^ Xj. JH A-RRISe, EcaLitor aixci O-ocy-r-i Vol. 2. --- may WE NEVER REPINE AT OUR CONDITION NC^K._’^f>RESSED^Y^OVERTY 69 Cents for Nothing, Juit iiiu*d. a wonderful cat&Iogue of crtrrtMot to eat, wear and use. It coit» ut S2 cents to pilot and 17 cent* to maU each copj. It’t/fM to alt ioA« wriUfor tt. ThU book contains »>l pages (iiz« llWxlOH ia.)« baa 10.000 illusuauonf, and quotes lOI.OOo arti^ei at wholesale prices to cooBum«r. Here is the booki This raluabl* cata* logue tells all about Agricultural Jmple- meuts.Babjr Coaches, Bed ding, l^icjclet. BooU, Baggiee, Caa-> dioa. Carpcta, Cigare. Clocks, dlothiog; Corsets. C r o ckery. Cur tains, Cutletjr, Farm Wagons. Fur* niture. Ucn’a ^u^ nishingt. Glassware, Groceries, Harness, Hals. lery, Jew* elry. Ladies' Cloth' tng. Ladies' Purnifh- in^s. Lamps, Uackia* toshes. Mirrors. Mhs* Ir^ Instruments, Or gan*. Painti. Pianos. PictuTM, Portieres, Refrigerators. Bad* dies. Sewing- — Machir.ee. Shirts, Shoee^ SllTerware. Stores, Tin ware, Tobacco, Towfls, Tnmks. Underwear. Uphol* atery Goods, Watches, and tlK/usaads of other articles. With this book In your i>o^seaek>D, you cm buy •heaper tnan tke arerage dealer. You can sarr large sums of money on ererytblnf 70U need, at auy season of th«'ycar. wrwo .uT^»ur»a XTWy K.ataiOffV€, ClolMnff Cntatoffu4 tcitfi tomi>t44 ar* al9o frM Exvrettagepaid OH claUUng./rtighi paid on corpai. W\i:y book mail m tend t,ati r AMrtet UK tcan ; JULIUS HINES & SON BALTIMORE. MD. Dejkartment 90S. i .Or EASrONAL CARDS. :{. o. a. DEW, Practicino Phvsician. Woodard tfi Varhoro^s Drvy Store^ Sprino Hope. N. C. : LITTLE TMINQS. It was only a little thing for Nell To brighten the kitehin fire, To spread the cloth, to draw the tea. As her mother might desire— .A little thing; but her mother smil ed. And banished all her caro. And a day that was sad closed With a song of praise and prayer. ’Twas only a little thing to do For a sturdy lad like Ned To groom the horse, milk the cow, And bring the v. ood from the shed; But his father was glad to find at night The chores were all well done. “I am thankful,” said he “as I can be For the gift of such a sou.” Only small things, but they bright en life. Or shadow it with care. But little things, yet they mould a life For joy or sad despair; little thiuETs. vet life’s SPRING HOPE, NASH COUNTY, N. C., THu7^^DAY, OCTOBER 19rr89(^ L.OO Eb TT©aar-, ; No. 2 But best L) op:, f'HYSICIAN AND SCW-EON, Spring Hope, N. C. things, yet Drize, The reward which labor brings. Comes to him who uses and not abuses, The power of little things. — Mm. Mary Fenton. Joseph titockford, Hodgdon, Me., healed a sore running for seventeen years and cured his piles of long standing by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It cures all skin dis eases. Woodard & Yarboro. A SENSATION, CAUSED IN HENDERSON BY A BOOZY DRUMMER. A. Rosendolph Takes Advantage of a Young Lady, Registering Her as His Wife. Raleigh Post. The guests of the Massenburg Hotel at Henderson were afforded a genuine sensation one day last week, the particulars of which have been the subject of gossip for several days. A commercial traveler who had met and befriended a young lady the train took advantage of the short acquaintanceship and register ed as man and wife at the Hender son Hotel. The traveling man en tered the young lady’s ri)om, but she succeeded in making her escape and threw herself upon the mercy of a judge of the Superior Court who was on the same floor. The following special from The A RAIL PILLOW. THREE ATLANTA NEGROES KILL IN ALABAMA. - Theyhad Filled up on Whiolt Laid Down on Railroad Tra^. : Bivmingham, Ala., October I- Corn whiskey was a patent in a horrible tragedy which look place early Sui.day morning nr~')Viii- etta; a small station on the liiv nng- bani Mineral bi-anch of the Li.ii-i-r. ille' and Nashville railroad, about ight iles from this city, wli^h re:^ in the iteatli of three negroes, min ers, and the probably fatal injury of another. Saturday afternoon five ni jroes who were recently imported rvonj Atlanta,, Ga., to take the pla'-) it strikers at Ishkooda ore mines, a’ ^e to the city to make some purch ises. After spending some hour.s in ■. vrr., they started homeward on a riiili- urban car, each earrying two ij;»aits of corn whiskey. At the terni;uu •"«- ..n.orvvj. lUl- UVll'.UUS Fost s correspondeut at Hendeison I ^ . 1 : of the cai Jine they continued :here 1) B A negro convicted in Alabama ^ for stealing chickens received a hh profexsional nertires to the pvb-1 sentence of a year’s imprisonment, r. attended promptl,/at any hour.[hut Governor .Johnson, evidently thinking this punishment insufficient It. WILLI.M EDVVARDS. , paroled the unfortunate man on the ; condition that he shall not eat a I chicken or any portion thereof, j whether purchased, stolen or re- ; Cfivcd as a gift, for tho next , lIH.'Uths. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sprint, Ho+’K. N. C. W. R. HAILEY. F. A. wool )AILEY & WOop.^.Rn, A TTOHlfErs - AT - LA H', B^Practice in Na.?h sind adjoiniiie counties. . 1 12 ly BARBE5?S. !AI?T:r,.{, J w, A.'^HSURN, «TriON'*• R'r ‘ •I CY Sol- •'.ts ‘lltj ;iafIi>Un>»D Wish to gu e ttioir ,vork class white barVjer. OFFifiR —Rear Dr. H. Braatlev’s Drug St ' . Hope, N. C. l^jACKl... TON.SORIAL Ak Spring Hope, N. C. £:#*A well-fitted three-chair shop. HOTELS AND BO ARDSNC HOUSES ! V. iin ionsumptioQ ii robbed of its terrors by | fact that thf. hc!«t m«l- muc authorities state tPat it gives the particulars of the aifair “A. Rosendolph, a Baltimore trav eling man, got himself into a con siderable amouQt of trouble by fak ing too much tea. It appears that while oil the Atlanta Special one night last week he made the ac quaintance of a Miss Roberson, who intended getting off at Ridgeway, her home. The tram failed to stop and she was compelled to come to Henderson. On arrival the travel ing man escorted lier to the Mas- sonburg Hotel and, registering as man and wife, room No. 11 was as signed to the young lady. Rosen- I jonruey afoot, and being unfai iliar with their surroundings, iind s im(- what under the influence of li junr lost their way. Aftei wan.!,TTng around for some time they ri. ally rounded up at AVinetta, where Ticy decided to rest. Four of the men laid down on the track with vh.»ir heads resting upon the rail, which served as a pillow. The fifth innn GENERAL NEWS. Eighteen new cases of yellow fev er were reported at Key West, Fla., last Wednesday. A big knit underwear combine is in process of fofmation in Albany Y. Forty five manufacturers are ‘■xiiected to enter at once. Two notorious women were arrest ed in Atlanta a few days ago, charged with releiving a well dres.sed young man’s pocket of $.')1.00. The late D. E. Converse left one t'uid of his estate to the college that he founded. Thus it seems Converse is the fortunate donee of $500,000. Robbers looted the Bank safe at Reynolds, Ind., last Wednesday morning with dynamite. They se- ■ured about .'(10,000 in cash and es- aped. There was a collision in Warren Ohio, a few days ago between a pas senger train and a street car contain- ing 2o people. Only one, a man, was killed and several others badly wounded. There was a wholesome jail deliv- eiy at Kingston, Tenn., last Friday night. Thirteen prisoners prised an opening in a sheet iron floor and es caped through this to the basement. Only one lias been apprehended. ^hile in a fit of jealous rage, a n' gro named William Rud, cut a long gash across the throat of his I Wife, in Atlanta, Ga., on last Tues- iiay. It required fifteen stitches to sew up the wound. Hobson City is name of a FIVE NEGROES AR35 IN THE HANDS OF OryitlERS. Mobs Are Trying to Get The Men Who Asaaulted Miss Lafflidy. found a bed on the side of the rn»d. town incorporated in Alabama, with The quintet were soon lost in slumber ' a population of over 500. Eyery res and their rest was undisturbed u.ril :i o’clock a. m., wlien a north-bound train running at the rate of al.out twcnty-five miles per hour ddsju'd Coinin' lal - Hotel, H. H. ■ iN, Proprietor, OUXT, y. G. \ A home for the weary tr^ _s 11.00 a day. ] *al Hotel, I 7ILLE, N. 0. i 'UliyELL. 1*roitrtetresB. I A sihotel in every respect. !.,■ T I trial. Rates $2 a y. a curable disease; and one of the happy things 0 about it is, that its victims |I dy ever lose hope. 0 You know tKere are all »orts of ] [ : ct nostrunr.5 advertised to cure (| .aamption. Some mcke absurd S ,1ms. We only say that if taken • ; I time and the laws of health are i ► : roperly observed.. (• SCOTT'S J EMULSION i wii! heal the inriammation of the 0 throat and lun^ and nourish and J , strengthen the body so that It can f , throw off the disease. X We have thousands of testi- ntionials where people claim they S I have been permanently cured of ■ I this malady. •• 2 50c- af'*! all druggists. # I SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtmisls, Ntw York. 2 to the yonugijjj.j almost decapi'atcd i i.v Joiinson tvU . .i.'li.h. t.eingun,l, rthe .nfi.-.ncc of I iiink, in ,1 shoit time dlso entered | Clarence Miles and Charles Sti w. tho* room Udy. Beiri^kr niiu'h fri^> n-rrrrested h'f,m lt> .t glass of water, nd *« hile he wa.s absent she escaped and threw her self under the protection of a gen tleman occupying a room near No. 11. The trespasser was soon arrest ed, and on Saturday the case was before Judge Hoke, who fined Ros endolph with costs and ordered that he pay Wiss Roberson $.50.” ident of the town is colored but one. There is not a bar room or beer sa loon in Its limits. In an Ohio town last week Jas. &addy, a bridge jumper of Pitts 'urg, travelling with a wild west , was fatally injured by making a jpigh dive. His head struck the t decapi'atcd ^.j/ajpigh dive. His head struck . a of rhe laiik-.aiu oames .rt.^r wVai^er Newfo Rates, $1.00 Per Day. TATiT,k T'URViSHED WITH THE O, N.C. OHPHiKE sw -ihai;-'' 00 given AWAY. T.*n Dollars to the per- : • m. ’’v Nov. 15th, 1899, • lest xiritti'U 5 inch advertise- .ii'ut of i\Irs. Joo.,Person’s Remedy, j I'hose who do not know of the Rem- ( dy can get reading matter telling ; of its merits hy applying for same. ! Hon. Jno. Ni.''i .'s, ami Mr. E. M. : Uzzell, of RalEigh, with Jlr. Thad. , R. Manning, of Henderson, will be I the Committee to decide who sends I the best written 5 inch advertise ment of the Remedy. Mrs. Joe Pkr.son, I Oct. 12, ’99. Kittroll, N. r.. was terribly cut about\he head and will i>robably die. J^hn Newm;in, the fifth member of the purfy, nas the only one to escape. nas fountt- iand dog paralyzi?i'. B;)! the forgetfulness of engineer in Short Creek. West Va., two trains ran together and caused a terrible wreck last Thursday. Eight persons Columbia, S. C., Oct. 10—Spe cial—In Darlington county last eve ning, Miss Josephine Laffady, a res pectable young woman, was going from a neighbor's farm to her home. She had to pass through a little patch of woods and there was set upon by Edward Luckie and Dick Mitchell, negroes, aged seventeen and eighteen years. She had on a sun bonnet, which was closed over her mouth, and she Was choked to insensibility. Jim Washington, Daniel Mack, Ed Mack, Lucius Smart, in a cotton field by the edge of the woods, looked on without pro test. Edward Luckie was captured by Sheriff Scarborough, of Darlington, and Washington was arrested by Policeman Scarborough. They held their prisoners in the woods till da5-light, avoiding a crowd of lynch ers. This morning when they took the men to the courthouse the tem per of the populace was manifest, so the sheriff slipped Luckie out of town in a buggy, driving to Carters- ville, while Policeman Scarborough took Washington by another way, arrestine’ the other three witnesses en route. They met at Cartersville and arrived in Columbia at 11 o’clock tonight with five negroes. The other piincipal has fled, but is being pursued by a mob. ^ ^ All five ot these negroes would have been lynched it left in Dar lington. This is the first crime of the kind in that county and the peo ple are trreatlv .stirred .^aiiyerous Counterfr^it. The spectable presented at the ] were seriously injured and two fat- scene of the accident was horrible ! »llv. One of the trains was loaded Dr. Miles' Kenrmt builds up the Yilalltj lad resistive power to meet attacks of Gric. To the Farmers of Eastern North Carolina!! “?.foni>y saved is money made” and that is what you can do by selling your tobaccn at the— Davis ■ Warehouse ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. WOKKUH DAVIS, The Proprietor, fartners >f Carolina, as they know he never leaver a pi^e of tobacco unless i:u ■- My tacil’ties for haudlinjr toliacco is greater than ever before, liavinp; enlarged my ne-thii\l, making h door space of 100x232 feet, which is now one of the -largest ia the dll .1:^ a Its I'Ull waretiwuse more than ■ St;ite. The following gentlemen will represent me thisseason: Mr. H. E. Chavasse my former book-keeper who IS well known to the people of this section as a first class man and book-keeper in every respect will be at the same old post. Mr. Vick who will represent me, and will be glad to see his friends, -ud will do his best to see them well plea.sed. Mr. W. E. Cawthorne who has had several years experience >n the tobacco business is too w“ll known to need any introduction to the farmers of this section. Mr. D. D. Pool will also represent me again on the road and will be pleased to see his old friends bring their tobacco to the Davis Warehouse. MY AUCTIONEER, Mr. Z. T. Broughton, of Raleigh, is one of the best in the State. Mr. John L. Wors- Kdgecombe is with me again and will be pleased to have his friends patronize the Davis Warehouse. Mr. Willis Ward of Nashville, who has been in the warehouse business there for four years, is now with me, and asks his friemls to bring their in the extreme, the track- being strewn for some distance witb blo»d, brains and bits of br^en while the odor of whiskey permea ted the air. r/ke Truth Trmely TMd. Biblical Recorder. Cotton is up because the cot'.on crop is short. Tobacco is down r»> cause so many men are trying to make a forjtune raising itj and thue with delegates going to ths encamp ment of the Knights of Pythias. Geo. E. Fitzgerald, of El Paso, Texas, last week received an offer of $150,000 from an English syndicate for a tract of land owned by nim and his two brothers within the present boun.lary line of Venezuela. They inherited the land from their father. It is said that ttie smallest baby on record passed away in New York a few days ago, a 5i inch one which ■eighed 17 ounces. It was being is a big crop. It is untrue to iheikeptinan incubator and although people to tell th^ to go on raisng big crops of tobacco when that, is their ruin, untrue to the people, in- harmful to the trusts—crooked ar rows never reach them—but helptul to the ofBce-seekers. Let us wage an honest, manly opposition to mo nopoly, but in the name of seise and decency let us keep in the terri tory of reason and truth. it seemed to be doing well, fell into a sleep from which it could not be wakened. A special from Sandersvill^ Ga., on Oct. 10, said; There is consider able complaint here by the best cit izens against circus pictures that have adorned the billboards adver tising the Wallace shows. The may or jyis petitioned to have them torn down and today he ordered the pic tures removed. A special from Leesburg, Ala., on the 10th said: James Murphy, of Ball Play, was bitten by a mad dog yesterday. A madstone was applied i and adhered for thirty-six hours but _ „ ; did no good. Murphy is in a criti- Than Muk a c.al Condition and not expected to 'survive. He has all the symptoms of hydrophobia, cannot bear the sight ot water, barks and growls and (foes into terrible convul.sions. It requires ^veral men to hold turn. A at plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Ciu'e will digest what yon n^at. It cures all forms of Dyspep.sia and stomivch troubles. E. R. Gamble. Vern.m, Tex., says. “It relieved me from the start and cured me. It is now my everlasting friend” Woodaid & Yarboro. Bnthrr KIrfe n Con CASTOR IA For Infants and ChildreiL The Kind You Have Always Bought Washington, Oct, 9.—A new counterfeit $10 silver certiticate has boirn discovered by the secret ser vice division of the treasury. It is of the series of 1891; check letter B; plate number indistinct; probably 74; J. Fount Tillman, register; Mor gan. treasurer; i>ortrait, Hendricks. It is a dangerous photo-mechanicai production, printed on soft paper probably made up from two sheets of J'.:7"»iese tissue. Green and red- ink lines are used to imitate the-silk fibre of the genuine. The faoe of the note has a grayish tiKireV^iftg, no doubt, to the use of a poor quali ty of black ink. The color of the seal is a trifle too dark. The back of the note is more deceptive than the front. The imprint of the bu reau of engraving and printing on the left end of the back is illegible. During the winter of 1897 Mr. James Reed, one of the leading cit- izens and merchants of Clsiy Co. W. Va., struckhisleg against*cake of ice in such a manner as to "oruise it severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not walk without tho aid of crutches. He was treated by phy sicians, also used sevral kinds of lin iment and two and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it but nothing gave him relief until he began using Chamberlain,s Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure in a week’s time and he believes that had he not used this remedy his leg would have had to bo amputated. Pain Balm is unequaled for sprains, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by Ur. H. Brantley. No man can count the cost of a useless iife. I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain’s Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market such a wonderful medicine,” says W. W. Massingill, of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of moth ers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholic infantum who must also feel thank ful It is for sale by Dr. H. Brantley, Bears the Si£uature of H htrt he Made a Mlttnke. KTchange. “I’m afraid I made a mistake when I told Willie that I never played truant when 1 was a boy,” said Willie’s father. “Why?” “Well, I can see plainly that I have fallen a good deal in his esti mation.” ‘Thinks you were a sort of milk- shop, does lie?” * “I’m not quite sure whetuer he thinks that yr just puts me down as >a iilain liar.” Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harris burg, Pa., on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Woodard & Y^arboro. SPIVEY'S ^ngUsh . _ YjUchen, AND LUNCH ROOM. C. W. SPIVEY, PROPRIETOR. This is Headquarters for a First-Class Meal. kave a special contract with a >iorIjik Oyster Planter, who fur nishes tuA daily with SELECT- OYSTERk. ^ I SERVe'tHEM I^ A>IY STYLE. Am prepared to serve mj .vith all the delicacies of the season, in the most paletable of style. Meals at all Hours. 9 22 Iv G. K, HUNDLEY, Architect aifi Builder, PL.A.XS AND SPEC'TFrCATIONS Fui MSHED ON Short Notice. If a man flirts with a girl and she falls in love with him, he thinks her .’illy; if she doesn’t, he thinks her conceited. Durham Returder, A farmer went ,'nto Messrs. Mitch ell & Co.’s bicycle store and askad for a grass blade. After being in formed by Mr. Mitchell that to did not dead in farming implement,?!, be proposed to sell the farmer a bicy cle. When told the price of it, the farmer said he had rather invest that amount in a good cow. “But,” said Mr. Mitchell, “how foolish you would look riding over the oJuntrv on the back of a cow.” “Not to foolish,” replied the farmer, ‘'us I’d^ Jook trying to milk a bicycle.” It did me more good than anj-- thiner I ever used. My dyspepsia wts of month’s standing; after eating ;t was terrible. “If you scour the world you will never find a remedy equal One Min ute Cough Cure,” says Editor Fack- l«r, of the Micauopy, Fla., “Hust- Ur.” It cured his family of La- Clrippe and save"' thousands from poaumonia, bronolritis, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. Wood ard & Yarboro. The “Plow Boy Preacher,” Rev. J. Kirkman Belle Rive 111., says. “After suffering from Bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I was cured by One Minute Cough Cure. It is all that is claimed for it and more.” It cures coughs ccM», grippe and all throa} and fuug trou bles. Woodard & Ymboro. But few men are bravo enough to allow a mind reader to expose their thoughts in the presence o f friends. DA VIS, Proprietor ii M«cky Mount^ - North Carolina. Now I am wSl,’'i„Onthe 10th of December, 1897, eenec. Hoisinato., J.*"'' S- A- Donahoe, ^paster M.__E. writes S. B. Keene^^ Hoisingto» Kan., of Kodol Dyspepsia Cnri:. It digests, what you eat. Woodi^ & Yarboro. CAN DY CATHAR Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va' contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beginig by vioPent j^coughing. He says: “After resort- t«g to a number of so called •spe cifics,’ usually kept in tho house, to n> purpose, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain,s Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm- I most cheer fully recommend it to the public.” For sale bv Dr. H. Brantley. It doesn’t matter how -often some people change their minds, they nev er succeed in getting a good one “When our boys were almost dead from whooping cough, our doctor gave One Minute Cough Cure. They recovered rapidly,” wrLtes'^P. B Belles, Argyle, Pa. If c^ » coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung troubles Woodard & Yarboro. bank failure may not upset the depositor, but it may cause him to lose his balance. We would get more enjoyment oat of a dollar if it took as long to spend it as it does to earn it. ^iTowarpsir' IPtmMiMllyCanf laanHyPreniMbr i BR. KLIME'S fiROV - lERVE RESTORER ■■ PmWt* ftr ftO jr«fWM IHwoMi. Mrf a. rwiM' z>dn««. ^el•ltaerMerrod•e*e OOD OD[? :b:rxcd:k: B-a-±lci±n.gs. Circular Stairs a specialty. __^^^^^Solicits the patronage ot this section generally work fully guaranteed plans and other information address C. K. HUNDLEY, •OIHO •IXVKNI3NI3 ‘*03 DdW il3H3VN 3HX s93iJd jno 192 pnv >o8A noX Aomi sn JO/ P«» S3JVS”B=

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