badin bulletin Page Thirteen Continual Carelessness Causes Casualties SAFETY DEPARTMENT TALLASSEE "QOWER ^ompany HINK SAFETY -IT RACTICE SAFETY ^AUTION SAFETY January Accident Record The following is a record of the lost time accidents which occurred in the plant during the month of January, and It will be noted that every department shows a very material decrease over the E>ecember record. Go to it, Boys; let every succeeding month show a like de- *^i'ease, and your record will be one of which you may well feel proud. Lost Time Days Aluminum Plant Accidents Lost Potroom No. 24 0 0 Potroom No. 26 2 36 Potroom No. 28 0 0 Potroom No. 32 1 3 Potroom No. 34 0 0 Potroom No. 36 0 0 P'Odding Department Pot Lining Depart 1 1 ment 1 2 Metal Loading He-Melting Depart 0 0 ment 0 0 Unloading Ore Cleaning and Sweep- 0 0 ing Carbon Plant 0 0 E. Lee 1 6 D. Howell 0 0 E. Biddix 0 0 W. R. Young ^^ctrical Department 0 0 Rotary Stations 0 0 Power Houses 0 0 Motor Repair Miscellaneous Elec 0 0 trical ^^chine Shop 0 0 E. N. Evans 0 0 M. S. Ragsdale 0 0 L. Chambers ^'^struction Depart- 0 0 'm.ent 0 0 ^ore Room .. 1 6 ^^clamation . 0 0 planing Mill 0 0 ^^'u>nsite 0 0 ^otal of entire plant.. 7 54 Total in December .... 21 116 ^0 not think of your faults; still less ® others’ faults. Have You Yours? Have you received your copy of the Safety First Rules and Regulations? If not, ask a member of your Safety Com- m'ttee for a copy. These are in pamphlet form, of con venient size, and every man should keep a copy in his pocket. Read it over care fully; study and analyze each rule, and if possible memorize them. Remember these rules were decided upon and adopted by the members of your Safety Committee—men who work beside you in the plant—for your safety and the safety of others, and these men will insist upon these rules being obeyed. You potroom boys who have a bad habit of propping open the potroom ventilators will some day be asked by a member of your Safety Committee, “Boy, what is rule No. 11 ofl your Safety Regulations?” The same ap plies to you boys in the Machine Shop, Carbon Plant, and Electrical Depart ment. Memorize these rules and regula tions; they are simple, and pertain to all our work, and if you will constantly keep them in mind you will reduce the accidents in your departments to a minimum. Safety Spirit The success achieved by any Safety Organization in accident prevention de pends largely upon the attitude of the men throughout the plant; their ability and willingness to grasp the new spirit and, by whole hearted co-operation, carry out the ideas of safety work. What a new man thinks of his plant safety or ganization is usually the impression left him by his foreman and fellow-workers. The workmen usually express its spirit and policy, just as the soldier expresses the morale of the army. If you go about your work in a careless, don’t-care way, it is almost certain to influence others to follow your example, which in time will result in increasing rather than de creasing the accidents in the plant; whereas, if you follow the path of safety, are careful, and insist upon others do ing likewise, you set an example that will be willingly followed by others, and CAPTAIN DAVE which immediately impresses the new man with the idea of carefulness, so essential to his safety and the safety of others. Successful safety work is pos sible only where there is a real safety spirit. Let us all help to develop that spirit. Potroom No. 24 We have noticed several very good records by different departments since the beginning of our Safety Organiza tion, but one well worth mentioning has been made by Potroom No. 24. We not only believe this to be the best record at the Badin Plant, but a record for all plants. All of us that are familiar with potroom work know that starting a room after it has been frozen for some length of time is a very difficult prob-