out in the stars qfyi October 17-30 by C. Lichtenstein Special to Q-Notes ARIES (March 21 - April 20) A flash of self-confidence is dampened by retro grade Saturn. Prepare to feel a little at odds with anything and anyone new; things could statt off on the wrong foot. As with everything, this dreary transit shall eventually pass, but not before proud Rams manage one fini public exposure. Forewarned is forearmed, so avoid crotchless pants until spring. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) As Saturn begins its backward blitzkrieg into Aries, queer Bulls can’t help but imagine all sorts of heinous, behind-the-scenes goings on. Some of it is in your mind, but for those times where you can see the dark forces descending, don’t be afraid to take up arms and oppose them. Sometimes the worst fears are what we conjure, not what we conquer. GEMINI (May22-June21) Saturn revives the old motto, “A friend in need is a pest.” Gay Twins are all too willing to help a pal in distress; however, Saturn teaches you the limits of charity and patience. There is nothing more appall ing than friends who guzzle the milk of human kind ness and move on when another source looms. Sat urn posts these thieves on your milk carton. CANCER (June 22 - July 23) One rung on your ladder of success has been sawed through. Who’s the culprit? Blame retro Sat urn for the “one step forward, two steps back” pat tern in your career right now. Pink Crabs need to take a deep breath, take stock of their position and carefully build anew. All is not lost; in fact, your next climb up will be based on a more solid foundation. LEO (July24-Aug.23) Your next vacation may be the trip to hell if ret rograde Saturn has anything to say about it. Proud Lions may wish to avoid extensive travel; bags get lost, reservations are screwed up and you may wind up sharing your room with a retired insurance bro ker from Idaho. (Then again, that may be your thing.) Remember, it’s hurricane season in Key West. VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23) Saturn has a way of tossing a pot of cold water on your hottest frontburner when it retrogrades back into Aries. Pink Virgins are apt to become a tad frus- ttated with all the false starts and sudden stops in the sex department. But never fear, cousin; this too shall pass and before you know it, you’ll be cooking on all four burners. Be careful of burn marks! LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) Avoid any arguments with partners when stern Saturn retrogrades back into domineering Aries. Pres sure will be placed on any one-to-one relationship and a meeting of the minds may not take place. Any unreconciled issues can resurface now, but nothing can be gained when you’re under pressure. Saturn clamps your nipple in a vise. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) You may prefer to remain slothful when retro Saturn backs into Aries. Strenuous exercise may not have the desired effect now, so spare yourself the strains and pains. The day-to-day job may become more onerous than usual as well. It’s hard to be the queen bee when Saturn conspires to make you a dis pensable drone. Plan a revolution in the spring. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 22) It’s difficult to celebrate when tetro Saturn wants to rain on your party. Proud Archers usually have a pretty good sense of humor, but now fun is simply too much trouble. Don’t despair, cousin; this seri ous old sod will soon double back into Taurus and you can recharge le bon temps to full gay tempo. In the meantime, sit this dance out, sister. CAPRICORN (Dec.23-Jan.20) Retro Saturn has a way of dredging up the foul family issues that you thought were past history. Just when you thought your closet was open and emp tied, a relative tries to shut the door. Gay Goats needn’t change a thing with their life in order to achieve familial harmony. Maybe the answer is to agree to disagree and leave it at that. Don’t make their problem your problem. AQUARIUS (Jan.21-Feb. 19) Perhaps it’s best not to put your thoughts into Words when worrisome Saturn retrogrades back into headstrong Aries. Aqueerians are best served by keep ing their ill-conceived ideas to themselves and not bleating them out. Thankfully, this phase will soon pass — but not before you try to put a rathet large foot into your comparatively small mouth. PISCES (Feb. 20 - March 20) Filthy lucre will be hard to acquire and even harder to hold when Saturn retros into Aries. Pink Fish are advised to stick to conservative investments and avoid risk. It’s possible that despite best efforts, some financial retrenchment will still take place, but you can soften the blow if you do your fiscal home work. Bears and bulls make money, but pigs lose their shirts. ▼ For a free calculation of your ascendant, send birthdate, time, place, name of this publication and s.a.s.e. to: Lichtenstein, P.O.B. 1726, Old Chelsea Station, NY 10011. Check out my website AccessNewAge.com/Stargayzer. Compiled by Dan Van Mourik Q-Notes Staff The Thursday, October 22 performance of Before It Hits Home, presented at 8:00pm by the Afro-American Cultural Center, 401 N. Myers St., Charlotte will be a benefit for Metrolina AIDS Project (MAP). The play con cerns what happens to a family when it learns that one of its members is HIV positive and there will be a brief panel discussion involving people living with HIV/AIDS and their fami lies after the performance. Tickets for this spe cial benefit are $15 and may be purchased through MAP at (704) 333-1435. Tickets for all performances (including the benefit) may be purchased through the Cultural Center at (704) 374-1565. Proceeds from the benefit will be used to support M.O.V.E. (Minority Out reach Volunteer Educators), a volunteer compoment of MAP that conducts HIV/AIDS prevention education within the African- American Community. For more information, call MAP at (704) 333-1435. The AIDS Outreach Ministry of the Met ropolitan Community Church of Greenville, SC is hosting its second annual brunch to ben efit AID Upstate (as part of Dining With Friends). It will be held on Saturday, October 24 from 10:30am until 12:30pm at Berkshire@Brookfield Clubhouse in Mauldin, SC. Everyone is invited and encouraged to at tend. For directions and to RSVP by October 21 if you are planning to attend, call Robert at (803) 234-9914. Checks for donations should be made payable to AID Upstate. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s (NGLTF) 11th Creating Change, the annual gathering of GLBT activists, organizers, aca demics and clergy, will convene in Pittsburgh, PA November 11-15. The conference will fea ture cultural events, over 120 workshops and networking caucuses, and two days of pre-con ference institutes. In addition, a special recep tion will be held at Pittsburgh’s Andy Warhol Museum in celebration of NGLTF’s 25th an niversary. For more information or to receive a brochure, call (202) 332-6483 ext. 3329 or visit www.ngltf.org/cc98 on the Internet. The Western North Carolina AIDS Project (WNCAP) will hold their annual AIDS Auc tion on Saturday, November 14 at the S&W Cafeteria, 56 Patton Ave., Asheville. This year’s honorary chairperson is Asheville Mayor Leni Sitnick. A silent auction and social hour be gins at 6:30pm, a buffet will be served at 7:30pm and a live auction begins at 9:00pm. Tickets are $25 (including food) or $60 (in cluding food, wine and preferred table seating). A limited number of “inner circle” tables seat ing eight are available for $800 (including food and wine). The theme is “Raise Your Hand.” Q-Notes T October 17,1998 T PAGE 29 Volunteers are needed to help with event set up and clean-up, acquiring donations of items and services, selling advertising, and various other duties. For more information, call (828) 252-7489 or 1-800-346-3731, ext. 21. Editor Jack Hart is accepting submissions for Heat 2, a collection of true, first-person sto ries by men describing sexual encounters with other men. Whether the experience was un usual, soulful, funny, or wild, Hart wants to hear about it. Manuscripts should be a maxi mum of 10 typed, double-spaced pages. If ac cepted, final manuscript must be submitted on computer disk. A pseudonym is acceptable. Story must be nonfiction. Include SASE for re turn of manuscript. Submission deadline: April 30,1999. Send to: Jack Hart, do Alyson Pub lications, 6922 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 1000, Los Angeles, CA 90028. Submissions are also being sought for Real- life Lesbian Romantic and Dangerous Stories. Stories should be 4 - 20 manuscript pages, typed, double-spaced. If accepted for publica tion, it is required that final manuscript be sub mitted on computer disk. Stories must be non fiction. Include SASE for return of manuscript. Contributors will be paid and will receive two copies of the anthology. Deadline: April 30, 1999. Send stories to: Dangerous Women, Ro mantic Women, Alyson Publications, 6922 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1000, Los Angeles, CA 90028. T - > ♦ / IT 3018The Plaza Charlotte (704)344-1770 Mon. Miller Lite $2.00 Heart Throbs $2.00 Thurs. Coors Lite $2.00 Cranberry Cooler $3.00 Tues. Rolling rock $2.00 Rum 8c Coke $2.00 - Fri. Ice House $2.00 Vodka Tease $2.00 Wed. All you can drink draft $3.00 8c Surprise drink special Sat, Corona $2.00 Margaritas $2.00 Surprise drink special