The Charlotte Jewish News - October 2012 - Page 8 Beth El to Sell Dining Advantage Cards - They Make Great Chanukah Gifts Help support Temple Beth El and save money by purehasing a Dining Advantage eard, November 5-30. Entertainment’s Dining Advantage Card, whieh fits into your wallet, ean be used at 30,000 restaurants nationwide - not just in Charlotte. When you aetivate your eard at DiningAdvantage.eom, you instantly get $200 worth of dining dollars applied to your eard. You print eoupons as you need them, and your personalized aeeount traeks your savings and sends monthly reports. Best of all: 40% of the purehase priee eomes baek to Temple Beth El. Cards will be sold for $20 eaeh. More details will be eoming soon. These eards will make great gifts for family, friends, babysit ters, earetakers, teaehers, eo- workers, hairdressers and more. Don’t forget: they’re usable aeross the eounty - not just in Charlotte. For more information, see www.beth-el.eom. ^ I n TEMPLE BETH EL Calling All Middle School Students to Hop on Our Sukkah-Mobile % Slmchat Torah - Celebrate with Beth El Join us as we eelebrate Simehat Torah on Sunday, Oetober 7, at 5 PM in our Blumenthal Sanetuary. We’ll rejoiee in the eonseeration of our youngest students starting their studies and ereate the sweet est of memories for all of us. After Conseeration, we’ll danee with the Torah serolls inside our sanetuary, into the soeial hall and out into the parking lots of Shalom Park. Listen and learn as we eom- plete the reading of Deuteronomy Temple family eookout following our daneing with the Torahs. To make a reservation for dinner, go to www.beth-el.eom/RSVP. (Cost: $6/kids ages 2-12, $8/adults for members; $8/kids ages 2-12, $10/adults for non-members) and roll our Torah baek to its beginning in Genesis. Make this a night of eomplete eelebration by staying for a € I TEMPLE BETH EL Sukkot is eoming and that means our Sukkah Mobile is eoming too. All middle sehool students are invited to join us and help spread the Sukkot all around Charlotte. Help build and deeorate the Sukkah Mobile, then hop along for the ride as we travel through Charlotte to bring the Sukkah for a visit. Afterwards we will relax with a delieious BBQ in the Ballantyne Jewish Center’s Sukkah. What a great way to do a mitzvah and have a great time too. Thursday Oetober 4, 5:45-7:15 PM, meeting at the Ballantyne Jewish Center 8632 Bryant Farms Rd. $10 per person For more information or to RSVP, eontaet Rabbi Yisrael and Leah Levin info@Jewish- Deadline for nominations is December 3, 2012. To nominate a student today, visit our website at or contact us at (336) 217-7074. AMERICAN HEBREW ACADEMY . . VT. m Ballantyne.eom 704-246-8881 or visit us online www.Jewish- Ballanytne.eom. CHAG SAMEACH! « A Ballantyne JEWISH CENTER So You Think You Can Dance? Join us for a grand Torah eele bration espeeially for kids. Enjoy a delieious dinner in the Sukkah followed by daneing with the Torah kid style ineluding flags for everyone. Simehat Torah is all about unbridled joy, whieh sur passes even the joy of Sukkot. The joy reaehes its elimax on Simehat Torah, when we eele brate the eonelusion - and restart - of the annual Torah-reading eyele. This event is open to the eom- munity and free of eharge. RSVP is appreeiated. Sunday Oetober 7, 5:30 PM At the Ballantyne Jewish Center 8632 Bryant Farms Rd. To RSVP or for more informa tion eontaet Rabbi Yisrael and Leah Levin info@Jewish- Ballantyne.eom 704-246-8881 or visit us online www.Jewish- Ballantyne.eom. ^ Dance with the lom\]\ A Ballantyne JEWISH CENTER