n goqnotes.com/to/arts out in the stars by Charlene Lichtenstein :: qnotes contributor November 10 - 23 Lust compels us to action, or at least we think so as Mars moves into earthy Capricorn and conjuncts shocking Pluto. Actions have reactions. Will it be everything we desire or just another case of heartburn? Better pack the Pepto. SCORPIO (10.24-11.22) Proud Scorps are apt to call 'em as they see 'em. You may find that your usual bon mots are lobbed with greater intensi ty. They not only hit their; mark, but also leave a. few rosy bruises. Thankfully, folks see thaft you are not your usual strategic self and forgive, and maybe even forget This means you should speak up while you have the soapbox. SAGITTARIUS (1123-1222) The greedy green gremlins have you in their clutches and insist that you grab all the loot that you can while you can. Gay Archers are usually fiscally inclined. but now it becomes.an obsession. Why fight it? Indulge your expensive tastes for now. Too soon the fates reverse their fortunes and yoii go back to perusing the close outsales rack. CAPRICORN (12^-0120) Gay Caps are not usually publicity hounds, but now the world clamorsforyourface. And, such a face! If you have a few choice things to say, you find an appreciative audience to hang.on to each syl lable. It is almost too easy to make headlines. The trick is to be prepared with a few sage sound bites. Ouch. Better ask someone for sage advice instead. AQUARIUS (01.21-02.19) Paranoid? They say that paranoia is simply having all the facts. Aqueerians fact check as their imagination goes into overdrive. It may surprise you to find that not all of it is in your head. There happens KGV. 18,19,29«iPM PiTSA'S PIAM0 BAR s SABARBT iaw 60WB0IIWEALTH AVI' „„ TickeU $36 Available online at www.Reacuonsnows.coin to be many hidden things — obstacles and opportunities—that suddenly come to light. Tackle each one as it comes. Come to think of it, isn't that your dating style? PISCES (02.20-03.20) Guppies are suddenly ex tremely popular as their presence is required all over town. It just won't be a top tier event with out you. RSVP. Enjoy the popularity surge. But, ratherthan dance in the same circles, expand your orbit into new spheres. This may be one of your'feyvghancesto enter and impress the elite. Most of the time you invade and gorge. ■ARIES (03.21-04.20) If you have been planning • a certain professional course, move forward on it now. You have the extra oomph you need to get whatyou want, when you want and ■from who you want. Proud Rams cannot fade into the corporate background hoping that someone will recognize their worth. Your gold is rising and the dross is worried: And, it's abouttime! TAURUS (04.21-05.21) It suddenly hits you —there has been too much time wasted on planning without much action. Get going. Burst onto the scene and into magnificent adventures. Make your move, queer Bull. There are a great many opportunities ready to be plucked and plumbed. Yet, there is so much stimuli that you may become overly stimulated and even frizzled. And, this is a bad thing? GEMINI (0522-06.21) What is it that makes pink Twins so sexually sizzling now? You are in high broil. It seems that anyone you meet is raw meat ready to be cooked. You are rough, ready and just itching to have a good time. Scratch away! But, before you bite off more than you can chew, rememberto be a bit discerning. Anything more than a mouthful is wasted, or so they say. CANCER (06.22-07.23) Relationships un dergo tremendous volcanic change. Hint — most of this change is of your own doing. Unexpectedly, you become bored, smug and self-absorbed. The world will come to you, or so you think. And, so, pink Crabs may find that they are no longer be satisfied with the status quo. That is now. What about later? LEO (07.24-08.23) Stress builds to a tipping point now. Proud Lions usually take on more than they can handle, but now all of your as sorted projects suddenly go to deadline. Don't panic — this is just a passing thunderstorm. If you can maintain your balance and good common sense, you find that your efforts are not only timely, they are timeless. But, watch those sweeping hands!. VIRGO (08.24-09.23) Queer Virgos gravitate to the high life now. Your appearance is required at every social event. Fun takes on a wild, zany,; energy that gains in velocity and intensity. Suddenly, too much is just not enough and the usual routine just won't do. So, plan your time with enough stimulation to keep you on your toes while not hitting the ceiling too often. LIBRA (0924-1023) If you blow a few fuses around the house, blame the surge on all this swirling energy going on. Expect to have a few domestic mishaps and a few out of control family altercations that reach the boil ing point A few kabooms in every room. But this is all good. Sometimes the tried and true is tired and blue. Get out of your funk, proud Libra. And, then what? Hmmm.:: ©2012 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Entertainment info: Visit TheStarryEye.com for e-greetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. My book "HerScopesiA Guide To Astrology For Lesbians" from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites. mmtiimmm Augusta, GA mmsmam Additional $10 OFF Our 2-Night Fri/Sat Specials (Extra $10 Off the prices listed below) Poolside $124 2 Queen micro/fridge) $139 2 Queen $119 *1 Queen $119 *1 Queen $99 Good throttob December 22,2012 Special Events Not Included. Birthday Weekend Novembers & 10th If you have an October Birthday get $25 OFF your room! wrestling Cvefy Thursday 8pm THE FILUN6 STATION Next Door to ParUament NoCovarl 16 qnotes Nov. IO-23.2012