Vol. 2—No. 34 U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Saturday, May 6, 1944 Captain Rickenbacker to Speak Tuesday World War I Ace Will Inspect Local Program Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, flying ace of the last war, will be aboard the station on next Tues day to inspect the Pre-Flight Pro gram and speak before the regi ment of cadets. Present plans call for Captain Rickenbacker to arrive in Chapel Hill around 1430 Tuesday after noon. At 1545 he will speak be fore the regiment of cadets, of ficers, enlisted men, university stu dents, and townspeople at Fetzer Field. Captain Rickenbacker’s record is one filled with exciting adven tures. Beginning as an automobile racer before the first World War he won the championships in both national and international meets. During the early months of Ameri ca’s entrance he served under Gen eral Pershing and afterwards un der the late General Billy Mitchell, while attached to the American Motor Car staff. When General Mitchell founded the American Army Air Corps Rickenbacker ■'vas one of the first to join the fly ing ranks. During the remaining nionths of the war he distinguish ed himself, by setting a record of 26 enemy planes destroyed. Two years ago Captain Ricken backer suffered severe injuries ''vhen a passenger plane in which he was flying crashed a short dis tance from Atlanta. He still walks With a limp from the results of this crash. He also survived 24 days on a life raft in the Pacific When forced down in a flying fortress. Since World War II began, Rickenbacker has contacted for the ^ar Department all Air Corps groups in the United States and has made special missions for the Secretary of War to all the battle fronts. RICKENBACKER Officers’ Picnic Planned for Hogan’s Lake on May 13 A picnic for all Pre-Flight School officers and their families will be held at Hogan’s Lake on Saturday, May 13, starting at 1600. Dress will be informal— sport clothes, slacks, etc. A nominal charge of $1.00 per officer will cover all expenses for his family. Fried chicken will be served for the evening meal, and refreshments will be served throughout the day. Hogan’s Lake is located five and a half miles northwest of Chapel Hill. A car pooling arrangement will be worked out by departments, and all those driving private auto mobiles are urged to take along a capacity load. Horseshoes, table tennis, bad minton, and other games are plan ned for the occasion. A picnic committee has been formed consisting of a represen tative from the various depart- See PICNIC, page 3 In Memory of Frank Knox FROM: TO: COMINCH AND CNO NAVOP When Frank Knox died, the nation lost a great patriot, the Navy a great leader. The Navy will long remember his strength and confidence during the critical days of the war; and his driving force, his foresight and his wisdom during the better days that have followed. But most of all, we shall remember his deep devotion and utter loyalty to his Navy and his country. His leadership will ever serve as an inspiration to the nation’s men and women, in and out of uniform. He understood the Navy, not only its problems, its achieve ments, and its personnel, but its shortcomings. Of all his great quali ties, I should place first his stout and valiant heart. He was a strong and fearless fighter and he always fought fairly and resolutely for his convictions. Throughout the war he has been a stout reliance to all those charged with the conduct of military operations. Every man and woman in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard will sorely miss him. All hands bow our heads in deep esteem and heartfelt sorrow. He has given his life for his country. We say to him, “Well done, Frank Knox.” We dedicate ourselves, one and all, to what would surely have been his last order, “Carry on.” Movie Schedule Sat., May 6—Free movie at Vil lage Theatre, “Stormy Weather” with Lena Horne and Bill Robin son. Feature starts at 1400, 1532, 1930, and 2102. Complete show one hour, 32 minutes. Sun., May 7—Free movie at Village Theatre, “Hello, Frisco, Hello” with Alice Faye and John Payne. Feature starts at 1318 and 1502, Complete show one hour, 45 minutes. Enlisted Men Advanced The following advancements in rate were effected as of 1 May 1944; Wayne F. Gass,.Joe C. Moore and Henry D. Selfon, all from Y2c to Ylc, and Mike A. Lovera from Sic to Sk3c. —Welcome— The U. S. Navy Pre-Flight School extends welcome to a small detail of French Naval Aviation Cadets who reported aboard this week. Notice The Cloudbuster is anxious to get the names of any officers who have been detached from this base who would like to re ceive the Cloudbuster. Ad dresses may be mailed or phoned to the Public Relations Office, Navy Hall. 46th Battalion To Dance in Pine Room Tonight The Senior Battalion Dance for members of the 46th Battalion will be held in the Pine Room of Lenoir Hall this evening from 2100 to 2400. Liberty for the 46th will be extended to 0030, with taps com ing at 0045. Uniform will be ser vice dress blue, with blue garri son caps. The swing orchestra of the Pre- Flight band will furnish the mu sic, and refreshments will be served throughout the evening.