badin bulletin May 17—Saturday—Two Leaders. May 21—Aluminum Plant vs. Office. May 25—Business Men vs. Carbon Plant. May 28—Aluminum Plant vs. Business Men. June 4—Carbon Plant vs. Office. June 6—Business Men vs. Carbon Plant. June li:—Business Men vs. Office. June 13—Carbon Plant vs. Aluminum Plant. June 14—Saturday—Two Leaders. June 18—Aluminum Plant vs. Business ^len. June 20—Carbon Plant vs. Office. June 25—Aluminum Plant vs. Office. June 27—Business Men vs. Carbon Plant. July 9—Business Men vs. Office. July 11—Aluminum Plant vs. Carbon ^lant. July 16—Aluminum Plant vs. Office. July 18—Business Men vs. Carbon *^lant. July 19—Saturday—Two Leaders, uly 23—Aluminum Plant vs. Business J'^ly 25—Carbon Plant vs. Office, uly 30—Aluminum Plant vs. Carbon *^lant. ^Ugust 1—Business Men vs. Office. •^Kust 2—Saturday—Two Leaders. Ugust 6—Aluminum Plant vs. Busi- Men. ^'^Sust 8—Aluminum Plant vs. Office, '^eust 13—Carbon Plant vs. Office. Up 15—Aluminum Plant vs. Busi- A '*RUst 20—Business Men vs. Office. 22—Aluminum Plant vs. Car- Plant. ^’^Sfust 27—Aluminum Plant vs. Office. 29—Business Men vs. Carbon This, it must be remembered, was no ferryboat trip of a few minutes or hours, but a transatlantic journey of seven days, and all of these thousands—more than live in many a self-respecting city, including not a few famous in history— had to be fed; and what that meant for the week is shown by the fact that 320 cooks, divided into watches, worked day and night, and in each twenty-four hours there were consumed, to mention only the more important comestibles, 35,000 eggs, 10,000 pounds of flour, 14,500 pounds of pork, 10,000 pounds of pota toes, and 3,000 pounds of sugar. And at that, only two meals a day were served! It would be interesting to know how- many of the Leviathan’s passengers were aware that her tonnage is considerably greater than was the combined tonnage of all the ships in the invincible Armada that gave England such a scare in the sixteenth century; and that if the whole British Navy of that day had been added the Leviathan’s displacement would not have been much surpassed. Times have changed since then, but—well, there probably will be talking and writing about the Armada long after the Levi athan is forgotten. Ship Brings a Cityful "Thorpe, who recently returned 4t North, was in New York the great ship Leviathan, ^ returned from p brought some interesting this titanic ves.sel. She ‘‘^eems, 14,42(i human beings, ''f Vgj,. ^2,287 were American soldiers •'onks, and the remaining N’o officers and crow, a, even this one, ever car- people as this, and yet the foc*' ** capacity was not util- (1^*'hundred more been made on one of her erection there of “standee atcver they may be. VL Period of 1861—1. A Southern Girl, Irene York; 2. Music, Dixie. VII. Memorial Day—1. Honoring the Dead, Emma Lee Wheeler; 2. Music, Beethoven—Funeral March. VIII. The Return of American Social Life—1. On to the Ball, Bertha Jenkins and Reuben Arthur; 2. Music, After the Ball is Over. IX. Popular Costumes of 1917 and 1918—1. Soldier, Hugh Moose; 2. Sailor, Robert Bizzell; 3. Farmerette, Beulah Johnston; 4. Red Cross Nurse, Ruth Aiken; 5. Yeowoman, Lois Lefler; 6. Farmer, Walter Stewart; 7. Music, The Star Spangled Banner. X. Spring of 1919—1. Badin’s Easter Style, Ethel Powell; 2. Tableaux; 3. Music, America. America’s Fashion Revue Those who attended the historical re view given by the Sixth Grade, Miss Umstead’s pupils, on the evenmg of April 14, enjoyed the occasion very much. Following is the list of scenes and characters: I. Indian Wigwam—1. Hiawatha and Minnehaha, Theo Belk and Fisher Miller; 2. Music, Hiawatha. II. First English Settlement in America—1. Governor White, H. T. Sawyer; 2. The Lost Colony. Lee Swagerty, Wade McAnulty, Basil Melton; 3. Virginia Dare, Mildred Bon- nor Kittrell; Virginia Dare’s Mother, Pearl Morris; 4. Croatan Indians, Alice White, Yetive Williams; 5. Music, The Old North State. III. A Plymouth Home—1. Pnscilla and John Alden, Odessa Arnett and Frank Mallory; 2. Music, The Wild Waves Dashed Against the Shore. IV. A Colonial Home—1. George Wash ington, Commander of the Continental /\rmy—Sylvester Ritchie; 2. Madam Washington, Dorothy Frazier; 3. The Minuet; 4. Music, Yankee Doodle. V. French Influence in the American ]{ome—1. Emperor Napoleon, Harry Jacobs; 2. Empress Josephine, Nellie Bizx-cll; 3. Music, Marseillaise. Easter Cantata On Friday evening, April 18, the primary department of the schools pre sented an exceedingly creditable perform ance in the theater. The pupils of Miss Watson, Miss Vann, Miss Bell, and Miss Dent, assisted by the fifth grade and high school, took part. Miss Green di rected the singing. The following is the program: Voices from the Garden Part I. The Promise Song Part II. Night in the Garden Scene 1. Night’s Message to Earth. Scene 2. The Angels appear at the tomb. Part III. Morning in the Garden Scene 1. The awakening of the Voices. Scene 2. Nature’s response. a. The streamlets. b. The lillies. c. Birds. d. Daffodils and violets. e. Breezes. f. Trees. Part IV. Nature Proclaims the Resurrection The Primary Department is indebted to the fifth grade for the response of the streamlets, and to the high school for the song of the breezes. Mr. R. M. King has returned to Mary ville.