Q-NOTES Switchboard, Charlotte 704/525-6128 AIDS Hotline, Charlotte 704/333-AIDS PFLAG Hotline, Charlotte 704/364-1474 AIDS Hotline, Columbia 803/779-PALS Call Lin‘- Wilmington 919/675-9222 September 1988^ ^ ^ . ■ PRIDE IN PRINT ■ L . ^ 1 TO ADVERTISE: 339-0679 INDEX Calendar Horoscope Page 2 Page 7 MCSP Report Page 4 National Coming Out Day Page 3 Organizations Page 2 Social Highlights Softspot Page 5 Page 6 To Your Health Page 6 BEST BETS Sept. 4 Labor Day Celebration, Scorpio Pig Picking, Stevens Sept. 8 PFLAG Meeting Sept 12 Bowling Starts Sept. 15, 16 Switchboard Workshop Sept. 18 Bingo, Stevens Sept. 21 Wednesday Night Workout, Scorpio Sept. 24 MCC Charlotte Pot Luck Supper YOUR POWER IS IN YOUR VOTE! TO VOTE, you MUST be registered by OCT. 7th. TO REGISTER: Contact the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections, OR go to ANY pubiic library in Meckienburg County. You MUST be 18 years oid on eiection day in order to register. FOR MORE INFORMATION on the political process contact FIRST TUESDAY at 704/393-2536 Card Creates Controversy By P. Scott Ferguson and Dean Gaskey Q-Notes Staff Safe Sex cards are in the news again. In January of this year, Joe Chambers and Concerned Charlotteans pressured the Meck lenburg County Commission to prohibit Metrolina AIDS Project (MAP) from dis tributing the Safe Sex cards donated by AID Atlanta. In jeopardy of losing county funding, MAP agreed to cease distribution of the card. MAP further agreed to allow the Meck lenburg Health Department to screen all future literature before it is published. Enter First Tuesday, the gay and lesbian political action group, who recognized that the need for education in the community concerning safe sex was not being met by any Charlotte organization. Partial funding was provided by Oleen's lounge who pro duced a fundraiser in March, with over 200 people attending. The event raised in excess of $550. At the May meeting of First Tues day, it was decided that the group would print and distribute a revised form of the Safe Sex card. With the explicit discussion of sexual activity and graphic "street language," the new cards drew the attention of the public. Rev. Lynn Guerra of MCC Charlotte and First Tuesday, said that she, "...would prefer that this card could be in different language, ...however, when you try to communicate with people you must speak at their level and not expect them to come up to your level." The Rev. Joseph Chambers, pastor of Paw Creek Church of God, and leader of Concerned Charlotteans has denounced the card as obscene and requested that the Meck lenburg District Attorney Peter Gilchrist, prosecute the individuals responsible for producing and distributing the new cards under North Carolina obscenity laws. Gilchrist refused the request of Concerned Charlotteans to prosecute First Tuesday. Gilchrist has been quoted as saying, "...in my opinion, it (the Safe Sex Card) will not support a criminal prosecution. I think that there is legitimate argument that the thing has an educational value." Q-Notes attempted to talk with Rev. Chambers in order to get his reaction to the district attorney's refusal, but were told that Chambers was "...unavailable to talk with you (Q-Notes)." Don King, a Charlotte activist, and member of First Tuesday, told Q-Notes, "The flap (over the safe sex cards) has had only one effect, and that is to make it (the card) famous or infamous, depending on your point of view." King added, "Nobody has told us that we can't distribute the card...and we intend to make the card avail able to non-gay bars in the future if they request it." King has also asked that anyone who wishes may help repay the additional print ing costs that were incurred with the com plex folding of the card. Expenses of ap proximately $350 were not covered by Oleen's fundraiser. Individuals who wish to participate with First Tuesday financially or otherwise may contact Pat at 393-2536. Editor's Note: Articles in the Charlotte Observer were used in preparation of this story. Conventions Choose Party Candidates By Greg Winston During this convention season, once again the American public was given a view of their presidential candidates. Again this view was a pre-packaged media event. In July, we witnessed the Democratic Convention that was held in Atlanta, Georgia. More recently we witnessed the Republican Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. The role of these huge conventions is twofold. First, it is a formal recognition and endorsement of the selected candidate. Sec ondly, it is an opportunity for the party to show their candidate off to the public, in the best possible light. The Democrats nominated Michael Dukakis, Governor of Massachusetts. He selected as his running mate. Senator Lloyd Bentsen of Texas. The Texas senator offered the party ticket a broader base of appeal. The Dukakis speech was one that empha sized the trade and budgetary deficits of the Reagan Administration and called for a change of leadership. He focused on compe tency as the litmus test for being the presi dent. Dukakis claimed in his speech, that he had been the governor of a state, which is equivalent to the office of President. He Mchael Dukakis, Dem. Nominee spoke of his tum-around of theMassachusetts economy and how with his running mate, Lloyd Bentson, they offer a ticket with di versity. The Democratic convention showed a party that wanted to get back in power. They avoided taking stand on issues such as no MAP Gets CDC Funds By P. Scott Ferguson Q-Notes Staff The Centers for Disease Control has allo cated a $24,500 grant to Metrolina AIDS Project to develop a safer sex campaign. An additional $5,000 was awarded to the Meck lenburg County Health Department. The grant is a portion of the $ 180,(X)0 in CDC funds that were allocated for AIDS educational efforts in North Carolina. In the fall of 1987, MAP received a re quest for a grant proposal from the North Carolina Secretary of Human Resources, David Flaherty who handled the disburse ment of the funding for the CDC in North Carolina. The original proposal submitted by MAP for $35,000 was rejected citing a need for more Health Department involvement. The proposal was revised to allow the Meck lenburg County Health Department to ad minister the funding and was re-submitted. After a delay of more than a year, MAP will receive the funding, funneled through the Mecklenburg Health Department. It will be used for producing literature and to pay the salary of a health educator who will develop and manage a Risk Reduction/Safer Sex Campaign. The educational efforts will be targeted primarily at the Charlotte gay male commu nity. The campaign manager will hold safe sex seminars as welj as working directly with the community through the local bars. George Bush, Rep. Nominee first use, which would put into law that America would definitely not be the first nation to use their nuclear weapons arsenal. A stance that has strong support among many democrats, this view is opposed by the more conservative elements of the party. In the Republican convention, we wit nessed much of the same situation. There was a reluctance to stress the issues and how the candidate stood; rather, the focus was on the candidate and his personal qualifica tions. George Bush stressed his military service, and the fact that he was the youngest fighter pilot to serve in the Navy. He stressed his service as Ambassador to China, and his role as vice president and "hands-on" expe rience that he has gained from that position. He spoke of the sustained period of eco nomic growth that the Republicans have provided in the eight years that they have been in office. In his acceptance speech he mentioned that the two candidates that were trying to win the presidency, were com pletely different. He said he was of a conser vative leaning, whereas Dukakis was a typi cal Carter-Kennedy-Mondale liberal. He mentioned that he was against abor tion, for school prayer, for a strong defense, for ADI, and for a continuation of the Re agan Era. see convention, page 8