The Charlotte Jewish News - June-July 2014 - Page 15 Levine-Sklut Judaic Library and Resource Center Summer Reading at the Library The Levine-Sklut Judaie Li brary and Resouree Center is ex- eited to announee the next installment of their summer read ing program. All ehildren be tween the ages of two and twelve are eneouraged to partieipate. There will be prizes for all who read. This year’s theme is monop oly so as ehildren finish their books they ean eome into the li brary to fill their board with prop erties. Every book read is a prop erty filled. Onee their board is full they will be able to win the game. Shalom Park Monopoly Reading Boards will be available in the Li brary. The fun begins June 1 and runs until August 22. We hope to see you this summer for our sum mer reading ehallenge.^ 1 • i j ^ a I WomeiT/V Wewi' Ta Tas Event Expands with Award for Local Physicians By Patricia Johnson, presi dent, Charlotte Chapter oj Hadassah As we head into June we have many exeiting updates on the 3rd Annual Celebrate the Ta Tas program. Hadas- sah’s Celebrate the Ta Tas is a breast eaneer fundraiser. Mammograms will be available at both painting events in September. Thanks to the generous support of the Jewish Federation Impaet Fund, we will be able to provide free mammograms to non insured/self-pay women who need finaneial support. This year, during the Celebrate the Ta Tas main event. The Big Reveal, we will be honoring two Celebrate the TaTas AVm:Twilllliii tlTBnWf ■* UtHCitf MS OincM bnwwi** *34 ii ■i-fLMuaai Im; ai'OaidMi’ physieians from the Levine Can- eer Institute and Novant Flealth. Levine Caneer Institute has implemented a venue that allows individuals to nominate the physi- eian that has wowed them. The doetor with the most nominations will reeeive a Celebrate the Ta Tas award (designed by Paul Rousso) at The Ritz Carlton, Oetober 30. Levine has posteards dis played throughout the hospi tal for patients to fill out. You may also write a few sen- tenees and send your email submission to taliagold- manl8@ gmail.eom. Novant Flealth will be pieking the physieian they want to reeog- nize. If you have questions about the free mammograms or want to get involved, please eontaet the eo- ehairs of the event: Sandra Gold man or Talia Goldman. Many thanks for your support and partieipation in this and all Fladassah programs. ^ And The Winner Is ... The tenth anniversary of the Charlotte Jewish Film Festival (CJFF) As a proud founder Fladassah would like to eongratulate the eommittee, all the volunteers and supporters of this year’s CJFF. More than 20 films refieeted the CJFF mission to illuminate and entertain a diverse group of film lovers through the lens of the Jewish experienee. “98% of those that attended this year’s festival said they would return next year.” ^ FILM FESTIVAL PmMib' ik*3iui» Jewish Family Services JFS Volunteers for March 2014 Thank you to the following volunteers and donors who eon- tributed to Jewish Family Serv- iees in Mareh. Your support and generosity allow us to provide quality serviees and programming to our eommunity. JFS Matters of the Heart Vol unteers (friendly visits with sen iors, friendly phone ealls to seniors, delivery/errands driver, meal delivery, food pantry helpers, lead or hFIelp with Shab- bat serviees): Bob Abroms, Ben Aizenman, Myra Diuguid, Sheryl Effren, Rob Friedman, Gail Flalverson, Leigh Jaeobson, Peter and Raehel Levine, Frada Mozen- ter, Leah Naliboff, Jenny Rosen thal, Bill Sehwartz, Jeff Straueh, Amalia Warshenbrot. JFS Behind the Scenes Volun teers: Panera Bread Piek-Up: Riek Abrams, Mel and Caren Frank, Rob Friedman, Flanah Flawkins, Jeff Straueh. Charlotte Fladassah Cooks for preparing meals: Susan Aizenman, Sharon Cavanaugh, Gloria Feibus, June Flirsehman, Sandy Floagland, Judy Kaufmann, Penny Krieger, Andrea MeCleary, Phyllis Ro- maine, Flagit Stav, Joyee Stoll and Naney Tarbis Administrative As- sistanee: Anat Spiero Assemble Mitzvah Baskets: Miehele Siegel and Jen Jones Board Members: Staey Baum, Jennifer Collman, Andrea Cronson, Brett Goodman, Milton Goldstein, Seott Goreliek, Beeea Flomer, Julian Jaeobs, Brad Kirehenbaum. Karen Knoble, Annie Lord, David Miller, Flelene Moll, Margaret Musa, Debbie Porter, Lisa Shporer, Flarry Sparks, Karen Spiegler, Justin Steinsehriber, Mare Titlebaum JFS Holidays and Special A GRANT RECIPIENT Of Event Volunteers (Make Speeial Event/FIoliday Bags, Flelp at Spe eial Events/FIolidays, Lead or Flelp with Speeial Programs): Thank you to those organizations, individuals and sehools who did food drives on behalf of JFS the month of Mareh. They are: Jewish Federation Young Adults-Impaet 365 for providing Purim Bags to our seniors, CJDS Passover food drive. Temple Israel’s Dalet elasses. Consolidated Flebrew Fligh Purim earnival fundraiser. Camp Community wide Purim Carnival food drive, CJPS Passover food drive and Temple Beth El and Temple Israel eongre- gants and students. Miss Jordon Sokolowitez who graeiously did a food drive for JFS in lieu of birth day presents. ^ JEWISH^ FEDEMT10N5 OF GHEATJB CHAHLOtTE* SAH Need a Responsible Babysitter for the Summer? Elon University student available immediately. Experience with infants through middle school age children at both camp and in private home settings. Has car and perfect driving record. Excellent references available. Call Sarah Baydush at 240-338-8990 for more information. Ti fvri'm nxac iruaiiiTn-i n n rrnr Yours Truly Needlepoint and Knitting Handpainted Needlepoint Canvases All New Canvases — Free lessons — Unique Gift Ideas — New and Old Customers Very Welcome Best Selection in Charlotte All Proceeds Go to Local Charities 3802 Columbine Circle 704-366-6765 Open Thursdays 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Business Card Directory To advertise in the Business Card Directory, contact one of our sales representatives: Jodi Valenstein, 704-609-0950 or Scott Moskowitz, 704-906-2474 25 Years of Serving the Carolinas with High Quality Storage and Marina Properties uj uj lu.