The Charlotte Jewish News - September 2015 - Page 6 playdate? sure. have your people call my people. COM€ PLAY! WHO; For aqes 0 - 2 and tbdr caregivers WHEN: Wednesday Mornings, 9:S0'! 0;^G am' WHERE: Family Place at tbe Levine JCC , i'll l l iHT.lilllM w fhf'jiiiiiiiig Aujiiy l2 Catch the Spirit with High Holidays at Ohr HaTorah Questions? Contact T^ir Gluctice, 70434^.6759, lalr.irurficegiBwishcKaroite jfg “Seek God when you ean find Him, eall on Him when He is near.” These are the famous words of Isaiah speaking to the people of Israel. Maimonides writes that these words of Isaiah refer to the first 10 days of the year, beginning with Rosh Hashanah and eulminating with Yom Kippur. The statement is a powerful testament to the spiritual meaning of these days of Awe. As our souls feel a longing to eonneet with our souree and to get reeharged Jew- ishly. The key to unloeking the di vine beauty of these days is by opening our hearts and minds to the deep mystieal spirit that em anates during these speeial days. When these days are experi- eneed in a genuine way, they ean have an positive impaet on our lives and our Jewish life. Attending serviees at Ohr Ha Torah during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is a way to tap in to this divine experienee. The serv iees at OHT eonvey a deeper meaning to the words read and, aeeompanied by the passion felt at the serviee, they ereate a speeial eonneetion with God and the eommunity. The heartfelt words read by Rabbi Binyomin Weiss and his melodious voiee inspire the par- tieipant and allow for the heart to open to the spirit of these days. This awesome experienee be gins at midnight of Saturday night September 5, with the Selichot serviee. That is when the feeling of the days of awe envelops the eommunity with a sineere eall to God. A pre-Selichot Farbrengen whieh will set the mood for the upeoming serviee and the High Holidays will begin at 11 PM. The High Holiday serviees at Ohr HaTorah are a journey of the soul seeking to eonneet to the inner soul of the Jewish experi enee. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are pivotal to the entire year and they present an extraor dinary opportunity to bond with God and with eommunity in a mo mentous and spiritual way. Those of you who are seareh- ing to explore the deeper meaning of the High Holidays and seek to toueh the Divine will find the Ohr HaTorah experienee truly reward ing. The High Holiday serviee is in a sense a learning aetivity as Rabbi Yossi Groner provides short and sueeinet eommentaries on the liturgy and expounds on the mystieal signifieanee of many of the rituals observed on Rosh Hashanah. The atmosphere in the synagogue refieets the spirituality of the Holy Days and it helps shape the total experienee. Ohr HaTorah is a weleoming (Congregation Obf oraln a project cj Luhavitch oj North Carolina synagogue whieh helps eongre- gants form friendships and exeels with its joyous and uplifting serv iee. One of the distinetive advan tages at Ohr HaTorah is that it allows for worshippers to engage in their prayers at their own paee and to truly eonneet to God in a meaningful way. Rosh Hashanah begins on the evening of September 13. The serviee sehedule at Congregation Ohr HaTorah is as follows: Evening serviees at 7:15 PM and morning serviees at 9 AM. Kol Nidrei serviees on Tuesday night, September 22, is at 7 PM. Yom Kippur morning serviees, Sep tember 23, is at 9 AM. Evening serviees begins at 5:30 PM. Tiek- ets are not required to attend serv iees. For more information please eall our offiee at 704-366-3984 or visit our website^ Hold The Date o o I V. The entire Charlotte Jewish Community will join over 400 communities across the globe on the morning of Sunday, November 15 as we come together for the Global Day of Jewish Learning. P2G COMMUNITY TEEN LEADERSHIP EXCHANGE - JUNE/JULY 2016 In collaboration with the Jewish Federation, Temple Beth El, Temple Israel and Consolidated High School of Jewish Studies PART I CHARLOTTE: Welcome Hadera teens and introduce them to the American way of life. Together they will explore Charlotte's Jewish community and ail the Queen city has to offer to learn about our cultural differences, tzedokah and leadership. Special discount for early registration. Want to hear experiences first hand? Just ask Ari Rabinovich, David Rabinovich, Katy Smith, Jessica Soto or Joey Kelso to share their stories with you! Ie\vish Federation OF GHEATEB CHARLOnE Cost for all 4 weeks is $2,800^, which includes a subsidy from the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte. Rates may vary according to cost of flight PART II HADERA: Journey to Israel with teens from across the Southeast and spend two weeks with students from Hadera. Travel the country, engage in tikkun olam projects and learn about Israel's politics, culture and society. Enjoy Israeli hospitality and teen life. For more information, please contact Tal Stein in the Federation office at 704.944,6751 or