The Charlotte Jewish News - March 2015 - Page 12 Rosensaft to Speak at Holocaust Remembrance Day Please join us for a eommunity Holoeaust Remembranee Day Yom Hashoah Program on Sun day April 12, 6:30-8:30 PM fea turing Keynote speaker Menaehem Rosensaft. Menaehem Rosensaft is Gen eral Counsel of the World Jewish Congress. In addition to Cornell Law Sehool, he also teaehes at Columbia Law Sehool. He re- eeived his B.A. degree from The Johns Hopkins University in 1971, together with an M.A. de gree from the Writing Seminars. He reeeived an M.A. degree in modem European history from Columbia University in 1975, and reeeived his J.D. degree from the Columbia University Sehool of Law in 1979. The son of two survivors of the Nazi eoneentration eamps of Ausehwitz and Bergen-Belsen, he was bom in the Displaeed Persons eamp of Bergen-Belsen in 1948. He is the Founding Chairman of the International Network of Chil dren of Jewish Holoeaust Sur vivors and was Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Holo eaust Survivors’ Memoirs Projeet, a joint publishing endeavor with Yad Vashem in Jemsalem. He is also Senior Viee President of the Ameriean Gathering of Jewish Holoeaust Survivors and Their Deseendants, a former National President of the Labor Zionist Al- lianee, and Honorary President of the Park Avenue Synagogue in Manhattan. He is the editor of God, Faith and Identity from the Ashes, Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Sur vivors. Almost ninety ehildren and grandehildren of Holoeaust sur vivors—theologians, seholars, spiritual leaders, authors, artists, politieal and eommunity leaders, and media personalities—from sixteen eountries on six eontinents refleet on how the memories transmitted to them have affeeted their lives. Profoundly personal stories explore faith, identity, and legaey in the aftermath of the Holoeaust as well as our role in ensuring that future genoeides and similar atroeities never happen again. There have been many books and studies about ehildren of Holoeaust survivors—the so- ealled seeond and third genera tions—with a psyeho-soeial foeus. This book is different. It is intended to refleet what they be lieve, who they are, and how that informs what they have done and are doing with their lives. For people of all faiths and baekgrounds, these powerful and deeply moving statements will have a profound effeet on the way our and future generations under stand and shape their understand ing of the Holoeaust. Sponsored by: Levine-Sklut Ju- daie Library, Sandra and Leon Levine Jewish Community Cen ter, Temple Israel, and Temple Beth El. 6:30-6:50 PM - Margaret and Lou Sehwartz Butterfly Garden: Weleome and Memorial Serviee 7- 8 PM - Menaehem Rosensaft with Question and Answer session and book signing, Sam Lemer Center for Cultural Arts 8- 8:30 PM - Breakout Ses sions: Henry Hirsehmann - Stories from Trip to Normandy - Wein berg Senior Center; UNC students - Stories from Ausehwitz - Sam Lerner Center for Cultural Arts; Butterfly Projeet: New Currieu- lum: Highlighting five loeal area survivors - Hal and Holly Levinson Children and Family Center. Questions? Contaet Debby Bloek at 704-944- 6780 or dbloek@shalom- ^ Remerribrance and Hope Klezmer Dances for Clarinet, Strings, Percussion, and Tuba Charlotte Symphony to Present “A Night in New York, ” including Klezmer Music and Gershwin ^s Rhapsody in Blue By Gene Kavadlo As I approaehed my 40th sea son as prineipal elarinetist with the Charlotte Symphony, it oe- eurred to me that I should do something speeial to mark what many would eonsider a milestone year. I suppose I eould streak aeross the stage during a eoneert, but that’s already been done by players more prominent than my self; and, besides, at my age, who’d be interested? For many years. I’ve had an avid interest in klezmer musie; perhaps there would be a way to eelebrate the oeeasion by eombining my love for playing in the orehestra with my love for klezmer? Several years ago, I diseovered a eolleetion ealled Hassidie Tunes for Clarinet and Piano, by Lev Kogan, a eomposer bom in the USSR. He studied with Aram Khaehaturian and emigrated to Is rael in 1973, where he beeame one of Israel’s prominent eom- posers. The musie looked interest ing, so I purehased the eolleetion. As I read through the ten tunes, I felt that they had an authentie klezmer quality to them; some of them freylekhs (joyous danee melodies), some nigunim (word less melodies); all very engaging. I wondered, in faet, if they were authentie Hassidie melodies arranged by the eomposer, or if Lev Kogan had eomposed the melodies himself. I wrote to him and asked him that very question. He was kind enough to write baek, and assured me that he had eomposed all the musie in the eol leetion. That made it all the more interesting. I made arrangements of a few of the pieees for my quar tet, VIVA KLEZMER! ( vaklezmer.eom), and they have always been a big hit with audi- enees. I had eonsidered doing a klezmer pieee with the orehestra during my 40th season, but, al though there are a few pieees in that genre, I didn’t feel that there was anything out there that has a truly “freygish” feel (the mode eommon to mueh klezmer musie.) What if I eould have several of the (Continued on next page) Looking Your Best Doesn't Cost a Fortune Liposuction $3,000 All-inclusive Breast Augmentation - Save up to $1450 More Great Monthly Specials i 704-754-8351 COSMETIC SURGERY Dr. Jeffery Ditesheim BOARD-CEkTIFlED PLAS11C SURGEON 9336 Blakeney Center Drive Suite ^3Q Charlotte, NC 26277 r J