bulletin Pace Fits tlin bridge of his nose. ‘^ bleeding becomes docto If alarming, and if ’’osti-ii'^°* '^ai'iiot by found, pack the or tiffhtly as possible with gauze from bleeding is coming the front of the nose, this will •^ .. . - is coming from the Paci{i„ fiown his throat, and the Eood ^ have to be removed. Another ^l^ainsf pressure ing of the nostril, by plac- stid beneath the upper lif), '■ The sotjie is not usually trouble- Ui'ustai.j'^ 1 Pften be relieved by a Should ^ stomach. Pfobabiv ^ ^o’^'^ulsion occur, it would most f/ '■° ^'‘Sh fever. It occurs ’'‘■oiled in children, and is con- Wh, f ^ putting -the child -in a hot water about 110 , The ■ ''luids be given at regular P'-'^'^entive treatment, we will '^^'j^imSf^ the'bet^ of tealth. This observed , . nothing new, as we should try =>nd the patieptf The linen "ft a"r times. Regulate your u..,, to do this at all should be light, principally »/’y-iV U-' IN READINESS FOR THE PARADE K. CEREMONIAL GROUP O. K. ^*'e h im, foiled h r"' mode of livin ot the nurse after attendmg ^ ^ ,i: should lin nurse after attending be thoroly disinfected help ia that direction. patient from the bed of the » at night. The food should '''Misinf P^t in a tub contain- • , ,-(,ked, nourishing, and easily mSln-f ill a iylAkJ VV/»»VV*«»- !*''f>utes ^^^^nt, and left there for thirty ■lyd, Carbolic acid and formalde- ^ the nurse should have her ^ 'Uti. nn/1 ^irVizin sll6 Il3-S dish disinfectjints _ to use. satn* utensils can be;^put in Patipr,*^ Solutions. When caring for Sleeves " Sished'^P' and when *'’ a (j; . ® should immerse her hands **'®''curv •'^'^tant such as bichloride of Evervl,. ”'>t be in the room which will ‘ j.- ^srvice should be removed, '^'th a the room is fumigated candle, and kept Asheville, N. C., on Tuesday, September 16. Our brothers from many otner Lodges joined with Tallassee Lodge, No. 233, Knights of Pythias, of Badin, and made this ceremonial a great success. Brothers from ten other Lodges were with us on this occasion. The degree team of Bagdad Temple, ■ and the other brothers of Bagdad Temple who came with them, were met at Salis bury by the brothers of Suez Temple, No. 73,' and were brought from there take aaiiy the room to Badin by "automobile. Upon their have plenty of ven^^^ yourself arrival in Badin, life began to show itself while asleep. Do ^hen • from a different angle, especially to the Eat three meals arregullV'intervals and slee^ be well cooked, digested. Once or twice a month, take - laxative. When the weather permits ‘ie S w.lks l„-th. •■■■• ■>"“ irrs“'cSrpV«t",..rs.it. do= •»»». The various; stunts so to ,that these Tyros were made to do was not allow a ^oW to “h b*eginntag with, very amusing to the onlookers, and such peak, but trea.t jn and a - as those who were called upon to perform a hot foo^ bath, cur.ed the will long, remember "'alk ®ntis, in should gargle her O'* three times'- a day with “1 Sargle, and take a daily the ^i*"- It’ is best not to th Or ® Well f P*'°‘^®dure that will prevent ®''e I’m taking influenza. If the rGfTJirrlc +V\n •no + ipiTt. flTlcl to the face while nursing, yet has not discovered a c are*’ ^^^.^esards the patient and lp!'*'*'actin '^^‘"'"ied out, the likelihood of 5,'“®®ne(i_ ^ disease will be greatly ti,^®®t s'tot*^ spread of the disease ■J, fpj, P°d. The two most important Sh normal individual to do are: ti St in the best of health, *^lts. ay away from influenza pa- laxative. a ,onjrer it runs the -lievT Avoid larger, harder it is t throat two gatherings, an are' run "■ .‘T mr it . tlnic to build l„w„ or below p. ■ S ^ or, you up. y , and take treat- complaint, see y^y^self in the best ment for it, an g ^gges- possible urse influenza, rigidly. J the rules laid down for the nurse, favor. W T. Rainey, M. D. Dokies in Badin A„ ..e.t ot f “rro.‘t'£ 'The parade, ' which formed on Falls Road a’t C p. m., was a very pretty and creditable affair. This was headed by the Bagdad Temple D. 0. K. K. band of twenty-seven pieces, which furnished good'music all along the line of march, which was somewhat more extended than has been usual in Badin. . ' ■ Immediately after the parade, the line of march was directed to the pavilion, where a very inviting spread of good things to eat, fried chicken, potato salad, pies, cakes, coffee, etc., awaited. The manner in which these were “demol ished" proved how much they were ap preciated and enjoyed by each and every one present. The ladies who prepared them are due much credit. The real benefit of this ceremonial, and likewise the fun connected therewith,