The Charlotte Jewish News - March 2011 - Page 5 Women’s News Charlotte Shows Israel That We Care Hadas Kasher By Hadas Kasher, president, Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah \^ile we were eel- ebrating Hanukkah, northern Israel was in flames — but not from Hanukkah eandles. Sadly, it was from a deadly forest fire. Young Israeli men were killed, the highest ranking female Israeli Poliee Chief died from her bums, thousands of aeres of trees were turned into mins, and many lost their homes. The fires of the Carmel devastated Israel. Now is time for aetion — our aetion. Now that the immediate erisis has passed, it is time to help with the reeovery effort. Now, we need to make sure that Israel has the equipment and training to fight future fires. Our Charlotte eommunity has eome together under Hadassah’s leadership to ereate a one of a kind eampaign. We showed our support for Israel through our Tree Campaign. The Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah built trees — trees of wood — and asked the eommuni ty to provide the leaves — leaves of money. Eaeh leaf represents a donation — from presehool kids to their older brothers and sisters their parents and grandparents — hundreds of donations. On Sunday February 6, Hadassah hosted a INF Firefighter from Israel for an event open to all. Many eame to hear his message, to meet him, and to show him our support. There was standing room only in Luski Hall, with over 120 people wanting to be a part of the reeovery. We were the best of Charlotte — working togeth er as a team. Temple Beth El, Temple Israel and their religious sehools; Charlotte Jewish Day Sehool; the Sandra and Leon Levine Jewish Community Center; the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte and Charlotte Jewish Presehool ereated a eoalition to sponsor this program — an amazing gift to the Jewish eommunity of Charlotte. With foeus, eommitment, earing and teamwork, we made a differ- enee. Eaeh part of the Jewish eom munity made a unique eontribu- tion, as we all worked together. Thank you all for your support of Israel. I am proud to be a mem- CAS SAH The “tree" full of “leaves" that rep resent donatinos made to replant the Carmel Forest. her of the Charlotte Jewish eom munity. I am proud to be Hadassah. If you were unable to meet the Firefighter, and if you were unable to buy a leaf, you ean still make a donation. Please eontaet Beverly Grey at jesdrew@aol.eom or eall 704-846-8049 or send your eheek payable to Hadassah to: Beverly Grey, 8827 Alpine Cirele, Charlotte, 28270.^ See a “Thank You "from the Jewish National Fund on page 24. Youth Visions 8th Grade "Divine Spark" Retreat We are all created in the Image of HaShem Hebrew High’s 8th Grade Retreat, “Divine Spark,” focused on an issue that most of us have faced at one time or another in our lives ... bullying. We are all ereated in God’s image, no matter what eolor our hair is, what body type we have, or how good we are in sports or in the arts. Our students were exposed to many situations involving bullying and learned that bullying has many faees ... the bully, the target of the bully and the bystander who watehes but does not step in to help. Through role play ing, panel diseussions from experts, and foeus groups, we learned that bullying, at any level, is unaeeeptable.