davis Members: Bob Abel, Alan Becker, Evelyn Berger, Jeff Epstein, Ann Langman, Linda Levy The CJN does not assume responsibility for the quality or kasruth of any product or service advertised. Publishing of a paid political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any candidate, political party or position by this newspaper, the Federation or any employees. Published monthly except July banking industry. We don’t know what the future holds for us in these uncertain times, but we have become members of the Ben Gurion Society with a major increase in our 2009 pledge to the Jewish Federation Annual Campaign. The Federation has supported our children’s preschool, which we love; it has supported the LJCC and the programs from which my entire family benefits; and it has supported our brothers and sisters in Israel who we hope to visit again. I hope you, too, will find it within your own means to support the Federation in what some could argue is one of the most important years in recent times. Thank you for being a part of the Jewish Federation and for living generously. For more information about the Jewish Federation or to make your pledge to the 2009 Annual Campaign, please visit our website at www.jewishchar- or call 704-944-6757. To leam more about the Ben Gurion Society, a campaign initiative for young adults ages 25 - 45 who contribute a mini mum of $1,000 per household, please contact Jodi Greenwald, Young Adult Coordinator, at jodi.greenwald@jewishchar- or 704-944-6759. ^ the Currently serving as board president at CJP, I see even more the critical support the Federation provides to all agencies. This past semester CJP has seen its applications for scholarships double, and the dollars requested for have increased substantially. Preschool education, as we and so many believe, is the first step in becoming a part of the Jewish community. We want to provide as much support as we can for families in need. Every year for the past five years the Federation has funded our request for scholarships at 100 percent. Without that support, we would have to turn families away who truly desire a Jewish educational experience for their children. These economic times are tough, and we fully expect that requests for future scholar ship applications will continue to rise. Including being a mom and a volunteer, I am also a profes sional at Wachovia. My hus band, as well, is involved in the Celebrate Tel Aviv’s 100th Birthday This Yom Ha’Atzmaut By Hagar Shahak, Israeli Shlicha Tel Aviv was the first modem all-Jewish city built in the land of Israel. In 1909, Tel Aviv began as a suburb of Jaffa, one of the oldest cities in the world. Today Tel Aviv is both the cultural and financial center of Israel and its second largest city. Known for its sandy beaches, exciting nightlife and great shop ping, Tel Aviv is the center of Israel’s cultural life, nicknamed “the city that never stops.” But for me, Tel Aviv holds much more meaning. Tel Aviv represents what it means to be Israeli - who we are and what we are. Who we are - street names in Tel Aviv tell the history of Israel and the Jewish Nation. When you walk along the street you will pass Menachem Begin Road (the sixth prime minister of Israel and the first Israeli leader to create peace with an Arab country, Egypt); Dizengoff Street (named after Tel Aviv’s first mayor, Meir Dizengoff); Herzl Street; Bialik Street (Hayim Nahman Bialik pio neered poetry in Israel and was named the first poet laureate of Israel); Balfour Street (Arthur James Balfour was the British Foreign Secretary who in 1917 wrote to Jewish leaders stating his government’s support for providing a homeland for the Jews); and Ben Gurion Boulevard. In addition to the streets named after these modem figures, you will find roads named after our ancient ances tors: King David Street, Solomon Street and so on. Also, in Tel Aviv the whole spectrum of Israeli lifestyles is represented. The intersection at Sheikin Street, Allenby Street, Nachalat Binyamin, and King George is a wonderful example of this. One side of the street is home to the avant-garde fashion culture, full of expensive design er boutiques and hip coffee shops. The other side holds the Shuk Carmel, the inexpensive market full of vendors with pro duce, fish and dry goods. Along this same road, ultra-orthodox families live right next door to secular hippies. In Tel Aviv, the wealthy neighborhood is situated right next to the old bus station, a common place that many new immigrants (many without much money) come through. Tel Aviv displays the multifaceted nature of Israel. Furthermore, Tel Aviv is known for its exceptional archi tecture. Superb examples of Bauhaus through the current cut ting edge styles line the avenues of Tel Aviv. This year, Tel Aviv celebrates its century of existence. Yet, Tel Aviv has done much more than existed - it has thrived and blos somed into a world-class cultural center As I enjoy my time here in Charlotte, the Queen City unsurpassed in its manicured beauty and southem charm, I still miss the noisy rawness and amazing color of Tel Aviv. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 28 (see page 16) for our Charlotte celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut “Tel Aviv Style Coffehouse.” Prior to Yom Ha’atzmaut, the Charlotte Teen Coalition will be hosting a Tel Aviv Party for Teens on April 19. More details to follow. For more information, please contact Hagar Shahak at 704-944- 6784. ^ JEWISH^ FEDERATION 5 , O T T e OF 5neATen c y Local, Global, Eternal CONTENTS Jewish Family Services pp. 21, 25 Federation News PP- 2-7 Jewish Community Center pp. 22, 23 Levine-Sklut Judaic Library PP- 9,10 Dining Out p. 24 Community News pp. 11-19 Women’s Page p. 26 Youth pp. 19, 20 Schools pp. 27, 28 Mazel p. 20 Synagogues and Congregations pp. 28, 31 I would like to make a contribution to demonstrate my support of The Charlotte Jewish News. Name Phone ( ) Address City State Zip Enclosed in my checl for $. $18.00 Basic Annual Subscription $25.00 Friend $50.00 Patron $100.00 Grand Patron Other Mail to: The Charlotte Jewish News Voluntary Subscription Appeal 5007 Providence Road Charlotte, Nc 28226