Vol. I—No. 12 U. s. Navy Pre-Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Saturday, December 5, 1942 5c a Copy How to Handle Your Allotment Or Allowance Check (The followiyig article is reprinted jrom the Buremi of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin for November 1942 at the request of the Chief of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts.— The Editors.) Dependents of hundreds of Navy men are embarrassed each month by lack of funds resulting from failure to receive their checks in payment of family allotments land allowances or because the checks are lost after re ceipt. Investigation of these cases has shown that many can be avoided by ob servation of the following list of “do’s” and “don’t’s” which has been prepared in the hope that it will be publicized among the hundreds of thousands of persons receiving these checks: 1. The name of the payee should be plainly visible on the mail box. If the payee is living with another fam ily, make certain that his or her name is on the mail box, even though “in care of John Doe” has been given as part of the address. 2. If the payee moves, he should Write the postmaster of the city in which he previously resided; or, if he naoves to another address in the same city, he should write his present post- ttiiaster showing, in either case, the old and new address and requesting that the check be forwarded. The payee should also immediately advise the Bu reau of Supplies and Accounts (Allot- wient Division) or the Bureau of Sup plies and Accounts (Family Allow- •ance Division) of the change of ad dress, either on the forms provided for that purpose or by letter. If the payee I'eceives both allotment and family al lowance, both divisions must be noti fied. 3. Payees should ask their mail car- I'iers to notify them when the checks sre delivered. TJie carrier can do this for persons living in large apartment houses by always ringing the bell in a certain way each time he delivers the characteristic Government envelope. For persons living in rural areas and small towns, the carrier can notify them, if possible, of the check’s arrival blowing his whistle or by knocking on the door. 4. Checks should be cashed quickly, preferably on the day they' are re- ceived. They shouldn’t be carried Ground, and they shouldn’t be left ly- carelessly about the house. 5. The payee should take every pre caution against losing a check. It ^ight take the Government six months or a year to establish that it was ac tually lost and not stolen. 6. All checks should be cashed, if practicable, at the same place each ^onth. This will simplify identifica tion. '7. Checks should not be endorsed St home. If they are and later are lost, the payee may not be able to se- cure a duplicate check. Checks should ^ot be endorsed until they are actually losing presented for payment. 8. The payee should endorse his ®'^n check. If this is impossible be- ■^^Use of illness or inability to write, Some responsible friend should be charged with seeing to it that all checks properly endorsed. Buy, buy War Bonds— Or bye, bye Democracy you MEAN THAT IF FOLKS 8Uy MORE WAR BONDS we WOULD EACH HAVE A PLANE FOR OURSELVES? Hodgkins Becomes New Security Watch Officer Lt. (jg) Edward R. Hodgkins, for merly officer in charge of military in struction, is the new senior watch and security officer, succeeding Lieut. Lloyd R, Sauer, who has taken over the duties of regimental commander. Lt. (jg) John E. Hollis takes over the duties of officer in charge of mili tary instruction, in addition to his work as officer in charge of odd-num- ber battalions. Membership Drive Nets $487.50 for Navy Relief A total of $487.50 was donated to the Navy Relief Society as a result of the recent Pre-Flight School member ship drive, Mrs. John P. Graff, who was in charge of the program, an nounced this week. Almost 100% enrollment of the Pre- Flight officers and their families was achieved, and we consider the local drive vei'y successful, stated Mrs. Graff. Capt. Hendren Visits Here Capt. Paul Hendren, commanding officer of the USS Philadelphia in the North African Campaign, visited the station on Thursday and spoke before the regiment of cadets in Memorial Hall. Commenting on the Pre-Flight pro gram, he stated that he felt it most worthwhile and that he felt certain that the naval air cadets would be the toughest air pilots in the world. Coming Events Dec, 5—Free movie at Village The atre, “Give Out Sister” with the A"' drews Sisters. Feature begins at 1330, 1445, 1920 and 2035. 6 Free Movie at Village The atre, “The Forest Rangers” with Fred MacMurray and Paulette Goddard. Feature begins at 1300 and 1435. pgc 12—Regimental dance for ca dets in Woollen Gymnasium. Other Movies 5 At Carolina Theatre, “White Cargo” with Hedy Lamarr and Walter Pidgeon. Dec. 6—At Carolina Theatre, “Some where I’ll Find You” with Clark Gable and Lana Turner. Promotion for Our Commanding Officer In line with his newly assumed responsibility as commanding of ficer of the station, Lt. Comdr. John P. Graff, USN (Ret.), has been promoted to the rank of full commander. Congratul a t i o n s from all hands to our new Skip per! Pre-Flighters Invited To Hear Ray Tucker “Members of the Pre-Flight School have a special invitation to hear Ray Tucker, author of the ‘National Whirli gig,’ when he speaks from the stage of Memorial hall tonight at 1945,” Rich ard Railey, Carolina Political Union chairman, announced yesterday. “One of the main reasons we in vited Mr. Tucker to speak on Satur day night,” said Railey, “was to make it possible for the cadets to attend. We hope many of them will be there tonight.” John A. Park, editor and pub lisher of the Ral eigh Times, will in troduce the speaker and will meet Tucker Tucker in Raleigh along with Carolina Political Union of ficials. A nationally known newspaper man, magazine writer and, columnist for the past 19 years, Tucker in his journal istic service at the capital has covered every major event since the Teapot Dome affair. His column is being dis tributed by the McClure newspaper syndicate to more than 200 papers throughout the country. Topic of Tucker’s speech will be an off-the-record comment on the news behind the news, Lt. (jg) Howe Detached Lt. (jg) Robert E. Howe, instructor in the essentials of naval service, was detached from the station Dec. 1, and transferred to the Air Operational Training Command, Naval Air Sta tion, Jacksonville, Fla. War Bond Drive Planned For Pearl Harbor Day Pre-Flight Personnel Urged To Pledge Purchases on Dec. 7 By B. G. Leonard, Jr., Sp.Sc December 7 has been designated by Rear Admiral William Glass- ford, Commandant of the Sixth Naval District, as the date for a concerted drive for the sale of War Bonds.to naval personnel throughout the district; and plans have been formulated to solicit pledges from every officer, cadet, enlisted man, and civilian em ployee of the Pre-Flight School. Officially sanctioning the campaign to answer the Pearl Harbor attack by purchasing War Bonds, Comdr. John P. Graff, command ing officer of the Pre-Flight School—f- and a systematic purchaser of War Bonds—has issued the following state ment: “This is not a drive for subscrip tions to united charities, nor is it a drive to build a new hospital or a new school. On the anniversary of the das tardly attack upon our free country, it is the sacred duty of every man and woman wage-earner in the United States to buy bonds to the very limit of their financial ability. The men and women already in service are demon strating their patriotism from a phy sical standpoint. Let them now further contribute their services by lending their dollars to the cause of freedom.” Lt. (jg) E. E. Mack, disbursing of ficer, has arranged to distribute to everyone on the station a pledge form and a' sheet containing instructions. It is especially emphasized that while the actual purchasing of a bond need not take place on Dec. 7, the pledge should be completed and returned on that date in order that complete figures on the bond drive will be available at the end of the day. Pledges will be filed, and the bonds may be purchased on the next payday. Cadet pledge forms will be distributed and collected by the military department. Pledges of of ficers, enlisted men and civilian em ployees will be deposited in an especial ly designed receptacle featuring the “Until You Drop Bombs—Buy Bonds” slogan and placed in the hallway of Alexander Hall, just outside the 0. D. office. The aim is to gain pledges 100% from each department. While the Dec. 7 drive for the sale of bonds is virtually certain to eclipse all records for a one-day period, it by no means represents the total efforts of the Navy Department toward the sale of bonds among its personnel. The Navy was the first of the govern mental departments to request and re ceive permission to sell bonds to its own employees. It pioneered in the campaign for a Payroll Savings Plan for the systematic purchasing of bonds. The Navy formulated the “90- 10” standard of excellence which has become the yardstick of the nation wide war bond purchasing program in private industry as well as in the de partments of the government. The average Navy man who is not buying bonds, in the opinion of the of ficials who are engaged in extending the War Bond purchase plan, is not doing so primarily because he has not given much thought to the program. His negligence is understandable, and probably has its basis in this trend of reasoning; “I have joined the United States Navy. I have volunteered to fight for my country. I have a more personal duty to perform; and this program was not designed to include me. It is for those who cannot offer their own services; it is for the civilians who stand behind me in the war ef fort. Surely it is not important whether or not I buy bonds.” This attitude is usually associated with the misconception that buying a bond is a contribution, rather than an investment. The purchase of a bond is no sacrifice, but an investment which offers the same advantages to men in service as to civilian buyers. In brief, the purchase of bonds will: 1. Hasten the defeat of our enemies. 2. Help prevent inflation and guarantee the economic security of our nation. Inflation is not the buga boo of theorists; it is an imminent peril we face. In everyone’s terms, in flation is what happens when the pub lic has too much money to spend for a reduced supply of “luxuries.” Ris ing prices coax higher wages, which force even higher prices, until the worth of currency is debased, and the value of a lifetime’s savings swept away in a tide of inflation. Inflation can be defeated by purchasing fewer non-essentials and investing all sur plus in War Bonds. 3. Guarantee our individual eco nomic security and establish for us a place in the future. We are told that victory will usher in a new and glorious era to our country. Scientists speak of revolutionary improvements in trans portation, automobiles, planes. Archi tects plan new-type homes for fuller living. Economists hint of an Age of Plastics that will maintain prosperity and absorb the shocks of transition from wartime to peacetime production in our industries. Money invested in War Bonds now represents opportunity then. Let us invest in the future we are fighting for! Advance campaigning indicates a ready interest and promises an en thusiastic response in the plan for “Remembering Pearl Harbor by Buy ing a Bond.” Although many bonds are purchased regularly by allotment through the disbursing office, the per capita average for the Pre-Flight School has not been notably high. How- evex’, according to Lt. Mack, “On every occasion when we have made a formal attempt to sell bonds to our cadets, we have found them very receptive; and we believe the same may be said of all other naval personnel.” There can be no more propitious time for purchasing bonds than Dec. 7, and it is essential that everyone who in tends to remember Pearl Harbor in this manner, while our fleet is engaged in deadly combat at sea, and our planes carry reminders of Pearl Harbor ever closer to the homes of the enemy, fill out a pledge on Dec. 7, in order that the willingness to serve and the spirit of cooperation of the Pre-Flight School may be demonstrated as a unit.