bulletin Page Twenty-One LODGE NOTES n j Sons of America '919 ®^turday ain Cain Q g evening, September 6, degr, The debut in 1), at Ler Of'’ *'^’orth p '^^shington Camp, No. 90, With *^',*^**^L"fhere are other boosting the welfare of our community. This charter visable, 1’®*'^“;“ ^ „ can “We seek the practical sympathy and Believing that the American born nat urally feel more attached to their native land, we therefore consider that, while working hand in hand with the class of foreigners who believe in free education and the free principles of our Govern ment, we do not conceive their admission into our Order either necessary or ad- success, and was so much enjoyed by all who attended. In our last official communication from our Grand Chancellor, D. W. Sorrell, he has much to say about the importance of our Lodge doing all in its power to make itself of real service to the com munity. “A new day has dawned. We must enlarge our activities into community service and welfare work. We should appoint special committees to co-operate with commercial, economic, social, edu cational, and religious organizations, in fin •>io oers, and "»th, third /h, ''■ater Order will meet every Thursday nights in each kindred organizations in which they can do good in their own way. We invite all who can comply with the ■|>Ose •’ey, the^T^ in the Lodge We invite all who can comply with the objeof Building. above qualifications, who desire to per- ■ l‘‘'^Oraer are to'unite petuate free ‘fa; —.o uiuer are to unite peiuaie ucc t,-.- ■ nmnne ^ Of Americans, for the encourage a brotherly f 7°”® , American ideas, Americans, to apply for rightSecretary We seek the practical sympathy and co operation of all good men and women, in order that we may add sunshine and happiness to the lot of others and to our selves.” T. C. Sheppard citi, iuties of Amer- their i’ inipress upon all to '"'Ver. ‘he in handing 'eiv '*'6nt ®®neration this great it. iL ^ °niy Woodmen of the World Badin Camp, No. 744, met in regular communication Thursday night, Septem ber 25, with our new Consul Commander, ">1(1 but hr to ■ni. Op."’ ''’e „.l'. *“*^^>101 as they have re- 14C«.V^ 1C ic „ ,'"'’oved • strengthened, '''I s! ®yst(>n° ^’^''^•'ce our free pub- ^ioi, protect it from '«!() "'atrt, organiza- as jyros lu me — - . bury the of Asheville, who gave “ „ '^ho assi.sta„o. „n 1..,. jjadin. It gives us much Pleasure know that most of the members of Tal- lassee Lodge are now D. O- few who are not, we hope to f ^ Knights of Pythias The lodge has p q. Sov. D. T. Swagerty, presiding—this be- past month ^ j^^k place on ing the first meeting he has presided K. K. Ceremonial, too« P anticipate great things for our September 16, at wh.ch t me-ts leadership. “'i;. 'rJo » T.n„..e, NO. !13. At our regolar co„.m„„lc.tlo„, ^ « aft A •'VA ^ T1 ) Q 1 1 n . ^*10 Ally , , '‘re assi.stance to all mem- ‘n need. 5cte7 nial. yea,. of good char- ®t)iri( in the * and over, not 'iquor or sale of !“'■ o'*' Supr® ^ beverage; a be- ‘tert r,"'*‘hin fh ^ B®ing; born on the -'W, j ® Jurisdiction of the ‘0 any education; to th“".‘°" Church and ® interference of any "■ectly or indirectly, in which will be October 9, our District Deputy, Sov. J. Milton Todd, of Charlotte, will be with us. Every member is ear nestly requested to be present on this date, as he has a message of importance , who are not, we nope us-something we all want to know, in Charlotte, during Temple, and should know. Remember the meet- November, at which j ing nights—the second and fourth Thurs- No. 73, will put on a ^ ^g„th. Visitors al- who are not now . ' j^gg this ways welcome. without doubt avail t j Clerk opportunity. or indirectly, in to those of our ^ talent -vernment. is eligible friends ^ ^oved such a Miss May Stokes is visiting friends in Greenville. ‘••e Best and Freshest in CKOCERIES and COUNTRY produce, come to rS^^^RISON’S store badin, n. c. inc of Purina Poultry Feeds Itth the home tailor line of Buitinjrs for early Fall ordcra. ever Ma»on tailorod by thrf established houses of SPPrii. The Royal T«nors . ^ClAL to Give Satinfaction r.«nur AI^NTION GIVEN TO PRESSING AND CLEANING the home tailor badin, n. c. If vou have not heard the Starr Phonograph, stop in the next time you are m Albemarle. You are guaranteed a treat BLAND’S MUSIC STORE “EVERYTHING IN MUSIC” BADIN, N.C. Phone 115