The Charlotte Jewish News - March 2011 - Page 14 OUR STAND EVERY INSURANCE POLICY SHOULD COME WITH A LIVING. BREATHING OWNER’S MANUAL. Call us today fora complimentary financial and insurance review. (704) 846 9700 HOWARD EPSTEIN, MBA PROVIDENCE RD& 1-485 CHARLOTTE Serving the community for over 15 years. /lllstate. You’re in good hands. Insurance subject to availability and qualifications. Allstate Insurance Company and Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Northbrook, Illinois ©2009 Allstate Insurance Company ^^WADDEli ED Financial Advisors™ Providing PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING Investing. With a plan? For more than 70 years Waddell & Reed, Inc. Member SIPC Jennifer Sperry, CFP(R) Financial Advisor 5950 Fairview Rd. Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28210 (704) 553-7220 X 127 jsperry(a) 8985 (06/09) CjP is for Preschool By Elka Bernstein, Person-in- charge abcdefghijklmnoP ... The let ter P has heen a Prominent sound running through the halls of the Charlotte Jewish Presehool. Clearly, P is for Presehool. Children eome from all over our eommunity in order to Play to learn, Partake in edueational aetivities. Prepare their minds and bodies for growth, Partieipate in enriehment elasses, allow their imaginations to soar at the Playground and for our families to Plug into our rieh heritage. However as winter eomes to a elose and sPring quiekly approaehes, the teaehers at the Charlotte Jewish Presehool, find that the letter P takes on a whole new meaning. The letter P started off the month of February with a Dragon Parade Prominently Put on by the PreK elass. The whole sehool watehed as the rieh eostumes, daneers. Parasols, and dragons floated through our hallways, as PreK eelebrated their week long study of China and the Chinese New Year. The letter P did not stoP at the Parade, but eontinued the following week with Pajama Day. Children, teaehers, sPeeialists and staff showed uP for sehool wearing their favorite PJs and sliPPers. Parents helPed us along as we Partieipated in a sPeeial round robin and ate deli- eious Paneakes. The letter P eon- CJP celebrates Chinese New Year. round out the month with lessons for President’s Day. The Presehool’s February mitzvah is Tzar Ba’alei Chayim (Caring for Animals). Our families donated items to the animal reseue shelter Paws in the Panhandle. The ehil- dren were also visited by a sPeeial theraPy dog named Bandit who showed us how animals take eare of People. Mareh eomes in as a lion and leaves like a lamb, but the leher P is ever Present. CJP will wel- eome sPring on Mareh 20. Mareh will also bring exeiting, interae- tive “P” aetivities. A sPeeial Performanee by the Tarradiddle Players will be enjoyed by all. Dressed up for Pajama Day. Purim Passes, Pesaeh learning will Proeeed. Plagues, Pharoahs, and Prineesses will Populate our elassrooms. As any reader ean tell, the let ters of the alPhabet have a Purposeful Plaee at the Charlotte Jewish Presehool. The Charlotte Jewish Presehool weleomes your ehild to join the leher P at our Perfeetly Postive enriehing Presehool. You will diseover the beauty of our CJP family, the Professional quality of our teaeh ers, magnifieent faeilities and a seeular and Jewish edueation that eonneets Presehoolers to the eom munity and PrePares them for the future. For more information about enrolling your ehild for the 2011/2012 sehool year or the eurrent year. Please eontaet Alyson Kalik, CJP registrar, at 704-944- 6866 or akalik(@shalom (P.s. - see how many “P”s your ehild ean find after Perusing this artiele and then, “like” the Charlotte Jewish Presehool on Faeebook. Tell us on Faeebook how many Ps you found. The first 50 “Likes” will reeeive a CJP ear mag net.) ^ tinned the fun by hosting a very sPeeial visit from our grand- Parents on February 18. Our grandParents enjoyed their Presehool morning learning with their grandehildren and eelebrat- ing Shabbat with our fabulous Morah Beeea and Miss Patty. The letter P even joined us on the weekend to eelebrate CJP PTO’s Green Garden Party Auetion. Finally, the leher P helPed us Our audienee of eager learners will Partieipate with the Performers as they aet out folk tales. After the Performanee, our students will foeus on the holiday of Purim. The ehildren will Pretend to live in Palaees, Parade through the halls of Shalom Park in eostumes, learn the story of Purim and the mitzvah of Shalaeh Minot. CJP will be Present at the eommunity Purim eamival. When $ Charlotte Jewish Preschool LEARN CROW ■ CONNECT Financial Literacy at CJDS (Continued from page 13) three- or four-letter tieker symbols for their seeurities? Students fol low their investments using tieker symbols they researeh on Yahoo Finanee. Now, we are looking at how our stoeks have performed historieally. My 5th grade students downloaded historieal data into Exeel spreadsheets and made their own stoek eharts. They graph high and low priees, and they graph volume (number of shares traded). Their eharts rival any Wall Street investor eharts beeause these 5th grade students know how to for mat eharts and ineorporate eorpo- Charlotte Jewish Day School rate logos in the ehart baekground. So, do you see why I am so lueky? I get to have intelligent, mature finaneial diseussions with my students, and use math and our new laptops to play with money! Also, when I read that ages 18-25 make up the largest growing age group filing for bankruptey, I know that our CJDS kids will have the money skills they need to avoid that filing. ^