accidkntali^y kiiaed. SWAN CREEK NEWS. ij lJt]£ I: .'-;ri';i) eveky thukkday. , . . BY . . . 'i'lIE .TOURXAL PUB. t;0. I;. 13ELL, ; A sliockiiig accident happened ^ ]\[atliis & 'Eagleson have been! :at Pleasant Hill, six miles west ol their saw mill np in AA'ilk-1 'Traphill Saturday. Monroe Wad-, | .dell was standing with his gun j So]ue unknown partj^ went to; ; stock on the ground, his loot on Adam’s a few nights ago and i Deatl|the Grim Reap er. Kn. &Mgk. ;the hammer, ami very lwlishl,\ L. J. BARKER. Jones Barker, M. 1). died at IBs residence in Jonesville m- Larki StJBSCRII'TION RATES. t)iC X ear, Months, C ii'i orgood produce taken. If strickly in advance. i blew'into the muzzle. As he made: Miss Laura Sw'ain has been visit-1 last ThiS'sday afternoon at four |i,oo.: his last blow, his loot slipped,- i j„g near C'lingnian, at her Uncle | o’clock. He had been feeling umvell •5°-1 went the gun, filling the mans head : Grays this week. | for severgjl days but his death w'as full of shot. He lived but a few', Mr. W. V. Brown closed out his ! sudden he having been up town in Our terms nut wanted. < r U ss, inserted free for our subscribers, i icjie than fifty, one cent a word. C/ii’-ce of publication, Corner Main and Streets, upstairs. EDITOKIAL. minutes, and never spoke alter the ; gj,igj,,g school at Bethel lastThurs- accident. | I Jimmie Adams w'cnt out a few' I mornings ago and caught fi\'e rab bits before sunrise. advertising RATES. \>Tv Tcasonablo and made known on i:c:ition. Filthy and objectionable j — Obituaries of fifty words HINSON-THOMPSON AFFAIR. |g conversing with friends dow'n to take a much TO THE PUBLIC. ISeing of a journalistic turn of mind, and s>i the present out of a jo]), it becomes my pleasiint, but I Jiope not painful duty to fling to i.i'fifcz'e today this sheet which will 't,o down in the history as theJouii- KAr. of Elkin. Did I say Elkin? \ es, but I will also add the name of iVilkes, Surry, Y'adkiu and Alle ghany counties, and the Piedmont section in general. For this paper is uot the organ ofany one tow'n, one se<‘tibn, one corporation, one set or one individual. It is the paper of the people, for the people and to be paid for by the people, for it is a i<uow n fact if the people do not pay for it they will not get it. We do not expect to run this concern for fun or in the interest of deadbeats, but to make an honest decent liv ing for ourselves and w ife, if we are ever fortunate enough to pos sess one of those angelic creatures. It is our aim to publish a clean, re liable, readable new spaper and you may expect if there is any news going to find it in tliese col- unis every w'eek. “That is no joke.” We invite every body, friend and foe; white man and negro. Democrat and Republican to aid us in giving the people a good paper by subscribing and that forthwith, immediately. We have made a special offer to be fouud elsewhere in this paper to send the Jotjenal for one yea.i for fifty cents, six jnonths for tw'enty-five cents. A uian cannot w'ell live at these fig ures, but we will manage to breathe through a quill at it, so roll along with your halves and quarters. This special rate w'ill last for a short w hile only and will then be withdrawn. Thanking the people tor their many kind favors to me jn the past and feeling sure they will continue them in the future I am Very resfpectfully, Wai^tkk Bykum Bell. Henry Hinson accused of murd-1 ering Jim Thompson in Bryan | tow'uship, about tw'o weeks ago, surrendered himself to the oflicers last week. He was tried before a Justice of the Peace, plead not guilty, and as it could not be prov ed that he did the cutting was re leased. It seems that it is not pos itively known who did the killing, and it '\vas a general drunken corn shucking row'. i the morii I He had needed rS which proved to be that j sleep thaHKnows no aw'akening--he I was dead'. Dr. Barker has been a i resident Jf Jonesville all his life. He Hurrah for the Journal and our kind editor. May they both live | long and prosper is my best w'ishes. J. G. A. JTov. 27, 1897. JONEVILLE ITEMS. OUR MARKET REPORT. We W'ill publish every week a market report, and when there is a change in the market it will be noted. The report will give the Mrji. George, of Seward, is visit ing relatives in tow'u. Col. Leland Martin, of lirier Creek; is spending awhile with his daught er, Mrs. Barker. Will Shugart has been confined at home for several days, and is still sulfering with i-heumatism. Bob Kirkman visited homefolk's Saturday. buying price oi produce the day of | protracted meeting closed at publication. It will not jxist be | ('i-eek Sunday with several corrected by any one uierchant, | Qjjiy ^j^ptism. but all will have a hand in it. For | ^Valter Barker, of Salisbury, is instance if one merchant w'as pay- j spending a few' days at his home ing 22 cents for wax and another ■ one 24, w'ax woiild be quoted thus; | young people anil children 22 to 24. The same way with all; beginning to look forward to There has not been a hang ing in Siirry comity sjjice the war, Pne nian has been lynched. There has been ovpr thirty murders, The report of the Bureau of La bor Statics will show' that there are in this State 21 cities and tow'ns .electrically lighted; 18 telephone companies; 13 telephone exchanges; C electric railway systems, and 75 isolated electpc lighting plans, other produce. It will be a good deal of trouble for us to see every merchant every w'eek, but w'e ex- spect to do it to get the report cor rect, and then it will be of some benefit to our readers, ('ountry merchants would do well to read the Journal to keep posted on;the markets if nothing else. Only fifty cents a year. the holiday festivities. Dr. K. Thompson, of Low Gap, is in tow'n. Success to the JouEfTAL. Hezekiaii. Dec. 1,1897. LONGTOWN AND PINNACLE BALL GAME. ELKIN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL CEN SUS. tleman and had enjoyed a lucrative practise. He will be sorely missed by all classes of people to whom he often ministered giving them meflical aid for which he rec- ci^•^ed no'.pay. Tl;e deceased leaves a wit^d^fk^liildren, one of them Mr. ujl^P^Erkf^r, is a resident of I'ort 'Wtf]fth7 Texas another j\Ir. Walter Barker, is prescription clerk in Khitz’s drug store, Salisbury. To these friends w'e extend our heartfelt sympathy. The interment took place in the Jonesville ceme tery, Saturday morning,conducted by the Masonic fraternitjr of which the deceased was an honored mem ber. Beatoe memoriffl. MRS. H. B. WRIGHT. Mrs. Sallie Dickenson, wife of Hugh B. Wright, Esq., of Sauls- bury, Tenn., died, in the triumph of a Christian faith, at her home N’ov. 10th. The immediate cause of her was paralysis, Mrs Wright ^s'as tw'ice married first to Hugh Gavju, of this place, and then Hughj A'S'right, also a native of this section. The latter with one daughter, Mrs. Stanton sur vive. If there ever was a Christian woman the deceased w'as one. She proved it liy her daily walk and The last legislature consolidated \ eonversatiifn, and she is now' en- all the public school districts, and ! joying the rest that rennuneth for as the law' now' stands a district: pgopig of Qod. Mrs Wright I comprises a whole township. The I a sittc^r of Mrs. R. R. Gwyn, Longtow'n and Pinnacle were to ; committee foi* Elkin tow nship have ! of Carpeutferia, Cal., and Mrs. T. to cross bats on the diamond at LU'st finished taking the census, and | Ow'yn rf Elk Creek, Va. Boonville Thanksgiving day, but | find that there are 5.!.]. children be-1 for some cause or other they only | tw'een the ages of six and tw'enty | DRY HIDES WANTED. Will Pay ! 0 sents per Pound, CASH. TheElhin Shoe Co. Elhin,N.C. $1.00 a Year For DEMOSESTS FAMILY MAGAZINE. PAAMLY .Ity* PMAGAZINE' (0 c w o mma m CT Q J. F. HENDREN, Attorney at Law, ElkiNj C. Collection of Claims a Specialty AGKNT FOK Continental Fire Insurance Co., N. Y. Southern Stock Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Greensboro, N, C. Travelers Insurance Company, (Life and Accident) Hartford, Conn. Insurance placed in these Companies is at the lowest possible rates. MarKet Report. Corrected Weekly played one inning. But that was enough for Pinnacle, the score standing Longtown 18, Pinnacle 2. If they had played the whole nine innings, and all of them as^Vell as one. Of these 23.5 are white males and 227 females. There are 23 colored males and 26 colored fe males in the tow'uship. Tlieoo are 174 white families and 22' colore' FRANCIS MILLER. ‘h beloved and useful jassed away at his home J last Wednesday. He the first, the score would have; families. I5y sub districts the stood about 102 to 18 in favor of children are divided as follows Lojigtow'n, ^t the end of the game. A sketch is being prepared in Salisbury, for publication in the p.|if'istmas number of the Confeder- Veteran, S'ashville, Tenn, of Hali fax Wood, a courier on the staff of General R, F. Hoke, who once sav ed the city of Richmond from fall ing in the enemys hands. Wr, ^Vood was reared partly in Jones ville, being a sou of the late Mra, L A, H Armstrong He enlisted from that town, and w'as afterw'aj'ds kill ed in battle, He w as a brave sol dier. Pinnacle went hoipe yith her feathers cut, and well she might- The Longtow'u nine are the champ ion of the western part of the state, and we would not be afraid to line thom up with any nine we know of, the University not excepted. Gus Long is Captain of the Longtown, and John Hall tne Pinnacle nines. jSTo. 1. Rock Springs, 52 males and i 36 fe.jiiales. xso. 2. Smith Grove, 37 | therew RELIGIOUS NOTES. males, 33 females. Ifo. 3. State Road, 11 males, 15 females. ITo. 4. Cauebreak or Gumming Sciiool House, 32 males, 29 females. IS'o. 5. Elkin, 103 males, 11.4 females. It will be seen that there are five more boys than girls in the town ship. Taking all together the sex runs remarkably close. Have you ever noticed th^t n per son out in the dark can see another in a lighted room, w'hile one on the pauj^ot distinguish an object _UwtUfijdacknMsJ_ is ever thus bpT^ti_ycil_ jmd and we have often thought those consigned to outer darkness at the judgment can see their friends and those who warned them of their liite, basking in the sunlight of Heaven, while those above cannot ^ the fate of those below'. This will ba one of the punishnients of the wicked, and will only add to their misery. How' careful then ought we to liye, so that w'e will be spared this fate. Rev. G. M. Burcham baptised one candidate at Fall Craek church Sunday. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw w'ill oc cupy his pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Rev. F. L, Townsend, the new' pavStor of the Methodist church ar rives this w'eek, and will occupy the Methodist pulpit Sunday morn ing for the first time. Elder L. D. Vaughn, of Virginia, preached at the Baptist chiirch Saturday night and Sunday. He has been assisting in revival meet ings in K'orth Carolina for several w'eeks. Mr. A. P. Woodruff, Sheriff of Yadkin county, has be'eji^’ecently received iifte^ the church. Rev services Thiirsday night taken and a nice box made ifg^for NOTICE OK NEW MENTS. ADVERTISE- Tharps heaters are the best heat er in existence. Buy one to-day. The Elkin Shoe Company want dry hides and will pay cash for same. Dr. J. W. Ring has a elegant line of perfumery advertised in this is sue. Bailey & Co., are cutting the heart out of goods right and left. See their ad. J. S. Bell has anew lineof trunks. A trunk W'ould make a nice Christ mas present. You jnay accidentally shoot your self Christmas, or fiill on the icelpliice s i this w'inter. Buy an accident pol- j Thurduj jicyofJ. F. Tlendren. | I I Wh.atstheu,^of sendino' off for your milliner^ CAI'T. This mu old citizen at Mt. Air; was abcjat'eighty years old. He jji^of Germany^ but came buntivy' when a youth. For fifteen \Ears are more he held the office of iounty commissioner, and s never a bet ter one. He was ent church worker, always being ft: ind at the conferences as sisting ii. the deliberations of those bodies. He w'as buried Friday. Peacj his ashes. a promi Wheat Rye Ceni Peas Beans Onions Irish,Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Flour Bacon I Pork j Butter I Lard ] Tallow I Kggs Chickens No. I Per Bu, So to 85 . “ 56 to 60 40 Clay “ 50 to 56 Mixed “ 50 WhitG “ 80 to 90 Mixed 75 to 85 “ 50 to 6o “ 40 to 50 25 Per lOQ lbs $2.40 to ^2.60 lb |is." ISS TILLIEPENN. Miss Cillie Penn, formerly a res- dent of :|iis tow‘n, died at the home of her bother, J. S. Penn, in Win ston las| w'ednesday afternoon at one o’cliVk. She was a most esti- matabh young lady, and her Elkin friends,.yill regret to lear of her death, frlie remains were sent to Martinf-jille, Va., for interment. Miss Mrp' Dilliard, an aunt of Mr. Penn, sio, died about a week pre vious faiiis sisters death. To tliis strickei household we offer our sympaty. Per Dozen Per lb Green Apples Per bu Buckwheat Flour Per lb Remarks : Prices are based sales and for No. i quulity. Greon apples Eggs and Beans are in good demand and wanted. Chickens are dull. Butter wau:ied. Onions scarce and wanted. 6 to 7 4 to 5 10 to 12)4 6 to 7 4 J2 to 15 3K to 4 40 to 50 2 on actual , Demorest’s Family Magazine is more than a fashion magazine, al though it gives the very latest home and foreign fashions each month ; this is only one of its many valuable features. It has something for each member of the family, for every de partment of the household, and its varied contents are of the highest grade, making it, pre-eniintly. The Family magazine of the W'orld. It furnishes the best thoughts of the most interesting and most progress ive riters of the day, and is abreast of the times in everything,—Art, Literature, Science, Society affairs. Fiction, Household matters. Sports, | ect—a single inimber frequently con | taining from 200 to 300 fine eugrav- ! ings, making it the most complete i and most profusely illustrated of the! great monthlies. Demorest’s Magazine Fashion de-1 partment is in e^'ery way far ahead • of that contained in any osher pub- j lication. i Subscribers are entitled each; month to patterns of the latest fash- : lone in woman’s atire, at no cost to | them other than that necessary for ; postage and wrapping [ NO BETTER CHRISTMAS GIFT! I than a years subsci'iption te Dem- ! I orest mag'iizine can be made. By [ I subscribing iit one you can get the , I magazine at the rediiced price, and ■ I \( iil also recei\ e the handsome 25 j I cent Xmas ]^umber w'ith its beauti- j panel picture supplement. ; Remit §1,00 by money order, reg- 1 istered letter or check to the | DEilOREST PfJB. CO. | UO Fit'tla Avo., ISTow York, j Great Special clubbing offer for . prompt subscriptions On5y $L25 for Elhin Journal an<J Oen)- orest’s Magazine t Year. I Send your Subscription to this office O 3" CP ON TRIAi »S. LOUISA ADAMS. Louife Adams a strok( afternoc at six. two chi- Burch, wife of Nathan ' Bryan township, suffered of paralysis last Tuesday at one o’clock, and died 5he leaves a husband and [ren. The burial took the Bates graveyard dead IN THE FIELD. while at w'ork -iiutting cornstalks Local Railway Schedule. Mail train from Greensboro ar rives at 12:22 P. M. Erom Wilkesboro, leaves at 2:55 P. M. Freight arrives from Greensboro, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 6:03 P. M. Freight arieves from Wilkesboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days at 10:00 A. M. W. E. PAUL, Agent -iiT j.oi-''- “ .J I m iiieuti Cutting cornstalks in Bradshaw-contf I ^tecl, i^ere fi-om Mrs. C. m. as cheap ; Marslijolslup, Will Phillips, a ' 1“ ^ " I ' i coteec J ,^11 ciead in the field. A- COllGCtiO^ ’ 1 oriArl ’ ^ ' I I the the Baptist Orphanage at Thama'§=. ville. Rev. Sol.D, Swain, of Wilmington W'ill shortly move to Mocksville to take charge of the Baptist w'ork in DaA'ie county. Elder H. M. Blair returned from Conference Friday and occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday morning. After the ser mon a collection w'as taken up for the Oxford Orphan Asylum. The Methodist Protestant Con- if. W. Gordon keeps good beef on hand at all times. He also w'ants fat cattle, for which he w'ill pay casii. Look out for the ad. of the Chat ham Mf’g Co., next week. Click & Co., are still in the lead selling immense quantities of goods. Watch out for their new ad, next w'eek. The Elkin Roller Mills tell of the good qualities of their tiour. Death ready and all the sunimons. should be AI^XCELLENT RECORD. There seems to be a gang of office thieves post The ether day, for some infrac- .•jion of the rules of the honsehold, a little boy was about to get a whip ping, Just as the fathex was about to commence the switch operation, the child asked if he could go into his I’oo'm a moment, The father _ , , _ told him he coiildj Tip-toeing to | Foiut last week, In the list of ap. safe in the Taylorsville ofiice was the door, the fathej saw' the little ; pointments we see that W, C Ken-1 and robbed. Two fellow'kneeling, by the bedside and ; nett is sent to Surry circuit, Eev,; "’eeks ago the ^ocksville office was heard him say ever did' w't'mt to help a boy, now is your, time,” That’appeal sufficed The'prayer was answered and the whipping postponed. THE PEOPLES COLUMN. FOR The ilic school district known as Rocjprings, four miles from here, A produced some bright boys ^'1 girls that are making; their nt in the world of teachers, i At thefesent time no less than | eight jjfengaged in the pleasant! vocati^of teaching, as follow'S ; i I MiS![axy Mosley at Rusk, Millard | Notices for Rent or Sale, Lost and Found, Wants, and other misccllaneons advertisements, inserted in this column, for one cent per word, first insertion, half cent per w-ord afterwards. No ad vertisement taken for less than lo cents. Terms cash in advance. Wanted—A copy of the Enter prise, a paper pidjlished in Jones ville before the war. Anyone hav ing a copy W'ill please communicate with office. A copy of the Outlook, published at Elkin several. ye<irs ago, is also wanted. , . , Mos.aiiat Canebreak, Winfield making the rounds I i * I „ ,, , , Jlosl-iJt Venable, Luther Park at ferenco held their sessions at High; of the state, A few mouths back | wnue Hurt at Mount PleaK^ Arthur Hurt at Rock i ttwyn L. Park Esq. at Jeffj, Vd Prof. J. B, Mosley “Oh, God, if you ! NVilliam Poi-terw'ho is knowninlhis ’ robbed and last week the office at ' secti<m goes to. Vance circuit this; AVa^ton and Leaksville were visit- I ed in the same manner. Subscribe for the Journal, ^ Only 50 cents a year. Jniversity, Macon, Ga. («' than w'ater. ' jS'AL one year What ? for fifty Wa knm Wi ari treadiiig in sdi!i@ii0dfs toes. Othew'isa somebody would not squeal. The purchasing pow'- er of cash wisely and liberally spent by us has brought tlie prices in our store down to a level that some of the other stores are unable to reach. This battle of business means the survival of the fittest and the benefit of the buyer. This is best sh^ By the follow ing figures; Kerosene Oil, 15c per gallon. Lion and Arbuckles Coffee, 8 pounds for $1,00. 3 cakes nice toilet soap, 5c; 3 cakes laundry soop, 10c. 1 2-oz bag smoking tob. 4c. Good Rio Coffee, 10 and 12c. Largest box blacking on the market, .5c. Best pocket knife on the mark et, 25c. Can’t lose it. Call for it. Best line Penny Candies in tow'ii. Call and see us. BAILY & CO. 50 Cents, ionths.

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