Friday, September 7, 1945 CLOUDBUSTER Page Three Crewdal News By Ann Onomus, Y3/c, V-10, USNR Join the Navy and see the world. Yeoman Pool (whoever he is) had a sad time Friday aft ernoon and Saturday morning typing up papers for you eager personnel, eager to leave. A large group headed for Wash ington, D. C,, to view a larger city than “Muscle Hill,” and they found the beauties thereof dimmed by the lack of all the conveniences of home. When Dorothea Bauer, SKDlc, Martha Hawkins, SKD2c, Helen Miller, Y2c, Helen Frizzell, Y3c, Glyn Mullis, Y2c, Joel Esmail, Y2c, Hank Pigon, Roy Carlson and Glenn Speed, S2c’s loaded the train, they had the privilege of a cattle car, no lights and plenty of black soot. The dogface be side yours truly commented from the middle of nowhere, “I never sat by a girl on a troop train before.” Well? At 0500, the following day, Washington never looked more lovely in a downpour of rain, and when we saw dogfaces and salty sailors sleeping on the ledges of Union Station, we an ticipated all the joys of travel. No bunks in Washington? Right. Washington Monument, the Cap itol, the Pentagon Building, we even saw the residence of Bu- Pers, the National Airport, and the Lotus Club. Really every one who took that hectic two- way trip covered the city, and the refrain coming from our wan faces goes like this, “It was re ally worth it.” Marty Hawkins managed to relax utterly, the only such person I’ve heard of, when she took a short sunbath on the Capitol lawn. Robert Grant and French Manckia, both CSM’s, thought we “must go down to the sea again,” and from what we hear they almost went down too far. Basking on the brilliant Caro lina beach, they awoke in the early morning to find their skins burnt to a crisp and the ocean waves lapping at their feet. The stay-at-homes had a quiet time. One fellow named Leo Buck, S2c, took off to the carni val on Raleigh Road. A gypsy fortune-teller ensnared him. He knew she was lying when she told him he would soon be out of the Navy. “Buck” has ten points. Lloyd Jeffrey, RM2c, went on a long hiking trip through the hills, and the mem orable part of this trip was a thunderclap early Sunday morn ing. “Jeff” thought someone had his number, serial, of course. The WAVES, some of them, spent a restful Sunday evening in their livingroom mapping out futures. Now on the barracks bulletin board you can see a neat chart ruled in red pencil—name, date leaving C. H., place report ing, date discharge, and future plans. Muriel Barber’s, PhM2c, discharge date, White Xmas ’46; Martha Deaton, SKSc’s future plans, six months’ sleeping. V-J Day Message From Rear Admiral C. A, Pownall^ USN, Chief of Naval Air Training ‘‘To the Naval Air Training Command V-J Day means deep appreciation to the fighting men in the Pacific; lasting tribute to our shipmates who will not return; realization that, whereas, we, in Naval Air Training can now slow down to normal speed, there is no justification for a ‘let down’ or ‘down tools’ attitude. “We will be taxed heavily during the readjustment phase to maintain a sense of proportion, a sense of humor and a spirit of pull together. “It is our purpose to reflect in our syllabi and methods of instruction all the valuable lessons derived from three and one- half years of intensive war in which Naval Aviation has played so decisive and glorious a role. “You have toiled unceasingly in exacting jobs of teaching, instructing, administration and maintenance throughout the Command. Many of your personnel have been forced to forego personal aspirations to serve tactically against the enemy. Re alistically, however, their devotion to duty and abilities have contributed immeasurably to the accomplishment of others in making V-J Day possible.” Statement of Rear Admiral O. B. Hardison, USN, Chief of Naval Air Primary Training To All Hands; Although, insofar as World War II is concerned, our last enemy has surrendered and the firing has ceased, the Navy’s war job is not yet done; nor will it be for many months. Ships and aircraft of the Navy must continue to operate in the Pa cific. Capable replacements for our combat veterans must be provided. These replacements will necessarily come from among our trained personnel in the younger age brackets, mostly from reserves who have been training for and looking forward to eventual duty with the fleet, but whose tour of duty has kept them ashore to date. To the young men who are selected for fleet duty from units of this command, CNAPrimTra exhorts them that theirs will be a vital and important job and it is incumbent upon them to do their best to become worthy successors of the men they replace. Until Congress formally declares the war at an end, these young men will be loyally serving their country in a wartime capacity. When the necessity for the active services of the reserves has ended, or the desire of those who wish to join the regular Navy has been consummated, it will be a last ing satisfaction to all to know that they have served their country well and in keeping with the best traditions of the Naval Service. Much to our sorrow the Cruise ! uri bki L|ir^Ll\A/ATED Club closed last Saturday for a' niV^nWMICK week’s cleaning and redecorat ing. Golly, do we miss that place? We’ll really appreciate it, won’t we, when the Club re turns from its rehabilitation leave. ^ “Jeanie with the dark brown hair” went home last week to Adrian, Michigan, and now Cecil Webber, Y2c, has joined the unit of the Lonely Hearts. We’ll miss you, Jeanie, for all the clothes- fixing you did, and the fun you made at the Club. ^ ^ ^ “There will be a picnic for all those leaving, and all those who hope to leave!” The WAVES plan this from “1700 on into the night,” the date 12 September at Hogan’s Lake, “Uniform; Any thing not uniform.” Oh, I might add, “WAVE personnel only.” OPERATIONAL REPORT DEPARTURES; Lt. Jerome Kaplan; J. M. Baumring, PhM2c. ARRIVALS; Lt. J, A. Schricker; Lt, Eugene E. Gar- bee; W. O. Fowler, HAlc; H. C. Hand, Hale; H, E. Kardis, PhM3c, V-10. “What a night—All he thought about was surrender I” Discharge Data By Ship s Editorial Association Eighteen Separation Centers already have been established tor enlisted personnel at the fol- ^wmg places; Bainbridge Md • Wallace,’ Tex.; Charleston, S. C.; Great Lakes, 111.; Jacksonville Fla.' 1?' Angeles’ Cal Memphis, Tenn.; Minne- apohs Mmn.; New Orleans, La.- Norfolk, Va.; Norman, Okla.* St.’ Louis, Mo.; Sampson, N Y • San Francisco, Cal.; Seattle, Wash and Toledo, O. Personnel separated from duty overseas will be routed to their home separation center via stag ing areas now located at Pearl Harbor, Guam, Saipan, Leyte Hollandia, Manila, and Manus.’ * * * - Navy personnel immediately eligible for release under the original demobiliza- include approximately /261,000 enlisted men, 5,200 en listed WAVES, 40,000 male offi- WAVE officers, and