The Charlotte Jewish News - February 2012 - Page 17 S YNA GOGUEsS^ONGREGATIONS An Evening With Mor Green, Charlotte’s Shlicha On Saturday February 25th Flavurat Tikvah will host an evening with Mor Green. Born on a Kibbutz near Ashkelon, Mor grew up in Israel where she served in the Army, earned her degree in Business Management and Human Resourees, and worked extensive ly with various youth organiza tions. For the last year and a half- Mor has been sponsored by the Jewish Federation as a Sehlieha (emissary) from Israel to the Charlotte Community. like us on Facebook: Charlene Jewish News You ean also eontaet us to learn more about Havurat Tikvah soeial aetion projeets: our “Projeet Linus” group eontinues to meet monthly to produee hand-made “seeurity-blankets” for ehildren who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need, the Dilworth Soup Kitehen - founded by Havurat Tikvah member Allen B. Saxe - weleomes enthusiastie vol unteers (www.faeebook.eom/ group.php?gid=77134194660), and plans are underway for a joint “Room At The Inn” venture with Avondale Presbyterian Chureh. Havurat Tikvah is an affiliate of the Jewish Reeonstruetionist Federation, providing a eomfort- able, family atmosphere where all Jews ean feel weleome. We eneourage partieipation in the eommunity and in our serviees. Purim Western with Saloon at Ohr HaTorah havurat^i ope Jewish Reconstructionist Federation For those who are interested, we invite you to visit, get to know us, and to beeome part of our eongre- gation of nearly 60 households. Have questions? Please visit us at our website at www.havurattik- or eontaet new member ehair, Brian Feinglass, at befeinl@gmail.eom or at 1-877- 203-5848. ^ Purim at Ohr HaTorah this year will eome with a Western theme in its big eelebration On Wednesday Mareh 7, 6:45 PM. Purim is the happiest day on the Jewish ealen- dar and it’s a time for dress up, fun and merry making. Partieipants are eneouraged to eome dressed in eostume and Western wear is the preferred theme of the holiday. There will be Megillah reading, Hamantasehen and kosher west ern treats to ignite the holiday with joy and kosher fun. The Megillah will be read a seeond time during the morning serviees of Mareh 8, 7 AM. Purim eelebrates the miraeu- lous reseue of the Jews from the evil king Ahashverosh and his wieked Prime Minister named Haman who wanted to extermi nate all the Jews in the Persian Empire. Through the intervention of Mordeehai and his nieee Queen Esther the king had a ehange of heart and defended the Jews from their enemies. The emphasis in the book of Esther is the ehange of the status of the Jews who were threatened with annihilation and instead they found favor in the eyes of the king and the Persian people who went on to hang Haman and his sons. On Purim, we ehange from usual mundane behavior to joyous and outlandish eelebration in appreeiation of the great turn around of events that led to our miraeulous delivery. There are (Continued on page 20) Mor Green In her role as a Sehlieha, Mor aets as a human eonneetion between Israel and Charlotte. Her baekground and her experienees in Charlotte give her unique and insightful perspeetives on our eommunity and the Jewish world at large. We weleome you to join us for this informal evening of eonversa- tion and dessert. For information about time and loeation, eheek our website or eontaet Brian Feinglass - e-mail and phone are listed below. This month’s Community Shabbat serviee takes plaee on February 4. We’ll have an oppor tunity to wish mazel tov to Meara Waxman and parents Dael and Brenda. Meara will mark the 3rd anniversary of beeoming a Bat Mitzvah by leading us in prayer. Serviees begin at 10 AM and will be held in the Aitken Classroom at Avondale Presbyterian Chureh (2821 Park Road). As always, Shabbat serviees will be followed by a festive kosher/parve (and peanut-free!) pot-luek luneh. It’s a perfeet opportunity to relax with friends and new aequaintanees. Feel free to join us. For more information eontaet us at the e-mail and phone listed below. k D ^ Inotev^rfhy 3 I education Just call me lucky to be a part of the Charlotte Jewish Day School family. 1 am a day school employee whose focus is on customer service, operations, policies, and procedures. Having worked in various industries, I can tell you that the day school mission and its uncompromising dedication to students and their families are second to none! What does this mean to you? ■ an unmatched educational journey featuring stimulating curricula and unique programming that provokes the interests of young minds ■ a trouble-free transition into adolescence thanks to the strong foundation of a Jewish education ■ a gi-eal pride for hairing made the right choice for gour child I am here for gou everg step of the wag mahing sure that these pnmarg school gears are stress-free, happg, and memorable! - Barbara Foxx SUL Barbara Foxx office Manager