to couple up ^vith me?” Mr. S. mutters something about being one-thousandth too high, and moves off to get his wooden straight-edge to check up. Mr. Trexler has finished the lightmg, both inside the power-house and on the dam, and is now finishing up mstallmg the electrical parts of the gat« hoisting machines. He is so anxious to see the gates lowered and the water begin to rise that he has forgotten he is a fore man, and has pitched in twisting nuts and grafting wire. Mr. Graham does not want to be the last to finish, and is pushing things for all he is worth. He has finished all of the conduit work, and mounted all of the heavier parts, and is now just trimming up Messrs. Ward and Roth are adjusting and connecting up the control apparatus, and remind one of the groundhogs seeing their shadows, the way they dive under the bench-board and behind switchboards looking for the connection that won’t con nect, and for a misplaced volt, or current, or something. The rotary station men are very glad indeed that the awnings for the windows, back of the control board in Rotary Station No. 25, are in place. Now if we had a couple of fans to draw cool air from the windows thru pipes and distribute in front of the switchboard, it would be pretty comfortable in the warm days to come. We must agree with Russell when he said, “It is very uncomfortable without them,” June 27, with the temperature at 118° F., and lightning playing up and down the Southern Power lines. But what we started to say was this: Claud Mask wants periscopes placed on the rotary bearings, so he will be able to see that the oil ringers are turning, instead of hav ing to execute the climbing process to get on top of the bearings to see the rings. Virgil McGehee says Claud should ask for a helper to wheel him around to the different bearings for inspections. The rotary station operators feel that they are greatly indebted to someone for the change in the clock houses, for it was other than pleasant to try to get to duty at 10.50 p. m., when raining and dark, and you ran over some steel girders, twelve-inch sewer pipe, or fell in shellholes made by the Construction Department the day before, which be came filled with water during the rain; and then have to stay on duty all night with wet clothes and wet feet. It might be of interest to many to know of the successful beginning of a new power plant at Cheoah. All water wheels, generators, transformers, and auxiliaries in this plant started up and ran without any difficulties whatever. Power was transmitted many miles at 150,000 volts, line potential, to Maryville for making aluminum. The power-house at Cheoah has three units about the same size as in our Narrows power-house at Badin. Mr. Robinson was called away sudden ly, on account of sickness, to have an operation performed. He was sick of single blessedness, and so left us for a few days to have it removed. He didn’t show any symptoms beforehand—none to speak of—and it was quite a shock. He acknowledged, however, that he didn’t sleep well the night before the operation. The Construction Department are again placing, for about the fourth or fifth time, a bridge from pier to P ^ over the tailrace at our Narrows po"'« house. We wish them luck in this ' ^ ture, and hope the turbine test can^ made before the bridge disappears do the river again. ^ W. H. Sullivan, who has beon hono^. ably discharged from the ser\-ice o ^ Uoin ia hack, and will soon Uncle Sam, is back, and will soon duty again at the roUry sUtions 'K vf‘‘ says flashing rotaries at night ,is only remind him of German across No Man’s Land. The Electrical Department has ^ completed the new crane which h^ jj. installed in the west end of BuildH’* “Roxy” says she is a peach. p, The west end of the Machine^ formerly used as a motor room, * ^ being repaired to be used for » i battery trucks. The switchboard in the new ’ | Shop is almost complete, and -ff/f- great deal to the looks and con' of the shop. ^ Messrs. Morgan and Davis ha'*^ to look rather ner>ous. Ask tn ^ they are going to Greensboro. - jr | If you have a tick motor partment, just s«nd it to the Shop for treatment. • h. Tom Ragan U back on the fy spending several weeks at ^ power-house. We have another roUry s«t _ ready to «Urt turning out ju«c« metal. Mr. P. P- D- Johnaon, N. C., i« visiting hi* dau«hl*’ B. Uiniler, of Spruce Avenu«-