Page Fourteen THE COLORED VILLAGE i-' Prize Winners in the Fair Fancy Work—First prize, Best Yard Crocheted Lace, Mrs. Daisy Forest; first prize, Best Yard Tatting, Mrs. Mag gie Harris; first prize. Best Centerpiece, Mrs. Bessie Brown; second prize, Best Centerpiece, Josie Coble; first prize, Embroidered Pillowcase, Mrs. Hattie Massey; first prize. Crocheted Yoke, Mrs. Mittie Stubbs; second prize. Crocheted Yoke, Mrs. Hattie Massey; first prize. Best display of embroidered pieces (23), Mrs. Hattie Massey; first prize, Em broidered Apron, Mrs. Grace Reed; first prize, Crocheted Hat, Mrs Hattie Mathis; second prize, Lace Hat, Mrs. Olivia Ben nett. Needlework—First prize. Dress, Mrs. Mittie Stubbs; first prize, Wool Dress, Ada Moseley; second prize. Over alls, Mrs. Lillie Sanders; first prize. Quilt, Mrs. C. M. Stafford; second prize. Quilt, Mrs. Emma Lagree. Special mention, Quilt—“Grandma’s” (90 years old). Tailoring—First prize, Best Pressed Dress, P. W. Wood. Special mention. Cap, by Keed. Laundry—F'irst prize, Mrs. Gracie Reed; second prize, Mrs. Josie Coble. Vegetables—First prize, Best Stalk of Pepper, Mrs. Emma Wooley; first prize. Best Corn on Ear, James Booker; first prize, Sweet Potato, Bob Crump. Household Department—First prize, Pickled Beets, Mrs. Pearl Gibson; •second prize. Pickled Beets, Frank Pat terson; first prize. Blackberries, Mrs. Emma Coleman; second prize, Blackber ries, p]mma Wooley; second prize. Cher ries, Mrs. Frank Patterson; first prize. Pears, Mrs. P^mma Coleman; first prize. Pear, Sweet Pickles, Mrs. Annie Booker; first prize, Best Display of Canned Goods, Mrs. Emma Wooley; first prize. Tomatoes, Mrs. Emma Wooley; second prize. Tomatoes, Miss Addie Tyson; first prize. Peaches, Mrs. M. E. Brooks; sec ond prize, Peaches, Sallie Ix)ng; first prize. Apples, Mrs. Celia Bell; first priz«, Pickled Peaches, Mrs. Daisy For est; second prize. Pickled Peaches, Mrs. Emma Coleman; first prize. Pickled I eppers, Mrs. Emma Wooley; second prize. Pickled Peppers, Ada James. IIotnC‘IiIade CouveuicHceH—First prize, Set of Tools, W. D. Devo; first prize. Willow Table, Andy Macon. Cakes—First prize. Layer Cake, Mrs. Cora Washington; second prize. Layer Cake, Addie Coble; first prize. Plain Cake, Mrs. Mary Lee; Special mention of Cafe Cake; first prize, Cornbread, Miss Annetta Lee; first prize. Pies, Miss Annetta Lee; second prize, Pies, Mary Graves. Baby Show—First prize. Baby, Ger trude Herbert; second prize. Baby, Rob ert Alexander. Community Singing Our Community singing is growing in interest; our Welfare-Worker has spared no pains in making it a success. We have the co-operation of the entire community. A special program was ren dered January 12. All soldiers were in vited. The program consisted of a solo, “Make a Little Heaven in Your Heart,” by Mrs. Grace Reed; a quartet by The Badin Elks’ Club; and some very interesting remarks from non-Commis- sioned Officer Hall, from Camp Jackson. A large crowd attended the service, and the singing was thrilling. We know no failure, since music is the medium thru which comes joy and sorrow. After the program of the above date, a silver offering was raised for a worthy cause. Returned Soldiers We are glad to have with us quite * number of returned soldiers from th« different Camps, among them; CharleJ Mack, Camp Polk; Arthur Lee, CafflP Lee; Sherman Pitts, Camp Zachary Ta)'' lor; Parnell Streeter, Camp Sevier! Wayman Lee, Camp Dix; Henry CrumP- Camp Greene; Joe Mallett, Camp Greene! Arthur Little, Camp Meade; Cicero Har ris, A. and T., Greensboro; Jim Robert' son, A. and T., Greensboro; Melvin Gib" son. Camp Grant; Thomas Harris, CamP Grant; Coston Bennet, Camp Greene. The many friends of Mr. and Mr» William Wooley sj-mpathize with the'” t in the death of their son, William Wo«!' ey, Jr., aged twenty-two, who died pneumonia overseas October 3. He we''' over from Camp Sherman, July, News of his death was just received. Mr. and Mrs. Wooley had three serving their country—.\rthur Woole!'' - who is still overseas; and Dave WooW’ in Camp. The members of the First Bapti’* Church are working very faithfully. ra*f ing money to start the erection of new church. Rev. P. F. Long, their *>*■ loved pastor, is somewhat indisposed * \ pre.sent; but we hope for him a speedy recovery. Several of our Badin citizens motor^ thru the country to hear the Will'*’’'' Jubilee Singers, last Monday ni# ► Every member was a star, and the gram was thoroly enjoyed by all. ONE OP THE BOAKDINO HOUSES IN THE COLORBD VILLACC