The Charlotte Jewish News - January 2013 - Page 14 Security, stability, and peace of mind. That i aar L tistumers vi/itu: ta j/.v, uf}d .'itay with us. .A! CIS wii do tmr Kseaivh. and m>rk hard w ith our cikms to nutla.^ sure that fhdr aiiuts, property, husiness, lives, atid hcahh are pmtected - .so /hey car foctiX ott the odier iutportant things in their lives. CHARLOTTE INSURANCE SOLUTIONS Tfl 704^'>7f)n3(i5S miliCi;j!F;ljtiau(?rinsiirarcL;.CL'iin Lzliurlull^insunmLCit^lLLtiuns.^dni Dr. Scott Menaker, dds Dr. Tricia Rodney, dds » General Dentistry for all Ages » CEREC Same Day Crowns and Veneers- no temporaries » Same Day Smile Makeovers » 3-D X-Ray/Cone Beam Imaging for Implant Planning and Placement »All aspects of Cosmetic Dentistry and Smile Enhancement Services » 7:00 AM Appointments Daily » Multiple Clear Orthodontic Options for simple to complex cases » Care Credit Financing-12 month no interest options »Technologically advanced practice including digital x-rays, imaging, and email and texting communications. » Experienced caring professionals serving the community since 1985 New Patients Always Welcome Scott is a long time community volunteer, leader, and sponsor in the Jewish community since 1985. Both he and Tricia, along with their dental team, volunteer their time and expertise to make a positive impact in our community. :)CLT 2711 Randolph Road, Suite 205 Charlotte, NC 28207 704-377-2503 WADDELL Fincmda! Advisors™ Providing Personal Financial Planning Investing, With a plan? For more than 70 years Jennifer Sperry, CFP*® FINANCIAL ADVISOR 5950 Fairview Rd. Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28210 704-553-7220x127 Waddell & Reed, Inc. Temple Kol Ami Welcomes Rabbi Yosef Levanon to Lead the Congregation Temple Kol Ami is ex- eited to weleome Rabbi Yosef Levanon to lead our eongregation. Rabbi Lev anon eomes to Temple Kol Ami with an exten sive baekground that in- eludes many years of pulpit and seholarly expe- rienee. He reeently retired from Beth Israel Congre gation of Fayetteville, NC where he served as Rabbi for the past 17 years. Rabbi Levanon is a renowned seholar, widely-published author, Ph.D and past professor of Hebrew lan guage and literature, Jewish Me dieval History, and Biblieal Studies at six universities. The Rabbi eomes from a history of leading both a Reform and Con servative eongregation, making him a perfeet mateh for us. He will be bringing his many years of Rabbi Yosef Levanon knowledge and strength in eongrega tion leadership to help bring Temple Kol Ami to its next level of growth. For Temple Kol Ami this is a major milestone. In our brief two year history, we have built a eongrega tion with families eoming from all around the area. We have grown a thriving Religious sehool, as well as boasting an aetive Sister hood. Temple Kol Ami will now fulfill a key goal in its long-range plans of bringing even more op portunities for learning and wor ship to the families of York County and the surrounding areas. Rabbi Levanon will be here monthly eondueting serviees, leading Torah Study, ereating en- Seheels riehment programs, and being a mentor in our Religious Sehool. In addition to Rabbi Levanon joining us. Temple Kol Ami has just been reeognized by The Jew ish Federation of Greater Char lotte with a generous grant that will enable the engagement of a visiting Seholar-in-Residenee. With modest membership dues, a rieh offering of serviees and learning to help enhanee or re store one’s Jewish identity and a eentrally-eonvenient loeation in the historie sanetuary at Unity Presbyterian Chureh, 303 Tom Hall Street, Fort Mill, SC. We weleome Jews of all levels of ob- servanee to join us for serviees or any of our other programs. For more information and a sehedule of serviees please eon- taet us at 803-701-0149, by email at: yorksynagogue@gmail.eom or visit our website: www.templeko- ^ Jewish Preschool on Sardis Hosts Open House By Dedee Goldsmith, director, Jewish Preschool on Sardis Reeently, a family eame into the Jewish Presehool on Sardis for a tour. New to town, they were looking for a presehool program and heard about us through a new aequaintanee. After the tour, the family seemed surprised by all our program offerings. The family heard that we were a presehool, but didn’t know just how many options were available to meet the Member SIPC Miss Betty and Rom. varying needs of families. Mom left with a smile saying, “This might allow me the opportunity to go baek to work, or stay home to figure out what I want from my life in Charlotte.” We are so happy to make that happen for so many families. What I would love the Jewish eommunity to know is that our program is quite versatile. We offer programming for ehildren ages 1 through 5. The base portion of the day is from 9 AM-1 PM. Our early drop off begins with a smile and an open door at 7:50 AM. Our after sehool program, our extended day as we eall it, is available until 6 PM. Need an oe- easional drop in for extended day for those busy days? Yep, we offer that as well. During the summer we offer four weeklong eamp op tions for ehildren 18 months-5 years. Camp options offer an ex tended day as well. One additional perk is our on site enriehment. At least four days per week, JPS offers elasses that will ehallenge your eritieal think ing skills, fine motor develop ment, eoordination, seienee sense, ereative juiees, and more. During the fall, we offered Yoga elasses, Brieks 4 Kidz, Noah’s Art, and Amazing Athletes. This winter we are exeited to offer Kieks 4 Kidz, Fine Motor Fun, Amazing Ath letes, Einstein Labs, and Gymnas- ties as our enriehment options. In addition to our a la earte, personalized presehool program, we offer the best edueation in town. The Jewish Presehool on Sardis is a North Carolina 5-star presehool program. Being a 5-star presehool is a deelaration to the state that we are eommitted to hiring well edueated, state eerti- fied, and experieneed teaehers and administrators. It means that we have the best student/teaeher ratios. It guarantees that ehildren are individually ehallenged by developmentally appropriate eur- rieulum and that we uphold the best praetiees in the field of early ehildhood. Sound like a lot of professional jargon? Well, imagine walking the halls and hearing laughter, diseus- sions, or singing. Envision elass- rooms with shelves filled with purposeful and engaging games that enhanee eritieal thinking skills and friendships or toys that develop ereativity and play that is related to their ages/stages. Feel the eomfort of knowing your ehild’s teaeher loves and nurtures your daughter or son that you ean walk out the door eonfident that she will leave sehool at the end of the day and at the end of the sehool year as a happy, eonfident jps Th« Jfwrih PtMttiHil on Sirtik and sueeessful ehild. My heart swells for this sehool and I would be delighted to share my love for JPS with you at our Open House this January 8 from 9:30-10:30 AM. You are invited to visit with us, meet some eurrent parents, tour the sehool, and hear about our program options, while you enjoy eoffee and a snaek. Please RSVP to info@jpson- or eall our offiee at 704-364-8395. Can’t make our Open House but would like to see our pro gram? Please eall Lisa or Dedee at 704-364-8395 to sehedule a time for a personal tour. For the first time ever, the Jewish Presehool on Sardis is offering hee registration for families who register by January 11.^ Dylan celebrates Shabbat.