The Charlotte Jewish News - December 2014 - Page 3 ^Celebrating Hanukkah i $ By Adi Rodavsky, Community Shlicha Whenever I tell teenagers here that Israelis only really eat doughnuts at Hanukkah, they’re shoeked. In truth, we don’t re ally have Dunkin Donuts or any other doughnut shop beeause those are so heavily linked with Hanukkah and not with any other day of the year. For some of my Israeli students, dough nuts are what Hanukkah is all about. However, it is important to remember that while doughnuts are great, they’re not what the holiday is about. This month we’re mentioning Hanukkah not only beeause outside forees have tried to harm the Jewish people and failed, but also be eause we seek to eelebrate the power of brave individuals fighting against a power seem ingly mueh stronger than them selves. The theme of the few against the many is always present in the history of the Jewish people. It is exaetly that aspeet whieh makes our history so speeial - time and time again, our people were ealled to faee enemies mueh stronger than themselves and they have prevailed. Some of the world’s most inspiring stories feature this element, from the battles of Lord of the Rings to the ery for freedom in Les Miserables. For us, however, this is not a story about a fantasy land, it is not a made up plot in the bril liant mind of a Freneh author. The idea that few ean prevail against the many, that faith and unity ean overeome all obsta- eles, is always with us, a hand print on eaeh of our hearts. This is what makes Hanukkah spe eial. On this day, we remind ourselves and our families that few people ean aehieve great things if they have faith and if they are unified. We remind m.i! m? .., ourselves that one little pot of oil has lasted for eight days; we remember that we must never doubt the weaker and smaller as they are just as able of great ness. As an edueator, Hanukkah reminds me to look at eaeh of my pupils as my own little pot of oil. They may not seem like they’ll do wonders on the first day at elass, they may not even believe that they ean; but if I be lieve, then wonders would eertainly eome. On this Hanukkah, let us remember these lessons, the strength of our people and the im- portanee of believing in our own personal tiny pots of oil as eaeh one of those has the poten tial to make miraeles happen in our lives. I wish you and your families a wonderful Hanukkah. ^ ^ Faith, Love, & Hope: An Evening with Special Guest ^Speaker Jeannie Opdyke Smith $ Thursday, January 15, 7:30 PM in the Sam Lerner Center at Shalom Park t $ y Join the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte’s Women’s Philanthropy as we eelebrate and honor the power of women. Inspired and guided by our tra dition of Tzedakah (justiee/ehar- ity), Chesed (aets of loving kindess), and Tikkun Olam (re pairing the world), the Federa tion seeks to empower women as philanthropists and leaders. Jeannie Opdyke Smith is the daughter of the late Irene Opdyke, a brave and inspiring figure who reeeived interna tional reeognition for her life saving aetions during the Holoeaust when working for a high ranking German offieial. Smith knows her late mother, Irene Gut Opdyke, never eon- sidered herself a hero. Gut Opdyke elaimed that her work of saving Jews during the Holo eaust was love, not bravery. Yet, she has reeeived international reeognition — the Israel Medal of Honor and the Commander’s Cross, the Polish Medal of Honor, are both tied to her name. The Vatiean gave Opdyke a eommendation and her story is part of a permanent exhibit in Jeannie Opdyke Smith the United States Holoeaust Me morial Museum in Washington, DC. Jeannie is part of a new group of Holoeaust speakers ealled Seeond Generation, who share their parents’ first-hand stories. Irene’s story, though filled with the horrors and hate that the Holoeaust holds, brings a mes sage of faith, love, and hope: that good ean triumph over evil. Her tale of bravery proelaims the eonvietion that one by one we ean say no to hatred, perse- eution, and prejudiee. Jeannie has spoken to audienees around the eountry telling her mother’s inspiring story of how one woman ean truly make an im- paet on the world. Irene’s autobiography, “In My Hands: Memories of a Holoeaust Reseuer,” relays the detailed aeeount of her life dur ing World War II. The book was adapted into the nationally ae- elaimed Broadway play, “Irena’s Vow,” starring Tovah Feldshuh. The evening begins at 7:30 PM with a dessert reeeption and book signing to follow. This event is free and open to the publie. To register visit: Questions? Contaet Tair Giudiee, Direetor of Outreaeh and Engagement at 704-944- 6759 or tair.giudiee@jew- Jeannie Opdyke Smith will be the keynote speaker at Feder ation’s Lion of Judah Luneheon on Wednesday, January 14. For more information about beeom- ing a Lion of Judah, please eon- taet Sue Littauer, Direetor of Development, at 704-944- 6758.^ I i y y % % i JEWISH^ FEDE^RATION$ OF GREATER CHARLOTTE THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE. THE POWER OF COMMUNITY. Luck doesn’t buy & sell homes.. Experience does! 6t/vyuv^... ScLLLa^... R.eXcrcpfiA^... Sit'upey li-BlX Arm/LoYK^maw 70^-367-72W cuaru. com. SPEOAUZiNG fN: IMDIVIDUAL: Health ■ Life ■ Medicare • DisablPity ■ LTC Insurance GROUP: Medical ■ Ufe • Dental ■ Vision • Disability • 401 k Plans CONTACT US Wm YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT OBAMACARE & MEDICARE “Provtdspg the lowest-prioed plans >vrtf) outstanding sendee since 1974/ Keith Greenspon - Licensed Broker/Advisor (704) 376.7434 • GREENSPON.COM Join US on December 11 as we present our new look. Tributes to the Jewish Federation Annuai Campaign The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte thanks and acknowl edges the following tributes made July 7 - November 7. In honor of Holly Levinson By: Gary and Janie Levinson In honor of Linda Seigel being awarded the Kipnis- Wilson/Friedland Award By: Connie Kraus, Sandy and Elaine Melnick In memory of Mildred Lyons By: Aaron and Allison Neiss In memory of Michael Smith, brother of Harvey Smith By: Mike and Sue Littauer If you would like to make a Tribute to the Jewish Federation, please contact the Federation office at 704-944-6761.^