An Affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte Vol. 38, No. 9 Elul-Tishrei 5776/7 October 2016 How to Make it in Hollywood and Remain a Mensch The 2017 Main Event featuring Joshua Maiina Joshua Maiina may inspire agitation among millions of peo ple on a weekly basis, but on Deeember 8, he will find himself in front of an appreeiative erowd. Maiina, who plays David Rosen, the morally eonflieted at torney general of the United States on “Seandal,” the hit television show by Shonda Rhimes, will be the featured speaker at the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte’s Main Event, eo-ehaired by Debra and David Van Glish. After graduating from Yale University with a B.A. in Theatre Studies, Joshua Maiina made his professional aeting debut in the Broadway produetion of Aaron Sorkin’s “A Few Good Men.” He went on to star as Jeremy Good win in Sorkin’s eritieally ae- elaimed television series “Sports Night.” Later, Joshua eo-starred as Will Bailey in Sorkin’s multi- Emmy winning show “The West Wing.” Other Sorkin eredits in- elude the hit features “The Amer- iean President” and “Maliee.” For three seasons, Joshua por trayed multi-millionaire Peter Alpert on USA Network’s hit “In Plain Sight.” Joshua’s film eredits inelude the eomedy “A View from the Top” with Gwyneth Paltrow and Mike Meyers, “In the Line of Fire” with Clint Eastwood, and “Bulworth” with Warren Beatty and Halle Berry. A eo-ereator of Bravo’s hit show “Celebrity Poker Show down,” Joshua reeently wrote, produeed, and eo-starred in the eomie web series “Baekwash.” Co-stars in the projeet inelude Jon Hamm, Miehael Ian Blaek, Sarah Josh Maiina Silverman, Hank Azaria, and many others. Joshua has been aetive in Jew ish affairs for some time. He ap peared in the Jewish Federation’s “Live Generously” eampaign, and starred in a video preparing Jew ish high sehool students for the possibility of faeing an anti-Israel elimate on eollege eampuses. In an appearanee on “Celebrity Jeop ardy,” Joshua won $50,000 for Bet Tzedek, a pro bono law firm in Los Angeles, and in July he took Mazon’s SNAP Food Stamp Challenge. Over the last few years, Joshua has spoken at dozens of Federation’s and Hil- lel’s aeross the eountry. The Main Event on Thursday, Deeember 8, 2016 will begin at 7:30 PM at Temple Israel. Tiekets are $36 per person and ean be purehased online at; by eall- ing 704-944-6757 or by mailing in your eheek to Jewish Federation, 5007 Providenee Road, Suite 101, Charlotte, NC 28226. Or with a donation of $180, we invite you to be an “Honorable Mensehen” (in- eludes two Main Event tiekets, signed autographed pieture, reeognition in event program, CJN and Federation website). For additional information, eall the Federation offiee at 704-944- 6757; or visit our website at WWWj ewisheharlotte. org. ^ Jewish Federation OF greater charlotte Mark Your Calendar for the 2016-2017 JCRC Speaker Series The JCRC is proud to an- nounee our ongoing 2016-2017 JCRC Speaker Series, whieh will start up again on November 15 with the first of a two part series by Ralph Nurnberger. Leetures will take plaee on January 26, 2017, February 28, 2017 (the see- ond part of the US Eleetion series with Dr. Ralph Nurnberger) and Mareh 23, 2017 in the Sam Lemer ON ‘31101NVHO 80ZI- #imN3d aivd 3ovisod s n aisidSdd Center for Cultural Arts at Shalom Park. This year’s series will foeus on a two-part session on the U.S. Presidential Eleetion, Israel and the United Nations as well as the regional turmoil ehallenges in the Middle East. The role of the JCRC ineludes promoting and eultivating positive relations be tween the Jewish eommunity and the larger Charlotte eommunity. partieipating in the improvement of our loeal and global eommuni- ties and eneouraging engagement with and fostering a strong rela tionship between the loeal and Jewish and greater Charlotte eom- munities and Israel. The JCRC Speaker Series endeavors to ere- ate a strong Charlotte Jewish eommunity that is edueated, pas sionate, and eonneeted to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide through thought provoking, stim ulating, and engaging leetures and eonversations with renowned speakers on Israel and relevant Jewish topies of the day. All leetures are free and open to the publie but RSVPS are re quested. For more information, please eontaet Tal Stein Direetor of Community Relations and Is rael Affairs at tal.stein@jew- or 704-944-6751. More detailed information will preeede eaeh event, as time gets eloser. (See page 17 for more de tails.) ^ pafsanba^j aoiAias aBueqj 9ZZ8Z ON ‘mopeqo ZU# mins ‘peo^ aouapiAOJd ZOOS Third Annual Charlotte Hadassah Fair Featuring Israeli Products, November 13 Jewish Community Relations Council The 3rd Annual Charlotte Hadassah Fair Featuring Israeli Produets will bring the eommu nity together to “Support Israel, by Buying Israeli.” This year’s 3rd Annual event will take plaee on November 13 at the Sam Lemer Center at Shalom Park. The event will feature Israeli and loeal vendors offering Ju- daiea, Jewish holiday themed items, as well as kosher foods and produets. A number of vendors with a large variety of produets have aheady eommitted. In addi tion to Israeli jewelry, we will have speeial jewelry made out of roeket pieees from the 2014 war, as well as a huge eolleetion of Jewish ehildren’s books, the ever beautiful and popular Ronit Furst eye glass frames, beautiful art and pottery, and a variety of kosher and Hanukkah themed items. Vendor tables ean be purehased for $50. Vendors ean register on line at http://tinyurl.eom/2016- Vendorform. If you are interested or have additional questions re garding purehasing a vendor table, please eontaet Shellie Barer at s.barer@yahoo.eom. Event tables ean also be purehased by Jewish eommunity ageneies and organi zations for promoting Jewish and Israeli themed produets and infor mation. Additionally, the Fair will fea ture ehildren’s aetivities and a large variety of raffle prizes. Plans are in the works for a reading and aetivity by a published Jewish ehildren’s author. Stay tuned for more information. We thank you for your interest and support of this amazing event. For additional information, please eontaet Staey Baum at 704-808- 0423 or sehree@earolina.rr.eom or Amy DeLoaeh at 910-617- 1264 or amybdeloaeh@g- mail.eom. Additionally, if you have personal or business items to donate for our raffle, please eon taet Hilary Rosenbaum at dhrose4@gmail.eom. Looking forward to seeing you at the HADASSAH ISRAEL

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