Charlotte Jewish News - October 2015 - Page 11 Seedlings for Garden Begin to Germinate Seeds have sprouted, plants are potted, and devel opment is under way at Shalom Park Community Garden. The garden, loeated near the Levine-Sklut Library and the Dumas Aetivity Center, is part of the Shalom Green initiative to improve envi ronmental awareness and in- erease sustainability at Shalom Park. Teenage summer eampers planted a variety of fall and winter vegetable seeds in August while Rabbi Jonathan Frierieh taught them about Jewish laws re lated to proteeting the Earth. The seedlings were later transplanted into small pots by members of the garden eommittee. Teaehing reli gious values is one of the missions of the garden. When eompleted, the gar den will inelude raised beds and trellises for the vegeta bles, whieh will be distrib uted by Friendship Trays and the Jewish Family Serviees Food Pantry. The garden’s infrastrueture also will fea ture a shaded work station and benehes for sitting and enjoying the flowers, trees, and herbs. The plantings will inelude fruit trees sueh as fig and pomegranate, grapevines, and herbs sueh as lavender, parsley, rosemary, and sage that have relevanee to the Jewish faith. A variety of leafy Planting seedlings. Seedlings going in. and flowering perennials will en sure attraetive spaees in the gar den throughout the year. In spring, early vegetable starts will inelude tomatoes, eueumbers, squash, snow peas, and the herbs. Also grapevines, shasta daisies, blaek-eyed Susans, and eonefiow- ers. In summer, vegeta bles will be harvested and flowering peren nials and herbs will be in bloom. In autumn, asters and pansies will blos som while winter veg etables sueh as onions, garlie broeeoli, eauli- fiower, and lettuee will be planted. The garden will provide bursts of eolor throughout the winter thanks to Aretie Fire Dogwoods, pansies, and Lenten roses. Primrose will bloom in Mareh. The garden is being built by eommunity volunteers under di- reetion of eonsultant and designer Bobbie Mabe and the Shalom Park Garden eommit tee. Anyone interested in helping to build struetures or plant the garden on Oetober 4 should eontaet Yonathan Thull at eat- alyst.ahelpinghand@ gmail.eom. The garden eould also use your help in the form of donations to build additional garden features. * $72 will buy a tree * $162 will pay for a beneh * $360 will buy a raised bed * 720 will pay for a trellised bed All donations are tax de- duetible. Cheeks should be made out to the Foundation of Shalom Park with “eommunity garden” in the memo line and mailed to Foundation of Shalom Park, 5007 Providenee Road, Suite 102, Charlotte, NC 28226.^ Shalom Green Challenge Wondering how you can do your part to protect the planet? Take the Shalom Green Challenge. Shalom Green and LJCC Cares are teaming up to offer fami lies and individuals the opportunity to go green at home. Register to receive monthly challenges - connected to Jewish values - to live more sustainably. Learn about important environmental topics and Jewish values related to them; discuss with family and friends how you can get involved; act to live more sustainably at home; unite through special events and social media with other families who share your interest. For more information or to sign up, email Julie Rizzo, LJCC Director of Social Action, at /jwjtJT tj'sArtiJi J -ifl*- frrJ Mindfulness & Self-Regulation February 10 ail, 2016 Featuring Kristen Race, Ph.D., author of MINDFUL PARENTING JOINED IN EDUCATION jcwlsh i'Vdcrill ion ' OF La.TEft ChAfiLOl i.