BADIN BULLETES The five-room cottages on Falls Road, as shown in the above picture, can be purchased in 120 monthly payments at $17.50 to $20.00 per month. Your rent for the same period, compounded annually at six p>er cent, would cost you $1250.00, for which you would only have a few RECEIPTS. Taking this amount from your total payments for one hundred and twenty months, the actual cost to you of your home would be from $850.00 to $1150.00. We assume all interest, taxes, and insurance for the one hundred and twenty months during which you are paying for the property. Where else can you purchase a five-room house, and a lot fifty by one hundred and fifty feet under such advantageous conditions? DO NOT PUT IT OFF SEE W. L. COTTON AT ONCE DEPARTMENTAL NEWS Pot Room Notes It looks as if we might be trying to step too high in percentage of number one metal; at least, that is what the old “Daddy Plant” at Niagara thinks about it, judging from the “I’ll show you” attitude they took when they turned out 98.5% of number one metal for the week ending April 2. That is a figure which is going to be hard to beat, since they have facilities which make it a little easier for them to turn out a higher average; but up to the last few months, 95% (cigar metal) was considered pretty good; and we have maintained that or better for a month straight, so we may give Niagara another surprise. We also hear that Messena has been doing some boasting about what they are going to do to us. Well, we will believe it when we see it. Our standing with the plants in num ber one metal for the ten weeks of which we have a record is as follows: Niagara 94.35% Uadin 94.01% Messena 90.46% Swaninignn 83.50% Maryville 71.34% which goes to show that we are still in the running. And while we are on this subject, we want to give the tappers, and especially Mr. Russell Ixiatherwood, credit for their good work in watching for and taking care of suspected steel pots. A snail race isn’t a specially exciting thing to watch, and that is about the way our race for low copper shows up; but when we find that there is a dif ference of 0.10 of a pound of copper per pot per day l>etwecn the best room and the worst room, we see the race is pretty close. And especially so l)ctwecn Rooms • 32 and 26—their difference being than 0.01 of a pound per pot. The metal production has fall*” ^jj all around this month, with favorites still in the lead. ^ Along this line Mr. Hill, head-P® in Room 34, made the sugges**‘’"^|j(. we award banners for highest tion, lowest carbon consumpt'®'’'^ lowest copper content for a banners to be moved from room ^ as they are earned. This I l»een carried ouL The banner* ^ I come, and they will be awarded i os wc can get suitable frames r* them. The standmg of the for the first fifteen day* of is as follows; Copper content Production Room 32 Room 34 Room 26 Room 26