The Charlotte Jewish News - June-July 2012 - Page 17 Ohr HaTorah to Host Liberty Shabbaton on Friday, July 6 On Friday, July 6, Congregation Ohr HaTorah will open their doors to the Jewish eommunity of Charlotte for a spe- eial Friday Night Shabbaton din ner. The theme of the Shabbaton is Liberty as we eelebrate our inde- pendenee and thank God for the freedoms we enjoy in our eountry whieh eneourages religious free dom and allows us to praetiee our Judaism with pride. We the people of the United States and espeeially Jews in this eountry eannot take the idea of religious freedom for granted. This freedom is still elusive to many people in other parts of the world. By Divine Providenee we live in this great eountry, most of us by the saerifiees that our parents, grandparents, or great-grandpar ents made to arrive to these blessed shores. But it was not easy and mueh was lost in life and pos session in order to reaeh our goal of freedom and prosperity. So it’s not by eoineidenee that this happy and eelebratory Shabbaton falls on the 17th day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz when we usher in the three weeks of mourning. It is during these three weeks that we lament the destruetion of Jerusalem of old. If it were not on Shabbat this day would be a fast day and in deferenee to Shabbat we fast on Sunday. Sinee we are prohibited from displaying any sign of sadness on the Shabbat, this Shabbat is trans formed to a day of hope and yearning; hope for a better future and yearning to return to our promised land and to see the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. We now live in eomfort and are free from oppression in the Diaspora. There are periods of peaee and tranquility when Jews ean find hospitable eountries that allow us to live our Judaism in a serene and peaee ful environment. Nevertheless, we have eonstant reminders that we are not totally without worry, be it the nuelear menaee that is Iran or the eonstant threat from terrorist who wish to strike us. Yes, we are grateful that we are living in a generation that has benefited from God’s kindness and have seen the fall of the Soviet Union and the reestablishment of Israel as the Jewish home land, yet we should never lose sight of what life eould be with out this freedom. The three weeks give us pause as we refleet on the painful history of the Jewish people who have struggled to this point in our history, and we pray to God to deliver us from all the nastiness that still lurks out there in this big world we live in. On this Shabbat we do it with joy as we thank God and eelebrate our vietories and freedoms and we ask God to bless all of our people and to bring freedom to the entire world with the eoming of Moshiaeh. At the Shabbaton we will eele brate as a eommunity. Partieipants will enjoy a delieious home eooked Ameriean style Shabbat meal, and partieipate in speeial entertaining aetivities during whieh we will learn how to appre- eiate and value this God-given freedom. Serviees will begin at 6619 Sardis Road at 7 PM, fol lowed by dinner and aetivities. The eost to partieipate is $50 per family, $36 per eouple, and $18 per single. To register, go to or send a eheek to 6619 Sardis Road, Charlotte, NC 28270. For more information, please eall 704-366- 3984. « (^o ngrega ti o n orah a project oj Ludavitcrt o/ Norl’Ji Carolina Temple Israel Adult Education Tuesdays with Torah 9:30 AM-10:30 AM Eaeh Tuesday we hold a lively diseussion on the weekly parsha (reading from the Torah portion). Past topies have ineluded: Managing in Crisis Mode, Wearing “Holy Clothes,” Preventing a Dark Outlook, Entering in a Relationship with God, Visiting the Siek, and Having a Hard Heart. Join us for more great eonversations to eome. Torah Sparks Wednesdays at 12:30 PM Using the “Pirkei Avot,” The Ethies of our Aneestors as a guide, we will explore the wellspring of ethies and morality from the beginning of Rabbinie Judaism to today. Our study will inelude sueh issues as: “The Value of a Smile,” “How Honest Must We Be?” “What Age is the Best Age to Be?” and “The Best Way To Diseover God.” Torah on Tap Join us for this monthly pro gram for young adults in their 20s, 30s, and 40s to eome together, soeialize, and study teaehings of Torah. We will diseuss the seleet- ed monthly topie. Beer, drinks, and snaeks are provided. For event loeations and to RSVP, eontaet Denise Johnson at elergyoffiee@ ^ temple Israel judaism for the JJst century immer CamP 3es2T nith -rii'ngK id theined camp w Register Now! ,san5acdis.ot9/«'"P pj^yiing. Watch the gears The Jewish Preschool on Sardis A Five Star Preschool Sc/iedu/e /o(jr tour today! 704-364-8395 info@ JPSonSardis*org Preview us oniine: ww w.J