JUNE 7 . 2003 • Q-NOTES ^ROLIN noted . notable . noteworthy GLBT issues Volume 18 • No. 2 • June 7, 2003 The Carolinas'most comprehensive Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender newspaper . Published every 2 weeks PO Box 221841 • Charlotte, NC 28222 704.531.9988 704.531.1361 FAX • www.q-notes.com Publisher; Jim Yarbrough publisher@q-notes.com • Editor: David Moore editor@q-notes.com Associate Editor: David Stout Feature Editor: Lainey MilLen • New Media, Proofing: Brian M. Myer Graphic Design Production: Lainey Millen production@q-notes.com Administrative Assist; Brad Ward Ad Sales: Jim Yarbrough, Manager publisher@q-notes.com Brent James adrep@q-notes.com Ad Sales . National: Rivendell Marketing Co, Inc. 704.531.9988 704.531.9988 212.242.6863 GLBTQ Switchboards For meetings, or guidance contact the GLBTQ Switchboard in your area: NC: Charlotte Greensboro Raleigh Wilmington Win-Salem SC: Charleston Columbia 704-535-6277 336-855-8558 919-821-0055 910-762-0301 336-748-0031 843-720-8088 803-771-7713 Material in Q-Notes is copyrighted by Pride Publishing & Typesetting © 2003 and may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent of the editor. Advertisers assume full responsibility — and therefore, all liability — for securing reprint permission for copyrighted text, photographs and illustrations or trademarks published in their ads. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers, cartoonists we publish is neither inferred nor implied. The appearance of names or photographs does not indicate the subject's sexual orientation. Q-Notes nor its publisher assumes liability for typographi cal error or omission, beyond offering to run a correction. The views of this newspaper are expressed as editorials. Q-Notes accepts unsolicited editorial, but cannot take responsibility for its return. Editor reserves the right to accept and reject material as well as edit for clarity, brevity. contributing writers Bo Dean/OutWilmington, Robert Kirby, Charlene Lichtenstein, Ed Madden, David Moore, Brian M. Myer, Leslie Robinson, Leah D. SepsenwoL, Mark Shields, Tim F. Snider, Rev. Gillian J. Storey, David Stout, Trinity, John Wagner, Michael Wilke on page one Eric Rudolph captured Gay Dads celebrate Father's Day articles 25 Charleston billboard controversy 04 Charlotte congregation buys a home 11 Charlotte Pride photo retrospect 09 Dem presidential candidates go courtin' 28 Partnership rights gains support 27 SC Pride attacks large crowd 07 State-sponsored homophobia in SA 12 Teacher's aide attacks student features 13 Baghdad blogger back on Net 30 CNN Headline News' 'own. nancy boy?' 13 Drag legend passes away 06 Hedwig performance in Charlotte 31 Henry Rollins: Laud-mouth rocker 30 The Advocate: O'Donnell takes up pen columns 32 Audiophile 39 Classifieds 17 Commercial Closet Volvo • Community Cards • 33-35 38 Curbside 03 Editor's Note 18 Editorial: Supreme Court decision 19 General Gayety 03 Letters to the Editor • News, Notes • 33-35 38 Out and About 29 Out in the Stars 28 Outside Track 21 Para Todos: Domestic violence 01 Q-Poll 15 QFYI 37 Tell Trinity advertising deadlines issue: 21 June deadline: 06-13 issue: 05 July deadline: 06-27 issue: 19 July deadline: 07-11 lU cc o 0) 3 to Mailed from Charlotte, NC; 1st & 3rd Class; in sealed envelope. Subscription rates - 1 yr - 26 Issues: 1 st = S48; 3rd = $28. 6 months -13 issues: 1 st = $25; 3rd = $15 Make checks payable to Q-NOTES: Po Box 221841. Charlotte, NC 28222 YEARLY 26 issues: □ $48 / n $28 • name: 1/2 YEAR 13 ISSUES: □ $25/ □ $15 address: CITY STATE ZIP CREDIT CARD- CHECK ONE: □ MASTERCARD □ VISA □ DISCOVER □ AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD #: EXP date: ' 's'ldN'AtiM:’ " ' • T'.V’. ♦ » 1 ' * » f r. t > r L ^ ^ \ \ \ \ K ^ K n T. It's nice to be hack in the Carolinas. After 16 years of making my home in var ious cities up and down the East Coast — mostly Atlanta — 1 decided it was time to come home. There were mitigating circumstances, of course. Elderly parents that needed my help, an economic downturn that resulted in job layoffs for both my partner and myself (talk about lightening striking twice) and the desire for a slower pace of life were all factors that made me consider a return to my roots. It was a year ago this month — 1 sold everything 1 didn't want and packed every thing 1 did into a Ford Explorer with a Ll- Haul trailer attached. Partner, dog and cat in tow, we set out for a return to my home town; Charlotte. What I found upon my return didn't look much like what 1 left behind in the late '80s. The gay clubs that dotted the landscape back then had names like Power Company, Odyssey, Capital Corral and Olcen's. There was nothing even remotely resembling a community center in either state. As far as gay publications go — all 1 can remember was a little photocopied handzinc about local drag performers that you could pick up at one of the three nightspots in Charlotte, along with a handful of other fledgling publications from different regions. These days things look better than ever for North and South Carolina's LGBT community. The number of gay- owned businesses across both states have increased dramatically and Charlotte, Wilmington and Columbia all boast LCL3T community centers. I have to admit — I'm pleasantly sur prised. Both states are organized and active politically and the oi,it and proud gay and lesbian population has grown in leaps and bounds. I'm looking forward, to reacquainting myself with home. A note in closing — after two years with QrNotes, former Editor Leah Scpsenwol resigned in order to pursue other interests. I followed her work closely during that time and both myself and the entire staff of Q- Notes enjoyed working with Leah during her tenure. She brought a new voice to the paper — one that will be sorely missed. — David Moore Editor, CHNotes Dear Editor: I am the Elder for Region 7 of Metropolitan Community Churches, which includes North Carolina. I would like to respond to the recent article in Q-Nota titled "Former Hickory MCC Affiliates with New Denomination." First. MCC recognizes the right of the former MCC in Hickory, NC to disaffiliate with MCC and the leadership of the MCC movement wishes them well as they con tinue to serve their constituencies with the Christian good news. ■ Secondly, I would like to comment on the implication that a church would leave MCC because of an "adoption of the 'Progressive Christianity' school of thought and turning away from mainstream Christianity." The Center for Progressive Christianity only lists 14 Metropolitan Community Churches as having affiliated with them, while MCC has around 300 churches worldwide. We certainly allow for people to define themselves in a variety of ways and in MCC we have evangelical Christians, charismatic Christians (our founder is a former Pentecostal minister and I was once a member of the Assemblies of God), liberals and progressives, as well as centrists. Being an inclusive and ecumenical Christian denomination, we believe there is room for all kinds of expressions of Christianity and that we can be united in love even while experiencing great diversity of theological opinion. We arc very proud of our members who identify as Progressive Christians, but no more so than we are of all our other members who experience and express religion in ways that are true for them. Incidentally MCC does not have any new policy on ethics. What we continue to have is a stringent internal judicial process that includes the right of appeal by any individ ual. Each of our leaders are subject to this process which reflects the justice and integrity we believe must be offered to all people. Finally, let me applaud the leadership of the ICCC for affirming that their first church to affiliate, is made up of "people who sec )esus Christ as essential to their lives, and we want to remain that way.” All Christians hold Jesus as the central figure in their faith experience. And MCC has long held that in Icsus we find the revelation of divine love for all people. MCC may allow for many views and understandings about the nature of Icsus, but all of those understandings keep Icsus as the model for Christian living. Let me again say that we affirm the right of the former MCC in Hickory to now cele brate an affiliation with the ICCC and we at MCC wish them and the ICCC well as they celebrate and share what is true for them. In a world that is so divided by hatred and sus picion, we arc glad to affirm and support any group or individual that is committed to sharing a message of hope and love. — Reverend Elder GiWnn I. Stony, MCC Region 7 f ‘I Stonewall Rebellion Day — June 28 Remember our brothers and sisters who stood against adversity for your rights.