The Charlotte Jewish News - December 2011 - Page 3 JEWISH FEDERATION NEWS ^ The 2012 Main Event -“You Don’t Have to Be ^ Wrong for Me to Be Right” % i i i i i You won’t want to miss the opportunity to hear Rabbi Brad Hirsehfield, guest speaker for The 2012 Main Event to be held on Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 7:30 PM at Temple Israel. Aeeording to Staey and Todd Goreliek, “Our friend. Rabbi Brad Hirsehfield, ehanges lives. He ehanged ours. Brad helped us to think about the world, and our Jewish plaee in it, in new and different ways. He taught us to look at every situation, whether thorny or hopeful, through the eyes and life experi- enees of others. We learned from Brad that differenees, even deep differenees, when built on shared moral values, ean be the Jewish people’s greatest strength. If you hear Brad’s mes sage, you eannot help eoming away a more thoughtful Jew and a better person. Brad’s friend ship reaehes our hearts, and his wisdom nourishes our souls.” The most widely attended eampaign event of the season. The 2012 Main Event is being eo-ehaired by eommunity lead ers and twin brothers Seott Menaker and Steve Menaker. Seott and Steve have assembled a dynamie Steering Committee to help promote this year’s event. Listed four years in a row in Newsweek as one of Ameriea’s “50 Most Influential Rabbis,” and reeognized as one of our nation’s leading “Preaehers and Teaehers,” by Beliefnet.eom, think tank president, talk show host, interfaith aetivist, and diversity expert Brad Hirsehfield is the author of You Don’t Have To Be Wrong For Me To Be Right: Finding Faith Without Fanaticism. The only rabbi featured on ABC’s “Nightline UpClose,” Hirsehfield offers a unique per- speetive on the Ameriean spiri tual landseape and politieal and soeial trends to audienees nationwide. A popular media guest on sueh shows as “The Dennis Miller Show” and “Lars Larson,” he has appeared on CNN, PBS, MTV, and NPR. He is a regular eommentator for The Huffington Post, a frequent eon- tributor to Fox News Opinion and a eolumnist for Newsweek/ WashingtonPost.eom. Rabbi Hirsehfield is the President of CLAL - The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, a leadership training institute, think tank and resouree eenter eommitted to religious pluralism and the healthier use of religion in Ameriean publie life. Rabbi Hirsehfield’s talk will eneompass sueh topies as how to support Israel without tearing the Jewish people apart and how to re-imagine the Jewish eom munity, artieulates a meaningful present and assure our eommu- nal future. Tiekets are $36 and ean be purehased online at www.jew- or by phone 704-944-6757. A dessert reeep- Synagogue. Havurat Tikvah Gears Up for Chanukah Celebration As the winter months deseend upon the Northern Hemisphere and the days grow shorter with fewer hours of light, Havurat Tikvah weleomes the time to eele- brate Chanukah with all its mem bers and friends. Great illumina tion will eome from the group menorah lighting, part of the min- hag that the eongregation enjoys during the Festival of Lights. Eaeh family is eneouraged to bring their ehanukiah from home, along with eandles, so that prayers ean be offered in an extended Havurat Tikvah family-style way. Of eourse, guests may do so as well. All this will take plaee at Avondale Presbyterian Chureh, 2821 Park Rd., on Deeember 25 at 7 PM. Lots of games and more will help to fill the evening’s program. Of eourse, things would not be eomplete without eating lots of latkes. Members bring their own take on this tasty festive treat to share. And, at the end of the evening, a vote is taken and a win ner is announeed. In other news, the Soeial Aetion Committee eolleeted read ing glasses during the High Holidays. They were presented to Urban Ministries and they were delight ed to reeeive them. In faet, the eommittee has deeided to extend this holiday appeal to a regular, on-going eolleetion. Also, the eommittee will be involved in eoordinating efforts to work with Avondale on their Room at the Inn projeet beginning in soon, as well as delivering Friendship Trays during late Deeember. The eongregational teen group, M.I.A. (Mitzvahs in Aetion) has been gearing up for a number of projeets and events as well. M.I.A. had a memorable spring making ehallah, donating it to the elderly, volunteering at Alan Saxe’s Dilworth Soup Kitehen, and experimenting with group T- shirts, they deeided to take a break for the summer. They reeonvened for a weleome baek meeting this fall, where they deeided what they would like to do for 2011-2012. First, they deeided to restart the book elub aspeet of the group. They have ehosen “While Other Children Play” for their next meeting. Group advisor Carol Le Baron is related to the author and suggested this title. M.I.A. fries to ehoose books that relate to Judaism. Everyone loves a T-shirt and M.I.A. has deeided to add that to the group’s aetivities as a fundraiser to support more volun teer opportunities. Orders are being taken in Deeember. Even though the group seems like its “all girls,” boys are also weleome and eneouraged to jump in. Membership is open to teens and pre-teens. On November 1, Havurat Tikvah’s new slate of board mem- tion and book signing will fol low the program. To learn more about the Main Event or any Federation’s events or initiatives, please eontaet the Federation offiee. ^ ONGREGATIONS JEWISH^ FEDERATION^ OF GREATER CHARLOTTE Rabbi Brad Hirsehfield i i Jewish Reconstructionist Federation '*tr 11 hovurdy/hope hers took offiee. Rosh-eleet (who takes on her responsibilities as Rosh on January 1) is Gwen Offerdahl. Others are Frank Fleming, treasurer; Alan Kaplan, reeording seeretary/seribe; Allen Saxe and Pam Crown, religious eommittee eo-ehairs; Brian Feinglass, membership ehair; Miehael Kobre, new member rep resentative; David de Groot, adult edueation; Debbie Langsam, eom munity relations; Brian, Luisa, and Sydney Feinglass, soeial aetion eo-ehairs; Leah Sepsenwol, ehieken soup eo-ehair; Carol LeBaron, ex-offieio, teen group advisor/eoordinator; and Lainey Millen, past rosh. Havurat Tikvah is a Reeonstruetionist eongregation. Its membership is eomprised of a diverse group of families, singles, Jewish and interfaith eouples, ehildren and adults who study, share joys and sorrows, eelebrate Shabbat and the holidays together, and partieipate in projeets that promote soeial justiee. It high lights member partieipation and leadership in serviees, spiritual growth, and govemanee. For more information on upeoming serviees, membership or other queries, eall 877-203- 5848, email membership@havu-, or visit havurattik- ^ An Experience of a Lifetime! FREE BIRTHRIGHT TRIP TO ISRAEL CHARLOTTE COMMUNITY ISRAEL EXPERIENCE Young Adults Ages 21 - 26 Summer 2012 This trip is specially offered to young professionals who live in or are from the greater Charlotte area. For more information, please contact Fair in the Federation office at 704.944.6759 JEWISH^ FEDE^RAT10N$ OF GREATER CHAfttOTTE This experience is made possible thanks To a generous donation from The Leon Levine Foundation. bii’dirighi i$r>6l Luck doesn’t buy & sell homes.. Experience does! QiujieeQ... StlLirvg... R.elacafv(^... Cxnvvvvviurdfy Sireot- 1972- Ann/Lcidng^man/' 70^-367~72W cvnrv. lo^n^pnrvn^otcmoil'.com m 1 A^ INDEPENDENT BRDKERAGE RRM SERVING THE REGIDN SINCE 1974 Our objoctive is to find you tbs most comprehensiva plans at tha lowest price while pieviding a high level of senrice and support. 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