An Affiliate of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte Vol. 39, No. 5 lyar-Sivan 5777 May 2017 Jewish Federation Annual Meeting Commemorates 50th Anniversary of Six-Day War The Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte will take plaee on Mon day, May 22 at 7:00 pm in the Sam Lemer Center for Cultural Arts at Shalom Park. During the Annual Meeting, the 2017-2018 slate of offieers and Board of Trustees will be presented, and an eleetion will be held. Anyone eon- tributing at least $36 to the Annual Campaign is eonsidered a voting member. This year marks the 50th an niversary of the historie Six-Day War, a watershed moment in the history of modem Israel. In reeog- nition of the anniversary, please join Emory Professor Kenneth W. Stein as he speaks about the 1967 Six-Day War: How it Changed Is raeli, Jewish, and Middle East History. Kenneth W. Stein, Professor of Contemporary Middle Eastern and Ameriean foreign poliey to ward the region. For a deeade, with innovative eurrieulum, webi nars, workshops, and a robust website, his Atlanta based Center for Israel Edueation has equipped students, elergy, teaehers, and the general publie with reliable and timely Israel learning, We look forward to seeing you on May 22. For more information, please eall the Federation offiee at 704-944-6757.^ Kenneth W. Stein History, Politieal Seienee and Is raeli Studies, has taught at Emory University sinee 1977. He holds a joint appointment in the History and Politieal Seienee Depart ments. Stein’s seholarship foeuses on the modem Arab world, Israel, Jewish Federation OF greater charlotte JUso Inside^^^ Local Residents Produce Documentary about Charlotte’s Jewish World War II Veterans, see page 9 Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community: Farewell from Judy August; greeting from Mark Vitner, see page 10 SLATE OF OFFICERS & TRUSTEES AS NOMINATED BY THE BOARD DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER CHARLOTTE OFFICERS FOR 2017-2018 President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Past President Larry Schwartz* Aiison Lerner* Risa Miiier* Ron Townsend* Amy Augustine* ira Siomka* Hoiiy Levinson BOARD MEMBERS - TERM ENDiNG 2020 Stephanie Gitlin* Jeff Turk* Bill Zimmern* BOARD MEMBERS - TERM ENDiNG 2019 George Cronson Amy Vitner Brad Winer Marisa Zeibert BOARD MEMBERS - TERM ENDiNG 2018 Gail Baron Slade Goldstein Sharyn Handelsman Julie Sheffer *Nominees CONSTITUENT AGENCY DESIGNEES: Levine Jewish Community Center Representative: Jonathan Kulbersh Jewish Family Services Representative: Debbie Porter Foundation of Shalom Park Representative: Linda Seigel BOARD DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Sam Bernstein, Chair Ben Benson, Gale Osborne, Wendy Petricoff, Jen Rosen, Jenny Rosenthal and David Van Gllsh It’s Always Something. That’s Why There’s Federation. ON ‘31101NVHO 80ZI- #imN3d aivd 3ovisod s n aisidSdd pafsanba^j aoiAias aBueqj 9ZZ8Z ON ‘mopeqo ZU# mins ‘peo^ aouapiAOJd ZOOS Through our Annual Cam paign, the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte joins with 153 Federations aeross North Ameriea to answer the needs of the Jewish world. When a ehild needs a Jewish edueation, a subsidy to partieipate in a Jewish experienee like Jewish summer eamp or a BBYO leader ship eonferenee. Federation is there. When a family loses its in- eome or an entire eommunity is devastated by a disaster. Federa tion is there. It’s a pledge we live by We are there to help a dis tressed family regain its footing; to reseue and rebuild after a eatastrophe. We make sure a Holoeaust survivor isn’t deserted, and that no one who is disabled is without assistanee. Federation holds out a safety net. And we’ll never let it fall. The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte has been sup porting, sustaining and revitaliz ing Jewish life for more than 75 years. Today our work is far from finished - and we need your sup port to meet our 2017 Campaign Goal of $3,750,000....mueh (Continued on page 2) - ■ ' .1. c :ATER CHA