The Charlotte Jewish News -October 2009 - Page 22 Business Card Directory To advertise in the Business Card Directory, contact one of our sales representatives: Rita Mond, 704-366-6632 or Jodi Valenstein, 704-841-4040 Movin?^^ Memories Seth Goodman Owner 7401 Lawkins Lane Charlotte, NC 28270 704-858-4202 sgood7401 MJUtC’S nUBNOSTIC JUtDREPJUR we come to you HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AUTO AND TRUCK SERVICE 704-309-2415 $iano Lessons (Students aged 5 years and up) Ella Sterling 704-759-0633 Master’s Degree in Music m 25 years teaching experience Thornhill Resident COSTA RICA TOURS, LTD Costa Rica & Panama Specialists 704-541-8680 CUSTOMIZED or 2010 GROUP TOURS Panama & Canal Transit: Jan 13-18, Feb 17-21 Costa Rica Variety: Jan 18-24, Feb 21-27 Costa Rica Gardens: March 11-18 Costa Rica Nature: April 24-30 Sandra Feldman, owner 25 Years of Serving the Carolinas with High Quality Storage and Marina Properties ujujuj.mstarprope There’s Something at Or Olam for Every Kid, from the Littlest to the Biggest There’s something new at Or Olam for the youngest congre gants. Once a month toddlers and preschoolers will be learning Jewish songs and rituals, and will be joining the “big” kids at reli gious school. Sometimes they will join them for learning, and other times, just for outside fun. But either way, they will be joining one of the happiest, nicest group of kids anywhere, and will become even more a part of our Temple Or Olam family. Older kids, too, have something new. Last spring. Temple Or Olam started a co-operative youth group. Each fam- \ ily takes a turn planning ^ , an event for kids ten ^ ■ and up. What have our ® mi preteens and teens done ‘ II so far? They’ve gone U swimming in a lake, ■ had a pool party, a ■ games party, roasted marshmallows, had an outdoor, poolside Havdallah serv ice, enjoyed a star-gazing night, and more. What’s coming up for the youth group? What we know for sure is a movie night and a com maze. After that, it ^ will depend on what the ^ kids want to do. The sky’s _ the limit. (Or is it?) There is no membership 3 fee for the youth group, just the cost of the individual events. Do you have a pre- teen or teen who would like to meet other Jewish kids in a relaxed, friendly group setting? Even if you’re not a mem ber of Temple Or Olam, your child is welcome to join the youth group for several events. Email for details. ^ Charlotte JLI to Introduce New Course on Soul Quest New Course Asks -and Answers- the Bigger Questions of Life An Ambitious Exploration of the Soul’s Journey This November, the Charlotte Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) will present its fall course. Soul Quest: The Journey through Life, Death, and Beyond. The twin mysteries of life and death have fascinated philosophers and lay men alike since the dawn of time. Many questions have been asked, but far fewer have been answered. “This is a course which has generated lots of interest,” said, § Rabbi Yossi Groner. “We have received consistent requests from many people to address these issues head on. Life’s ups and downs force people to question their own mortality.” “This course addresses the most commonly asked questions about the soul’s journey,” says Rabbi Yisrael Rice, the course author, “and then some not-so-common questions that many people have never even thought of” “Though there are many tradi tions that deal with the nature of the soul and its journey through this life and beyond,” continues Rice, “this course reveals a coun terintuitive conclusion that is unique to the Jewish tradition.” Participants will find comfort in understanding the soul’s journey. Additionally, the course consis tently brings the study of our before and after back to its practi cal ramifications of day-to-day living. The confrontation with the harsh reality of mortality, whether through aging, a health crisis, or an encounter with death, makes us wonder whether our life has any meaning. It is during these existential crises that our tradition reaches out to us with solace and comfort, asserting emphatically that while our bodies may die, our soul is eternal, and this world is but one step in its journey For death is not an end. Nor is it a mere pas sageway to the next stage of existence. Our knowl edge of death can become a means of inspiring life, and ensuring that our moments here are lived to the fullest. This course is not a philosophi cal one, but an experiential one. It does not attempt to prove the exis tence of a soul, nor of the afterlife, nor of heaven and hell and reincar nation. Instead, it shares the intu itive truths that have inspired gen erations of Jews to live more fully and to face death fearlessly. It explains how those who left this world are not lost to us or us to them. It allows us the opportunity to resolve what death has left unresolved, and thereby to find peace and closure. We invite you to discover the odyssey of your soul. Find out where it came from, where it is going, and what it is doing right now. Explore the limits of mortal ity, and how we can better appre ciate the true life of those who are living, as well as those who have passed on. Know yourself, discover your purpose, and acquire the tools to navigate life’s challenges. Lessons will examine a range of classic Jewish sources, drawing extensively from the Talmud and Kabbalah. Rabbis Yossi Groner and Shlomo Cohen will be teaching this course at the Lubavitch Educational Center on Sardis Road for six Tuesdays, starting November 3 at 7:30 PM for the evening classes, and six Wednesdays, starting November 4 at 11 AM for the morning classes. Soul Quest, like all JLI’s cours es, is designed for people at all levels of Jewish knowledge. Participants without any prior experience or background in Jewish learning can attend and enjoy this course. All JLI courses are open to the public, and atten dees do not need to be a member of any particular synagogue or temple. The Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) is the adult education arm of Chabad-Lubavitch. JLI’s classes and programs are offered at over 300 locations in more than 250 cities nationwide and internation ally (including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela). Over 100,000 people have attended JLI classes since its founding in 1998. Every course offered by JLI is taught concur rently in all locations. This unique feature has helped create a truly global learning community. Please visit or for up- to-date information about Soul Quest. ^ JLI lEvvisH Leaiwing Institute Soup in the Sukkah at Ohr HaTorah Sukkot is a time of joy and camaraderie when family, friends and neighbors visit each other in the sukkah for food and holiday celebration. It is a beautifiil time of the year, as it comes in early fall and one can bond with nature and observe God’s mitzvah of dwelling in the sukkah at the same time. The annual Ohr HaTorah Sukkah party on October 6 will feature a variety of gourmet soups and dips for your holiday enjoy ment. There will be musical entertain ment and fun activities for the kids. The lulav and etrog will make their rounds, providing an opportunity for all to partake in this special mitzvah. A minimal fee of $12 per per son or $36 per family will help cover the cost of this event. For reservations please visit our web site at ^ (Congregation MaToraK a project 0} Lvb^yitch oj Norrh CarolitKi