The Charlotte Jewish News - September 2015 - Page 20 Baruch HaBah: Peter Blair Joins Levine JCC as CEO By Amy Krakovitz “We just felt in our kishkes that this was home for our family,” Peter Blair says of his visit to Charlotte. “It spoke to me as a Southern Jew, having been born and raised in Memphis.” Blair joins our eommunity as the new CEO of the Levine JCC and his enthusiasm and vision are already well in plaee. He eomes most reeently from the Harry and Rose Samson Fam ily Jewish Community Center in Milwaukee, but was in the Jewish edueation field for 15 years prior to that as Direetor of Early Child hood Edueation for the Mereer Is land and Seattle eampuses for the Stroum Jewish Community Cen ter in Seattle, followed by a stint as Head of Sehool for the Merage Jewish Community Center of Or ange County in Irvine, CA. His experienee in edueation plays a large role in his plans for LJCC’s future. “I have a deep eommitment to the role learning plays in Jewish life,” he asserts. “... The LJCC ean be a unique destination for life-long Jewish experienee, one that eelebrates our traditions and diversity, and offers an inelusive entry point for eommunity en gagement.” As important as edueation may be to Blair, he also feels that the people are essential, too. “I have a real simple goal for the near term: to meet the eommunity and learn from its members. ... People will learn pretty quiekly that I am a hyper-eommunieator. ... I’m not hesitant to engage in respeetful, open eommunieations, even when opinions differ.” But for all his experienee in Jewish eommunal work and his eommitment to eommunieation, members of the Jewish eommu nity of Charlotte know one thing: Shalom Park is a unique and dif ferent kind of organization than found in all of the Jewish world. But Blair feels that the partnership strueture will not be a stumbling bloek for him. “I ... very mueh believe that the sueeess and strength of any one organization direetly impaets the other. I eome from a very eollaborative environ ment, where a shared vision and Peter Blair mission ean be aeeomplished in a variety of ways. I’m exeited to join a eommunity where the foun dation of that eulture is in plaee.” Blair does not join us alone. He C h B r I D11 e brings with him with wife Traei, ehildren Hudson and Cohen, and a history of Jewish eommitment. In Memphis, he “was a member of Temple Israel - a large Reform synagogue. ... My parents in stilled in us the value of eduea tion, and I’ve made that a priority in my life through ongoing fel lowships.” The whole family is exeited to begin this ehapter of their lives in Charlotte. “We have every intention for this ehapter to be a long one!” ^ Shalom Green Forges Ahead with Initiatives Efforts to improve environmen tal awareness and inerease sus tainability on Shalom Park are progressing as Shalom Green, the Shalom Park Environmental Ini tiative, moves ahead on a number of fronts. • Shalom Park Community Garden - The design for the Shalom Park Community Garden is eomplete, and the first work days for garden eonstruetion and planting will take plaee in late September and early Oetober. Community members are eneour- aged to partieipate. For more in Teen campers planting. You are invited to attend our ADMISSIONS OPEN HOUSES TK-Grade 5 October 9,2015 9:30 a.nn. Grades 6-12 October 16, £015 9:30 a.m. iwm formation or to volunteer, eontaet Yonatan Thull at eatalyst.ahelp- inghand@gmail.eom. The Shalom Green Garden Committee is eurrently seeking donations to help eomplete the build out of the garden. Donations in any amount are appreeiated - $72 will help purehase a tree; $360 a reetangular raised bed; $720 a large trellised raised bed. All donations are tax deduetible. Cheeks may be made payable to the Foundation of Shalom Park with “Community Garden” in the memo line and mailed to the Foundation at 5007 Providenee Road, Suite 102, Charlotte NC 28226. • Redueing our Carbon Foot print Energy Audits of Temple Beth El and the main eampus buildings on Shalom Park have identified opportunities to save thousands of dollars, while at the same time re- % CHARLOTTE l.ATTN SCHOOL ... Urns’ well Ui/ed 9502Providerrce Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28277 Admissions Office: 704,045,7207 w w w.cha r I ot te I at i n. o rg Teen camp learns about the new garden from designer Bobbie Mabe. dueing energy usage and impaet on the environment. Green teams at eaeh ageney will be evaluating ways to implement reeommended ehanges, and Shalom Green’s Car bon Footprint Reduetion Commit tee will be supporting these efforts with information and edueational programming. For more informa tion, or to get involved, eontaet Lisa Garfinkle at environmen- • Shalom Green Challenge - Beginning in Oetober, LJCC Cares will be leading the Shalom Green Challenge, monthly ehal- lenges - eonneeted to Jewish val ues - to live more sustainably at home. The ehallenge will inelude learning opportunities, aetivities, and diseussion topies to get fami lies working together to go green. Monthly themes will inelude Ap- preeiating and Caring for the Earth, Redueing Waste, Redueing Carbon Footprint, Conserving Water, Eating and Growing Green, and Spring Clean/Green Clean. Register by sending an email to Julie Rizzo at julie.rizzo@charlot- • Edueating our Youth - Teen eampers at the LJCC enjoyed a morning with Garden Committee members and Edueation Co-Chair Rabbi Jonathan Freirieh, as they learned about Jewish values re lated to proteeting the planet, started seeds of fall vegetables for the eommunity garden with Gar den designer Bobbie Mabe, and worked in the Charlotte Jewish Presehool garden with Garden Committee ehair Candiee Serbin. Religious sehool students of all ages, from kindergarten to high sehool, will have the opportunity to learn more about Jewish values and sustainable living during the upeoming sehool year. ^ SHALOM GREEN ;wisliV^liiHr$UTtinBbl« Uvinq Tirtancial Assistance is avaiiablE. PleEtse inq^uife about the ^talone Scbolarship for$pfted Etvdents in Grades 7-\2.