Vol. 2—No. 8 U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Saturday, November 6, 1943 Cloudbusters Play Wake Forest in Stadium Visitors Possess One of Strongest Teams in State Still the decided underdog the Pre-Flight Cloudbusters engage !-he Demon Deacons from Wake Forest College in Kenan Stadium this afternoon at 1430. The visitors, possessing one of the finest offensive teams in the i"ation, have scored 116 points in their last three games while hold ing the opposition to 18. Their season record is three wins in six games, but the three losses, to Camp Davis, Maryland, and Georgia, were all by very close margins. Maryland, for example, defeat ed the Deacons in the final 10 sec onds of play on a 70-yard run. Roasted peanuts, that were raised in the Pre-Flight Victory Garden, will be given to the ca dets free at the soft drink stand of the cadet store anytime be fore the football game this afternoon. They were nosed out by Georgia, ‘ to 0, and Camp Davis beat the ^eacs, 20-19, in the 1943 opener. The victory column includes ''^ins over North Carolina State, Virginia Military Institute, and See FOOTBALL, page 3 Movie Schedule Nov. 6—Free movie at Village Theatre, “Bombardier” with Pat G’Brien, Randolph Scott and Ann Shirley. Feature starts at 1930 3nd 2121. Complete show one hour, 49 minules. Nov, 7—Free movie at Village "theatre, “Lady of Burlesque” with Barbara Stanwyck. Feature starts 1320 and 1503. Complete show hour, 41 minutes. A Bird's Eye View of Navy Day Celebration At Raleigh Commendation To the Regiment of Cadets and the Navy Band: The outstanding parts played by the Regiment of Cadets and the Navy Band at the Navy Day Pro gram in Raleigh has evoked much favorable comment, and has brought distinct credit to this Naval Aviation Activity. Lt. Comdr. Chai’les B. Neely, U. S. N. R., Officer-in-Charge, U. S. Navy Recruit ing Station, Raleigh, has expressed his appreciation to me, and has asked that I convey his sincere thanks to the Pre-Flight School. JOHN P. GRAFF Commanding Officer.