The Charlotte Jewish News - February 2016 - Page 8 "NEWCOMER SCHMOOZE" New City, New Friends, New Way of Life ♦ SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2016 11:00 am -12:00 pm WEINBERG CENTER at the Levine Jewish Community Center Learn about the Charlotte Jewish Community while meeting new friendsi Questions???? Call Tair Giudice, 704.944.6759 tair.giudice(§) or Susan Lerner, 704.944.6741, susan.lerner(§) Sponsored by Icwisli Federation Shabbaton Slated with Rabbinical Student Havurat Tikvah will hold a Shabbaton on Febraary 20 with Student Rabbi Danny Moss who returns to Charlotte for this en lightening and entertaining event. Student Rabbi Moss will lead serviees foeusing on the Tetzaveh parshat at 10 AM, at Avondale Presbyterian Chureh, MaeLean Fellowship Flail, 2821 Park Rd., followed by a Kosher potluek veggie/dairy/parve luneheon. That evening at 7:30 PM, he will present a program on the Midrash as meaning-making, with an interaetive session highlighting some elassieal and modem midrashim with a make-your-own Midrash eomponent at a mem ber’s home. Fie will ineorporate the weekly parsha into the evening’s adult edueational theme. Attendees are weleome to bring Kosher desserts and snaeks to share. Details were still being final ized at press time. Originally from Chieago, Stu dent Rabbi Moss graduated from Oberlin College with degrees in Jewish Studies and Comparative Religion. He studied at the Uni versity of Haifa from 2007-08 and in 2012 began his rabbinieal train ing at the New York eampus of ft M Save up to*$2000 plus fre^pre-paicl:gratuities on select 201 6 departur^! (Book by 3/31 /16) Danny Moss Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. He is now in his fourth year. Most reeently, he served as a rabbinieal intern at Temple Israel in Boston. Previous internships were at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, Cleveland, Congregation Beth Elohim, Brooklyn, and Temple Mieah, Washington, DC, and more. While in rabbinieal sehool. Rabbi Moss served as a teen tour guide in Israel and Europe. He has also eompleted a Clinieal Pastoral Edueation unit. He has provided his serviees in hospital ehaplainey, as well as in eommunity organiz ing. Additionally, he has reeeived diverse awards in areas sueh as Jewish entrepreneurship and Jew ish history. He is listed in Linkedin’s Top 25 Rabbinieal Stu dents. Student Rabbi Moss serves on the JStreet Rabbinie Cabinet as a rabbinie student. Student Rabbi Moss has a plethora of musieal talents. He is profieient in guitar, piano, tram- pet, mandolin, and hand pereus- sion instruments. He has lent his voice to congregational work by serving as a song leader and can torial soloist. Havurat Tikvah is a warm, sup portive and nurturing Jewish Re- constractionist congregation with Shabbat services and a full spec trum of holiday observances, as well as religious educational op tions for both adults and children. We are a diverse group of fami lies, singles, and Jewish and inter faith couples who participate in projects that promote social jus tice. We value and depend upon member participation and leader ship for our religious services, spiritual growth, and governance. Havurat Tikvah is an affiliate of the Jewish Reconstractionist Communities, in association with the Reconstractionist Rabbinical College. For more information on up coming services, programs, mem bership, or other queries, call 980-225-5330, write to Havurat Tikvah, RO. Box 12684, Char lotte, NC 28220, email member- ship(S), or visit Havurat Tik vah is also on Facebook at facebook. com/ group s/havurattik- vah/.^ havural^^^ioi: Oil Julie PmJ )ouv PI. ace I CRS - Certified Residential Specialist (3% of all Realfors) SRES - Senior Real Bfate Specialist Five Star Professional Winner (7% of agents in Charlotte) ABR, e-PRO, SPS, QSC THE REALTOR WITH FIXPERIENCE & KNOWLEDGE TRUSTED BY ruoiSH n’Wr,.in« nc |—Jomes^^itliC ac Inei- BUYERS SELLERS RaOCATION com Jewish Reconstructionist Movement In Association with the Reconstractionist Rabbinical College a DOWNLOAD OUR APP AT THE APP STORE 11 from love is belter than obeying from fear.” -Rashi (Rabbi Solomon Ben Isaac)