The Charlotte Jewish News - December 2012 - Page 20 LJCC Annual Meeting: New Officers Elected; Awards Presented The 26th Annual Meeting of the Sandra & Leon Levine Jewish Community Center was held on the evening of Oetober 10. The event, featuring eleetions, honors, desserts, and a delightful video, was eo-ehaired by Elise Kosofsky and Roni Fishkin. Elise delivered the D’Var Torah to over 100 guests and staff mem bers, eneouraging them to eon- tinue to find the passion and light whieh will allow them to give more and reeeive more from their life experienees. Three long-time members of the Board of Direetors have stepped down from their posi tions. David Van Glish, President of the LJCC Board of Direetors, reeognized and thanked David Berger, Roni Fishkin, and Jill Newman, for their many years of eommitted serviee. Eaeh was pre sented with a beautiful mezuzah, ereated by Gwen Orland in the LJCC Ceramies Studio. Gwen is a very talented artist, and the LJCC is privileged to have her as our Fine Arts Coordinator. The 2012-2013 Nominating Committee - Larry Sehwartz, Miehael Baumstein, Wendy Petri- eoff, Chantal Rubin, and Miehael Sinsheimer - were reeognized and thanked for their diligent efforts. David then presented the pro posed slate of Offieers and Diree tors to the general membership. The 2012-2013 slate, ineluding four new Direetors, was unani mously approved as noted below. Officers: David Van Glish (President), Miehael Baumstein (Viee President), John Box (Viee President), George Cronson (Viee President), Elise Kosofsky (Viee President), Mark Lerner (Viee President/Treasurer), and Larry Sehwartz (Past President). Directors'. Judy August, Glenda Bernhardt, Andy Cohen, David Cohen, Gene Daumit, Jeremy Davids*, Justin Lan*, Stuart Goldstein*, Staei Mond, Elaine Moody, Mark Berlin, Chantal Rubin, Jon Simon*, Peter Smul, Robert Valenstein, Kim Wo- jnowieh. (*New Direetors) In giving the President’s annual speeeh, David referred to the sermon he had heard during Yom Kippur. In that sermon. Rabbi Murray Ezring spoke about the im- portanee of interaeting with people faee-to-faee. Rabbi Ezring had read the lyries of Flarry Chapin’s song, “Cat’s in the Cradle,” to illustrate his point. Though eommunieation today is often in the form of emails, tweets, and texts, here at the LJCC, it’s all faee-to-faee. We pro vide opportunities for in- teraetion with our friends, loved ones, and other eommunity members. David emphasized that the personal relationships that de velop eaeh day at the “J” make it a very speeial plaee. Members are always eoming together at the pool, summer eamps. Oasis, and the fitness eenter. The Butterfly Projeet, theatrieal performanees, JTribes and JTeam, among other programs, provide prieeless op portunities to form and strengthen Phil Berman, CEO of the LJCC; Judy August, member of the LJCC Board ofDireetors; Irving Bienstoek, Vol unteer of the Year; David Van Glish, president of the LJCC bonds between friends and within families. New friendships are built on the tennis eourts and in the pot tery studio. Eaeh program and ae- tivity sueeeeds in building the strong families and lasting friend ships that make up a thriving Jew ish eommunity. David thanked Phil Berman, CEO of the LJCC, the LJCC Board of Direetors, and the LJCC staff for all their hard work this ULLVn Get your tickets today! Tuesdaii, Januapy 15 Pre-Reception Knight Theater • $250/person • $360/couple 7:30pni Cuts from the Director’s Chair Knight Theater • $45/person Dessert reception to follow. Lee Hirsch, critically-acclaimed documentary film director, will speak candidly about his movie, Bully, using over 20 film clips. Wedaaaday, Jaaaary 16 Location for Jan. 16: Levine JCC @ Shalom Park 5007 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC28226 Keynote 1: “Creating an environment of caring at home & at school” by Barbara Coloroso, internationally-recognized author. For parents of children of all ages. Parents & teachers, choose your workshop: Workshop 1: “What do I need to know about cyber bullying?” Workshop 2: “When is bullying really bullying, or is this just normal kid behavior? Workshop 3: “The preschool dilemma - at home & at school” Keynote 2: “Change in the Classroom” Purchase lickets&More Inio: Online at: By email at: By visiting participating schools (checks payable to Joined in Education) Parents & teachers, choose your workshop: Workshop 4: “Middle school madness” Workshop 5: “High school conversations that lead to change” Workshop 6: “The Responsive Classroom - Bully-proofing your classroom” * Sessions are open to parents, teachers, administrators, connselors and commnnity members. $75 for morning or afternoon, $125 for entire day. Lunch available for pnrchase. Thank you to our sponsors! JOINED ''' liMSH.’' The Leon Levine Foundation IN EDUCATION PmoN^ Foundation The Gorelick Foundation BECO South Julie and Howard Levine Larry Schwartz Presbyterian Hemby Children's Hospital Southeast Psych ActionPlus Hearst Corporation Friendly Dental Group Amy and MarkVitner Foster Caviness Strong Girls Club past year and for their eon- tinued eommitment to the LJCC. Program Serviee Awards were then presented to the following outstanding vol unteers: Sharon Taubman (Butter fly Projeet) Andrea MeCleary and Barry Sherbal (Oasis) Esther Thompson (Soe- eer) Marissa Brooks, Lori Flandler, Tina Rogovin, Marlene Rosenzweig, Miehelle Rusgo and Staeey Slomka (Theater) Irving Bienstoek reeeived a standing ovation as he was named Volunteer of the Year for his devo tion to the Butterfly Projeet. Irv ing, who survived the Floloeaust as a ehild, has displayed eourage, strength, and eommitment in re- eounting his story to a new gener ation. Suly Chenkin also reeeived a standing ovation as she aeeepted the President’s and Exeeutive Di- reetor’s Award. In presenting the award, Judy August reminded us that Suly eould have been a but terfly - one of those 1.5 million ehildren murdered in the Flolo eaust who are memorialized through the Butterfly Projeet. Suly was honored for her passionate and tireless support of the Butter fly Projeet and for her eloquenee and sensitivity in presenting her story as a Floloeaust survivor. Phil Berman, CEO of the Levine Jewish Community Cen ter, fondly reeognized the five year anniversaries of staff mem bers Shellie Barer, Linda Dabak, Jessiea Myers, Tim Whitener, and Jodie lagnoeeo. Daphne Williams was honored for her extraordinary 20 years of serviee at the LJCC. Lyn Addy, Linda Dabak, and Kristi Fallowes were singled out as outstanding employees for 2012. The highlight of this wonderful evening was a video of our Oasis seniors hard at play. Ineredibly, they staged a Flash Mob perform- anee at the Morroeroft Flarris Teeter on a sunny September morning. The seniors, many of whom rely on walkers, eanes, and oxygen tanks, sang and daneed their way into the hearts of all who were watehing as they performed their “You Make Me Feel So Young” routine. Many thanks to Jodie lagnoeeo, liana Levin, and the management of Flarris Teeter for making that whole event pos sible. The evening ended on this happy note. Everybody exited humming, “You Make Me Feel So Young.” ^