The Charlotte Jewish News - March 2012 - Page 2 ^16th Annual Tate Lecture Features ^Professor Jonathan Boyarin Til n rrn 1 oh ta/H IJ-r'/~vThoo/~vr' onfTvi'/'viA/'vl/'vrrio'f fTita h/~v/~vh Thll/~vTT70 JEWISH FEDERATION NEWS Workshop on Healthy Relationships/Red I i i i i Distinguished Professor Jonathan Boyarin from UNC Chapel Hill will deliver the UNC Charlotte 16th annual Aliee Tate Leeture in Judaie Studies on Monday, Mareh 12. The leeture will be held at 7:30 PM in the Sam Lemer Center for Cultural Arts at Shalom Park. Boyarin will speak about his new book, Mornings at the Stanton Street Shut: A Summer on the Lower East Side. In his book, he shares the intimate life of the Stanton Street Shul, one of the last remaining Jewish eon- gregations on New York’s his- torie lower east side. This nar row building, wedged into a lot designed for an old-law tene ment, is full of elamorous voie- es—the generations of the dead, who somehow eontrive to make their presenee known, and the newer generation, keeping the building and its memories alive and making themselves Jews in the proeess. Through the eyes of Boyarin, at onee a member of the eongregation and a bemused anthropologist, the book follows this eongregation of “year-round Jews” through the eourse of a summer when its future must onee again be deeided. Boyarin is the Leonard and Tobee Kaplan Distinguished Professor of Modem Jewish Thought at UNC-Chapel Hill. An anthropologist and lawyer, he has served as visiting profes sor at Wesleyan University and Dartmouth College and eame to Carolina from the University of Kansas, where he was distin guished professor of Modern Jewish Studies. Boyarin reeeived a J.D. from Yale Law Sehool, after reeeiving his Ph.D. in Anthropology at the New Sehool for Soeial Researeh in New York. The leeture is free and open to the eommunity. Following the leeture, there will be a book signing and refreshments will be served. ^ This lecture is sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte and the Alice Tate Shabbat Candle Lighting FOR March 2012 Friday, March 2, 6:02 PM Friday, March 9, 6:08 PM Friday, March 16, 7:14 PM Friday, March 23, 7:19 PM Friday, March 30, 7:25 PM The Charlotte Jewish News 5007 Providence Road, Suite 112 Chariotte, NC 28226 Phone (voice mail after office hours) Office 704-944-6765 FAX 704-365-4507 email: An Affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte Amy Krakovitz - Editor Advertising Sales Reps: Jodi Valenstein, 704-609-0950 or Scott Moskowitz, 704-906-2474 Art Director, Erin Bronkar, 704-847-2185, CJN Editorial Board Chair - Bob Davis Members: Bob Abel, Evelyn Berger, David Delfiner, Jeff Epstein, Ann Langman, Linda Levy The CJN does not assume responsibility for the quality or kasruth of any product or service advertised. Publishing of a paid political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any candidate, political party or position by this newspaper, the Federation or any employees. Published monthly except July An affliate of: JEWISH^ FEDE^RATION^ H A R L O T T E Professor Jonathan Boyarin Lectureship Fund in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, in cooperation with the depart ments of Religious Studies and Global, International, and Area Studies. UNC: CIIARLOITE JEWISH^ FEDE^RAT10N$ OF GREATER CHARLOTTE Flags Twenty-five pereent of the women we know are in diffi- eult, even abusive relation ships. Whether they are our daughters, adult family mem bers or friends, how we behave and what we say may help them feel safe and supported ... or isolate them even more. The first step is to reeognize the signs of a healthy, unhealthy or abusive relationship. You ean learn the differenee by attending a workshop sponsored by the Jewish Federation’s Women’s Professional Network and Shalom Bayit-NC. The volun teer training session will be held on Sunday, Mareh 18, from 10 AM to 12 noon in Room Alll on Main Street at Shalom Park. Leading the session is pro fessional edueator and trainer Kelly Coyne who is Direetor of Residential Vietim Serviees for United Family Serviees. Women in our Jewish eommu nity who have helped and been helped by our loeal network of serviees will also share their experienees. This workshop is open to the publie, but to reserve your spaee please email by Mareh 12. To learn more about these issues visit www.shalombayit- ^ Shalom Bayit of North Carolina Jev/s Working to End Domestic Abuse W |EW1SH; FEDflUTI0N5^ I t t i Mark Your Calendar Commemorating and Celebrating Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut ? delivers a speeeh of eongratula- ^ tions, and soldiers representing ^ the army, navy, and air foree ^ parade with their flags. Please . join the Charlotte Jewish eom- munity this April as we honor the fallen and eelebrate our^ f WEDNESDAY SUNDAY April 25 April 29 6 PM Yom HaZikaron 12:00 noon Memorial Yom Ha’atzmaut Ceremony @ Sam Celebration @ Lerner Center for the Cultural Arts Camp Mindy The offieial “switeh’ Yom Hazikaron to Ha’atzmaut takes plaee minutes after sundown. IsraeFs Independenee Day is eelebrated on the fifth day of the month of lyar, whieh is the Hebrew date of the formal establishment of the state, when members of the “provi sional government” read and signed a Deelaration of Independenee in Tel Aviv. Yom Ha’atzmaut in Israel is always preeeded by Yom Hazikaron whieh is the Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers. The message of linking these two days is elear: Israelis owe their inde pendenee and the very existenee of the state to the soldiers who saerifieed their lives for it. CONTENTS Federation News pp. 2-6 Levine-Sklut Judaic Library p. 7 Women’s Page p. 8 Schools pp. 8-10 Synagogues/Cong pp. 11-16 Youth pp. 18,19 ’ from Yom a few with a eeremony on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem in whieh the flag is raised from half staff (due to Memorial Day) to the top of the pole. The president of Israel Jewish homeland. The Yom Hazikaron Memorial Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, April 25 at 6 PM in the Sam Lemer Center for Cultural Arts ^ at Shalom Park. Our Yom ^ Ha’atzmaut Celebration will be on Sunday, April 29 beginning at ^ 12:00 noon at the Levine JCC’s^^ Camp Mindy. ^ ^ Community News pp. 19-21, 24, 26, 27 Jewish Community Center pp. 22, 23 Dining Out p. 25 Jewish Family Services p. 27 JFS Friends Campaign p. 28 Jewish Traveler p. 29 Mazel Tov p. 29 Purim pp. 30, 31 I would like to make a contribution to demonstrate my support of The Charlotte Jewish News. Name Phone ( ) Address City State Zip Enclosed in my check for $. $18.00 Basic Annual Subscription $25.00 Friend $50.00 Patron $100.00 Grand Patron Other Mall to: The Charlotte Jewish News Voluntary Subscription Appeal 5007 Providence Road Charlotte, Nc 28226