^age Eighteen fi'-- ■ . “♦ * ■ e/.r]. vi ■It a if '■ •residence of MR. AND MRS. C. H. MYERS, NO. i ASH M "homey-looking" plac.s in our town^ and Mrs. Myers are the kind of people every commun.ty .s glad to have. Vann-DuBose ^iss' September 29, at 7.30 p. m„ married to Mr. l>ri(ig ^ ^"Gose, at the home of the the youn Street. Miss Vann is an() ig daughter of Mrs. J. C. Vann. l^oi)ni^ '^sst known and most *'uiar of tv, bug young women of our town. •'eers of°*^ electrical engi- *>eing ^ Tallassee Power Company, ‘s great! to Mr. H. S. Beers, and chn5 '“Imired for his sterling ability /'Qaracter. lY, program preceding the ®®ers I'endered by Mrs. H. S. itig,” Cadm; • H. c, Nash sang “At Dawn- an. After a honeymoon in the lina mountains, the happy couple will at home on Tallassee Avenue. The out-oftown guests were: Mrs. H. F. Holton, Grand A ATrq S M Beasley. Mrs. T. A. T r, mIs M-nnie Vann, all of Fayette- :in;.N.C.;Mrs.R.A.DuBose,MnT^C. Avery, Morgan on C j. w. McDowell, Rev. an Ottmann Lex^ngton.Ho^ton; ^an. Honor, Mrs. r. Mr. R. F. Giersch. ^ Shower for Miss Vann on -Friday »“®*’"°””’„^Va‘‘ple^ sJreel Mrs. T. A. Hams, on Maple BADIN BULLETIN Mesdames H. C. Nash and \V. T. Cutch- ins were joint hostesses at a party in the nature of a ‘‘showei’,” complimentary to Miss Vann, whose marriage to Mr. McNeely DuBose took place on Monday, the twenty-ninth of September. Aft«'- a unique ‘‘Floral VVedding Contest,” in which Mrs. H. R. Rhea, a very recent bride, won the prize, a delicious salad course with coffee and hot rolls was served. ’ Following this, little Miss Mil dred Nash en'ered with a market basket of beautiful and useful gifts for Miss Vann. Another pleasant feature of the after noon was the music rendered by Mes- daraes H. F. Smith, Beers. Rhea, and Miss Green. Those prssent were: Mesdames Parks, Book, Smith, Beers, Morgan, Sheppard, Thorpe, Bizzell, Hadley. Pannill, Gabriel, Rhea, and Coffman. Misses Bell, Shift man. Walke. Greene, Robinson, Whitley, Urastead, and Heinzeling. The out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Lessie H. Robertscn and little daughter, Francis, of Allen, N. C., who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nash dur ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Leave Mr. and Mrs. S. Wolf and little daugli- ter Roberta, who have made Albemarle their home for several years, are mov ing to Badin today. Mr. Wolf will go to and from Badin to attend to his store here, while Mrs. Wolf will have charge of the millinery department of their store at Badin. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf have many friends here who will be sorry to learn that they are leaving the city. —Albemarle News. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wolf to Badin. They are good citizens, always ready to help a worthy cause and every public enterprise. To Badin Customers and Friends— 1 While in town, make our Store your Store See Us. ]Ve Are Here to Serve PI ™one 87 Next door to Postofficc "AKWARD-ALMOND grocery company Agents for Lowney's Candy J. c. WILLEFORD 31rutrlrr WATCBBH,SlI.VKRWARH,A^nDlAMONnHKHPF.CIAI.I.Y SvS^■^KPAIR^VORK. ALL WORK OUAHANTKED ' badin, N. C. first-class LAUNDRY WORK TRY US Albemarle Steam Laundry ALBEMARLE NORTH CAROUNA