Charlotte Jewish News - November 2015 - Page 13 Fall Shabbaton November 20 at Obr HaTorab As we get ready to greet the eold weather that winter brings, we invite you to be warmed at least spiritually at Chabad in Charlotte. There are a great many opportunities for people of all walks of life in Charlotte to find inspiration and meaning at the multitude of events at Chabad and its anehor synagogue - Ohr Ha- Torah. The Jewish Learning Institute on Journey of the Soul whieh began in the last week of Oetober will last through the first week in Deeember. The Shabbat Kiddush events are a joyous time for bond ing and Jewish life building. November 20 is the day that the Fall Shabbaton will take plaee at Ohr FlaTorah. The Shabbaton brings together Jewish families in Charlotte who appreeiate the extra toueh of a joyful and meaningful Shabbat experienee together. The Shabbaton features delieious homemade Shabbat dinner along with fun and games for the ehil- dren and exeiting Shabbat enter tainment for the adults. The Shabbaton program will begin at 5 PM with a Shabbat eandle lighting eeremony fol lowed by a lively Kabbalat Shab bat serviee. (Please arrive a bit early as Shabbat eandle lighting time on Friday November 20, is 4:57 PM). The family Shabbat dinner will follow the serviee. A full wine bar featuring exeellent Israeli wines will be available for the adults and great story telling for the ehildren. The Ohr FlaTorah Shabbatons have gained a reputation of a fan- tastie Shabbat program whieh is geared to exeite the senses and awaken the soul to the inner joy of Judaism. Fee for Shabbaton is $20 per person or $50 per family. This event is open to the entire eommu- nity. For more information on the Shabbaton or all of our programs please visit our website at ^ CZ-Ongregation orafi a project ej Lubavitch oj North Caroliiuj CLEANI Wherr Ciem'uig It Fit For A King R esidential & Commercial Cleaning ~ Bonded & Insured ~ Majestyte@aol.eom Majestyeleaningmd.eom Phone/Fax: 980-819-4088 Free Estimate I Congregation Ohr HaTorah to Offer Two Year Hebrew Course for Adults Congregation Ohr FlaTorah will begin offering this fall a two- year beginning and intermediate eourse in Flebrew for adults. The instmetor will be Dr. Jeffrey Poelvoorde, a professor of Politi- eal Seienee at Converse College in Spartanburg, SC, who has been a member of Ohr FlaTorah sinee 2001. Dr. Poelvoorde has taught Flebrew at every level, from grade-sehool to university level and has tutored over fifty-one Bar and Bat Mitzvah students. The eourse will be aimed at two kinds of students: those who wish to im prove their grammatieal founda tions and reading ability in Flebrew for the purpose of in- ereasing their grasp of the Torah, Siddur and elassieal sourees of the Jewish Tradition, and those who wish to improve their speaking ability in eonversation Modem Is raeli Flebrew. The eourse will be taught on Thursday evenings from 7:30- 9 PM at Congregation Ohr Fla- Torah, 6619 Sardis Rd., beginning on Thursday, Oetober 29. Speeial features of the eourse are audio materials for eonversational prae- tiee and for praetiee learning the proper pronuneiation and grammar of almost all the major prayers in the traditional Siddur. The main textbook will be “FlaYesod,” by Uveeler/ Bronzniek, 8th Edition, pub lished by Feldheim Publishers. Tuition is $175 per year or $36 per month. For more informa tion, please eontaet Rabbi Cohen at Ohr FlaTorah, 704- 366-3984, or email rabbieo- ^ THE RIZZO LAW FIRM, PLLC Spectacular Chanukah Celebration - SouthPark MaU Sunday, December 6 A great Menorah lighting event will take place inside SouthPark Mall on Sunday December 9, 5 PM. There will be Menorah cars, donuts, Chanukah gelt, and lots of children’s holiday activities. Please visit our website ^ The Rizzo Family FOCUSING ON CIVIL LITIGATION ESTATE PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION REAL ESTATE AND CRIMINAL LAW BALLANTYNE ONE 15720 BRIXHAM HILL AVENUE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NC 28277 704.401.5280 P • 704.314.4258 F SRIZZO@SRIZZOLAWCOM SRIZZOLAWCOM Insurance for Home, Auto, Business and Life, “My father, Harry, founded Swimmer Insurance Agency over 60 years ago offering security to the community and helping families through times of trouble. Today, we con tinue that tradition of service with everything we do. We will be there for every mile stone, every hardship and every transition your family or business experiences.” - DAVID SWIMMER Swimmer Insurance Agency 725 Providence Rd Charlotte. NC 28207 704.333.6694