PAGE 8 T Q-Notes T September 20, 1997 JEFFREY GRANT KOENIG ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SUITE 760 THE ADDISON 831 E. MOREHEAD ST. CHARLOTTE, NC 28202-2725 (704) 335-5471 reason for hope The search for a preventive vaccine by The AIDS Writers Group Special to Q-Notes President Clinton promised to make the development of a vaccine to prevent AIDS a major commitment of the governments scien tific institutions. While most activists were dis appointed that the promise didn’t include ample funding, the announcement does point out some positive changes. The success of combi nation therapies has meant that activists have less fear that the successful development of a vaccine to prevent AIDS would mean decreased efforts in research aimed at treating and curing HIV disease. In addition, the announcement is a signal that many now believe that a preven tive vaccine can be developed. The idea behind vaccines Vaccination is based upon an old observa tion: some people who get better after being struck with an illness don’t get it again. Vac cines have a long history, going back thousands of years to the Chinese who gave dried out smallpox to uninfected people to lessen the chances of getting the disease later. Modern vac cines go back to Jenner and his introduction of cowpox as a smallpox vaccine in 1798. All of our immune systems have a built in capacity to fight some germs (including a num ber of viruses) and the diseases they cause. In addition, the body’s immune system has the ability to learn to recognize an unfamiliar germ as an enemy. However, it takes time for the body to learn to fight an illness it has never seen. The time it takes to recognize a new illness and learn how to fight it can be the crucial few days or weeks that makes the diflFerence between a disease easily defeated and one that causes seri ous damage or even death. Teaching the body to recognize a germ as an enemy is what a vac cine does, so that when the body is exposed to the real germ, it will recognize and destroy it. In HIV, the virus makes tens of billions of copies of itself in the first few days and weeks after infection. Therefore, the virus ends up infecting many parts of the body quickly. The hope is that a vaccine would get the immune system to attack so fast that the virus would not have a chance to reproduce and spread, and thereby HIV infection would be prevented. Can a vaccine prevent AIDS? Over the years, scientists have developed vaccines to fight many illnesses. However, some researchers believed that since the basis of a vaccine is getting the immune system to fight an invader, it might not be possible to develop an effective vaccine because, unlike other vi ruses, HIV attacks the immune system itself. In addition, it is feared that because there are so many varieties of HIV around the world, and the virus is able to mutate so quickly, a vaccine that recognized one strain of HIV might not recognize another. Others argue that a vaccine is very possible. Among the reasons many believe this is so is the possibility that some small number of people are naturally immune to infection by HIV. If researchers can find out how their system’s successfully fought off the virus, it might be possible to get other people’s immune systems to do the same thing. How a vaccine might work For most diseases, the key to developing a vaccine is to look at people who have acquired a natural immunity to the disease or at people who have recovered ftom the disease. Research ers then look at the responses ofthose people’s immune systems and attempt to find something that will create that response in others. As our knowledge of HIV disease increases, research ers are gradually learning what types of immune response won’t work and what types may work to prevent HIV infection. Creating a response is not difficult. After all, the body responds to the virus. The difficulty is creating the right response without infecting people. The safest vaccine is usually the weak est. For instance, one made up of small pieces of HIV could involve almost no risk of infec tion, but it might have the least chance of be ing effective. Vaccines more likely to work in volve giving people a weakened (scientists call them “attenuated”) live virus. Some individu als have somehow been infected with such a weakened virus and they have remained healthy for at least 12 years. Nevertheless, the safety of such a live-attenuated vaccine is not so clear. In some diseases, this kind of vaccine is used. The oral polio vaccine is such a live-attenuated vaccine, and about 8-10 people a year in the United States get polio from the vaccine. It’s a price society is willing to pay to avoid thou sands of cases if the vaccine was not used. How ever, until more is known about the safety of such a live HIV vaccine, the decision to use it will be difficult. Over the past ten years, scientists have de veloped a number of HIV vaccines and it ap pears that many of them are safe. Some of them have been shown to protect chimps and other primates for at least one year. Unfortunately, these vaccines have not been tested on enough people to know if they work. The time for trials Clearly, more than in any other illness for which a vaccine has been developed, getting an AIDS vaccine will mean a lot of trial and error. More time, more money and more experiments with human candidates is the only way to de termine if we are successful. The bad news is the research is not moving fast enough. Most of those vaccines which have moved beyond tests on animals and on to human testing, are in or have completed only the first phase of testing. These tests involve a very small num ber of people to ensure safety, without any re sults regarding effectiveness. The good news is that one vaccine is ready to begin a later phase of testing, which will in clude people who were at high risk of getting infected with HFV, and therefore will look not only at whether they are safe, but also whether they are effective at preventing infection. The individuals involved are ftom HIVNET which recruits high-risk people, tries to teach safer behavior and also enrolls people into preven tive trials. The vaccine is c^ed ALYAC (from the fret it was designed in Albany, NY: “ALbany YACcine”). It will be tested in 14 sites across the country, involving 420 people. One-third of them will receive a placebo, one-third will get the ALYAC and one-third will get the ALYAC plus another vaccine known as GP-120 (which uses the non-active outer coating of the virus.) However, because infection rates are not that high in this country, the trial will take three years to complete, and it still isn’t large enough to determine whether the vaccine works. If the results of this trial look promising, then a much larger and perhaps longer trial will be needed. Meanwhile, there are numerous other vaccines that have not had even the early safety tests, and many more which have had that first phase, but have not been approved for further testing. A number of activists are frustrated at the slow response. To move the development of some HIY treatments, the tests after the initial safety tests are often rolled into one. Some ac tivists believe something similar should be done for preventive AIDS vaccine trials. Individuals wisffing to promote the development of a pre ventive vaccine may want to attend the National AIDS Yaccine Advocacy Forum to be held in San Diego, CA this November. For informa tion, call the AIDS Yaccine Advocacy Coali tion at (415) 248-1330. A critical concern While there is optimism about the possibil ity of developing a vaccine, there are also con cerns. It will be years before any vaccine could be available and it may be much less than 100 percent effective. One of the questions that experts are struggling with is what the impact would be if there was a vaccine that lowered one’s chances of getting the disease by 70 per cent or 90 percent but didnt completely pro tect an individual. Given that possibility, a vac cine will be an added layer of proteertion, not an alternative to current prevention methods. While there is testing of potential vaccines, no vaccine to date has been built which will stop the illness. It needs to be understood that practicing prevention through abstinence or safer sex should still be viewed as absolutely necessary. Even HIY-positive individuals need to protect themselves as well as their parmers. HIY is not the only disease that is transmitted sexually and people with weaker immune sys tems face higher risks. In addition, there is the chance that one may contract a strain of the virus which is resistant to some antiviral drugs. Also, having a vital load which is undetectable does not mean that the virus cannot be trans mitted. Yaccine or no vaccine — safe practices and protection are essential! ▼