Below Are a Few of Our Prices, Just to Remind You that We Have Them Right At present we have on display, marked below factory prices, a line of REAL WORK SHOES. These must go; we are overloaded. Ready-Made Clothing’, all wool Suits, worth $25.00, for $15.00 Work Coats, in heavy Corduroy, worth $6.00, for 3.75 Headlight Overalls, white (cheaper than we can buy them), for 4.98 Wright’s Heavyweight Underwear, worth per suit $4.00, at 2.98 Wright’s Spring Needle Medium Weight Shirts and Drawers, at 98c. Men’s Winter Underwear .98c, Sweaters, marked down, at $1.48 to $4.98 Ladies’ all wool Middy Suits at Cost; some real Bargains. Children’s Ready-Made Gingham Dresses, at cost. We still have line Laundry Soaps. Mxport, Rub-No-More, as long as they last, tor .05c. Canned Kraut ; .15c. Palm-Olive Soap (only five cakes to a customer) loc. Rose I’ath Soap, worth .loc., for .05c. I’. !: I’. White Naphtha Soa]>, worth .loc., for .07c. Many Other Things Equally Attractive in Price and Quality BADIN CASH STORE FALLS ROAD