LOCAL DEPARTMEMT. Jf you want all the local ne\vs of Blkin, and -the counties of Surry, V/ilkes, ADeghany and Yadkin, read the . . JorRN-Ai,. . . 9.:!897. Tov/n and country news. Your ov/n and your neighbors doings briefly and terssiy tjDid in a readab'3 rnsnns;'. Tlie lightnin;^ bn;jis hanclHoiiie—but, He’d make more das-zliiig fiight If he’d drop {.’ifi.t feeble giiiiiiner. And wear elecLri.c light. Only sixteon days until Olirist- ni;iS, Babscriba for tlia JoxtexaL and keep ptiste.l. . An umbrella nieuilcr struck tJie to ,-.'u SaturcTrr/. Miss PhoJ^e i!rynn, of Tr;ipl;ill,- in tovvu TrriJay. •' / ’ Vanr/jlaii:',zv. liaa .,;;c:)o to Win ston to I’emiiin for sonleciiiie. ’\7. E-.TIanrty, Eaq, of Stnart, Yti., was iif tl!3 dty Tuesday. I. L. Slr.igp.rt is r;eneral agent for Ibe I>,rtYC5 i'y ftvieber. The Elkin store"? i;r3 beginniiig to as.sar.isJ’''oir licliday attire. Ed. McDaniel bR3 niiTcd into the rooms over r'-r'ilhis ft.Orater's store. Jilrs. J. i£. Willianw and John Mock, of Boonvillo ’vsre here Mon day. The colorgd paoplo had a “festi- 1i5ule” at lIiTntsvUlo Saturday ^ night. A. M. Siuiihraada a business trip to Winston and otlior points las! week. Scales R. Eldrid;:;o, of Progress, .Randolph county, Is visiting rela tives in tliis sent ion. Mr. McC’r.llough, of St. Louis, the pin an.l bracket ii'.spector came up on the train I’uesdaj'. George Bailey, of Jit. IviEco, IT. Y., lias (ioeepted a position i}i Bailey’s i’-argaia Iloase. The p;ipii3 of tlio I31kin Acade my are arr:inging to give a conceri during Cbristjiias week. (’apt. O'. T. i’oth and wife fd’- rived Saturday, from a \ isit to rel atives in .'•.llento'vn, Pa. For refar.ing to serve on a jurj", J. A. E;lrd was /inad forty dollars in Forsytli co^irt la,st w'eek. A protracted meeting is in pro gress at Island Eord this weeli, ooji- ducted by pastor Van Hoy. J. II. 131;igioliolf, of Winston, made ai: assignTsisnt Satujday. Liabilities ? 12,000, assets-818,000. Mrs. J. 11. Finley, of Iiorth W^ilkesboro, came do\vn Mondaj' on a visit to relatives at this place. Oager Woodraffj of Knottville, ajid MajCk SlcCraw, of Aarou, Ya' Avere at IJriixton Woodruffs tkis week. Bev. Cf. M. Burahani is conducf- ii'ig a series of nieeitngs at White Plains, near Epariug Elver, this week. E. E. Mc'Teer lias bought a beautiful white ponj', v.diich he presented to his wife for a saddle horse. Dr. J. ,E. Adams, who spent sev eral days iiere last week the guest of the Elk Inn, left for his home Friday. Messrs. William Gilliam, E. E. Harris an:! J. S. Both, returned froiu a business trip to Winston Friday niglit. Master Bo.yr.ioud Chatham has a maltese cat that caught two large r.its in its moutli at the same time, a few days ago. Mrs. Lizzie York, of Diinville, ^''a,, who has been visiting relativ es in this section, returned to her honie Saturday. Subscribe for tlie JotlKUAl, to- i daj' and got all the news of the hoi-1 idaj'S. ^)nly fifty cents for a fidl years siibscriptioji. ■ N”. V7. Bowler has over five hun dred bushels of good 'wheat on on hand, which he took in ex change for fertilizer. This is /in unusual time of the the year to be making gardens, yet one of our citizens planted his ojrion crop last v/eek. The Itorth Carolina Conference met at Baleigh last week. The folio vr ing appointments will' interest our readers. Millbrook circuit J. M. Ashl)y, ('arieret circuit, G. T. Sim- uions,.Burgaw circuit, D. A. Eut- 3'elJ, Elizabeth cirex’llt, 0. P. Snow. Earnest Gwyn has resigned his position at the central telephone exchange office, and is succeeded by Jliss Ethel Dinkins. Last Eriday was such a cloudy, gloomy day that the lamps had to be lighted iu one store in town, to ; see how to do business. John Leagaa’s wife and cluldren have gone to Iredell county to re main awhile v.dth jVIrs. Leagans mother, who is quite feeble. T. E. Grumpier, of Bearing Eiv- er w:is in town Thursday. He came after a horse which B; A. Beves purchased from J. D. York. Tuesday was hog killiiig day in the eastern part of town. Mr. Alex Chatham slaughtered one that tip ped the beara at over 500 lbs. The Elkjn Cornet Band arepract ising almost iiighlly now, gettin.f; ready for ilie gr:indest ecnoert ol .the season, during tlio liolidays. .We thought'.squtiiern Virgiid;i was a cranberry co'untry, yet this fruit is being shipped from Elkin to I'larion and Berks Garden, ^’’a. Kot a wliistle Vi'as heard in town Monday morning. The freeze on S’.inday night diil tha work for tlsein, andtheyrefi’uSodto “soreech.’. II. Cr. Chatham had an o’posfium for di}mar Mo:iday that vrciglied luue pounds dressed. ■ It was the fattest possum seen liere in many a day. Bev. C. W. Eobinson will hold services injhe Presbyterian chiirch to-jiiorrpw, Friday nigjit, also Sun day Kiorning and uight at the usual hour. Dr. L. B. Jones, of Spring Val ley, Va., speiit several days I'.ere last week, treating Mrs. L. H. Car ter, who has been quite ill for some time. \re ha ve a cilize:! who caunoi lie a foiir-in-haiid scarf, and wlier. he stands before the r^iirror t'.» ?)u! on Ids collar ho gets it on ujjiide down. C. H. Gwjui has our tlianks for a samiile bottle each of lleinz’s celery sauce and evaporated horse radish. They are first class prepa rations, • We will venture the assertion that more produce has been sidy.' ped away from Elkin tliis se?!«or; than any other to'vvn to its si.ze in the state. ' Unole Richard Yv^right, living near liere, has a cancerous growth v!oming on his face that is quite painfid and giving him considera ble alarm. J. J. Jenkins has moved his fan>- ily- do'ivn to the dwelling at the toll bridge. Mrs. Vfood has moved in the house formerly occupied by Mrs. -Miekel. There are ten married cou-ples living in Elkin that board. If they were all to “keep house” El- !cin v>’ould nece,ssarily ha^■c ten more residences. ... TJiere r.as beeu more sv.'eet pota toes sold in Elkin this fall than any two seasons previous to this. They brougiit from twenty to thirly eeutf;. per bushel. Mrs. J. T. Wellborn, of Wilkes boro, died last Thursday morning, aged 24 years. She leaves four little children, the youngest oidy ten weeks old. I'Irs. Robert His, of Wil]cesi.)»ro', vras ill town Monday. Tliere is a posibility that lilkin will claim Onr .suljscription lisfis growliig ' Uncle jVUcajah Phi IV'ps, an aged 'S’pS^pi K rapidly, for which the people have citizen of tiiis place, helped to clear ! ®® fefe-a feafe our thanks. jMost anybody can ‘ up the site where our ^^ u is now tiike a paper when it is only fifty' located. When he C:^P here the cents a j'ear, twenty five cents for place where Elkin ua’\- is was a howling wilderuo?-,'^, wheje bears ■ and wolves rotnne'l til;,will, and the have a weekly newspaper after | gloi-ied in it as ids happy Cliristmas. It will be, called the gi’onud,. six mo)iths. We leani that Boon"\ iHe is Yadkin Democrat, and will be edited by Ray M. Busier of Win- terville, 5T. C. E, P. lifcZ'fesr happened to a very painful accident iu Vv'uiston Ifsst week. The axle to the bnggy in which he was riding broke aiul lie wasthrown oid, badly br'iusing his eye and i';ice. A geiitleman Ciime down from up the country a fe'i^" days ago arid said lie M-as “contemplating taught- ing” a school over in Yadkiii shortly. Ilovf is tlial L-nguage for ,;i school teacher ? Henry Kimmer and I'Unily hn\ c aio\ed from tho Wilco;.on fjirui abin'e towri to j,’. E, I’-iin-dexier’s. Preston Bo.yd anrt lan.iily, of Mt. Airy, are to mo\-e to tho Wikioxen iarin this week. Mrs, Atkins, inother- of T. A. Atkins of ,Toues\une, c.anio up on the train Tuesday from a visit to her son at Pinnacle. She . is 70 years old, and had never ridden on a train until this trip. Vi"e v.'ere told something a fe>v dtays ago that we did not knovv' b'o- fore, and tiiat was that the Priini- tive Baptist are-not allowed to joiri a secret order. It is against their creed so we are iufor;aed. Simon Smith, a colored ’or;il:e- man on tiie freiglit tr.iin, missed his footing and fell oif'a box ear vj the ground at the depot here Eri day night. He struck on his head i iaj.id. Rev. W. B. Brad; occupied the pulpit of tho B-.-ptlst church Satui’daj.f nip;ht and. S-’nday morn ing. Ransom Hall -Jicas received into the church and v;as baptized on Sunday 7norning j .i. the river, 'j'hree meinl>ers i.^'ere •xi'smissod by letter. jMr. Bradsba -.. jjreached a,t .Ronda Snnday niglit. Tho streets .-in'l roads have been iii a slop'py, muddy “(condition for tie past week. I t s' .ikes us tliav it wVidd pay'the pcaple to haul rock or sand and ma'adamize the principal througiiiarii ;beA)re tiic bad wether gets in. 'Po use a sliwig oxproR'ion, .>IaiJ5 . ;trcc[ vaa a “lolapol;da” iuthcof mud. We have b. '/* -^.cd to that tJie Ei:-,' ■ '/S;! ■ gra.nd concert at thb Elldn Aca.d- emy on the uight .if the 18th. The boys are practising every night novi' getting ready and they will no .'loubtgive a good coiuxn-t, that wil! I'e a viOdit to theniselve.s a_;id to (hc; town. Let everybody turn out that night and give the boys a fidl house Bev. Idr.AYy"®! Ciimeron, S. C., spent. Saturday and Sund;\y here witti. Prof. Geo. D. Brown. He was on his way to Berks Gar den, Yn., to take charge of a Luth eran clrar<;h at tliat place. He'has made the trip so far, 350 miles, in a open buggy, and by,the time iiis journey is completed lie wilt have fra^^eled 370 mites in a buggy over S'.tatc gi\ e a bat ^v'as not batlly injnred, ” E. D. Harris, our o-iitevprisiug r.o=t 111,aster, has added a nev/ rov.' r-f boxes, t'.venty-fonr in number, to Liie post ofiic^ cabinet. They will be used' for ncwsiiapers, the ohl ones having become to small. Our merchants handle more kinds of snuff i than any town we know of. The leading brands hsjndled are Dental, Three i'histle, Gair& Ax, Brutons, Carolina Belle, ;!;dpli!s, Ladies Choice, etc. Last Thursday night thera were at lea,st teawagcius from down in Da’vde and Rowan here for the pur pose of buying produce. They are here every week and literally keexi the town bare of green api^les. Sherman Biwan, of Traphill, Congressmans Linneys private sec retary, left Eriday for Washington to be present at the opening session of Congress Monday. He ordered the JoxjkjSAl sent to his address. Dr. B. W. Reece bought a horse fro;U 3Sr. Robinsoji, of \drgiuia, last week tti.it beads anything iu tiie vray of horse liesh ever seen .here. He is three years old aiid over si.X feet high and v.'eighs IGO'i pounds. J. H. Hanes has opened up a stock, of groceries in the jShepherd bnibliug ne:d; to tl^ Post Oifice. Mr. Hanes is a deservdng young man and we wish him miudi suc cess in the mercantile business at this place. There is some probability of an electric railv.ay line being built from Elkin to Sparta jiext year. I The Star says a letter vv^as received at Spai'ta last week from a St. Louis Mrs. Hix as a' permsinent citizen: capitalist, making incpiiries in re in the near future. P. H. Lybrook has been endorsed for postmaster at Wdnston bj' Sen ator Pritchard and Congressman Linney. He will get the appoint ment about Christ:nas. gard to it. Tiiesolo “The Holy City” siuig by Tilrs. Paid Chatliam, wdth the organ accanipiiinment -by Miss Clyde Vforth, at the Methodist church Sunday evening is spoken A beautiful set of toinbstones has|ofl)y competent judges as the fiu- been elected at the grave of Mrs. i est ex5)rt in music ever rendered in T.he people of Jones^’illo and that section .are n;)v.' without a physician :iiid they will of a ne,-:'cssity have to. seuii to Elkin when in need of med ical aid. We can boast of two aa good physicians as there i’u the eountryj Dr’s Ring ivnd Eeece, an(l we feel safe in sayiu^’that they will gladly and readily respond to all c.alls from that side of the ri\'er re quiring their presenc.a. As it will soon be time fv>r peo ple to be buying their (.Shristmas presents, we willVisk the people be- f;)retliey send eisewj-i 'e, to exam ine the stocks of tho-r iiome mer chants, and patronize them if possi ble. There are a nnniber of Christ mas ads, and there v-iJl bo otliers next week in this paper, teliing you where you can by' youi- (.liristnias goods right. Patronize, home in dustries. A couple of urchins v/ere play ing in front of the J()i kxal oiuce a few days since, and '.vdieivone of them began teasing the otiier be- c,aiise he could not prOnounce the word grease plain. He would say drease every time, using tlie letter d for g. He got so exasperated ihatjie iihrillj'exclai’med “'if I can’t say drease, 1 dess 1 can say dra^ y bj' draiiny.” The l;>.;igh was ou the )>oy as a mat'ter of course. Bev. Mr. Townsend and. family arrived last Tlinrstlay ^rom Hickory and are safely housed at the par sonage for the year. The ladies had arranged the house for their, reception, and a bountiful repast awaited them. Sunday morning Mr. Townsend preacied his intro ductory sermon to a l;;rge congre gation at the Metliodist eliurch. It was well received. The special music rendered by the choir was grand, sublime and added much to the services. All know me and know tliat my work stands on its'merits, so why run somevrhere else when I have giveii you satis faction. ALL .V^ORK GUARANTEED. All kinds of repairing in harness done on shori noticc. JOHN M. PRUNER p. O. Building. We lisw ^ ■ ' Wi ifi W 01 soiiiladfs ises. Othevv'iso somebody would not squeal. Thvj piircliasing pow er of (iiLsh wisely and lit)eratly spent by us has brought the prices i;i our store dovrti to a level that some of tho otiier st-ores arc luia.ble to reach. This 'ixittie of business means the survival of the fittest and the beuetit of the buyer. This is best sh-ov/n By the follow ing figures; Kerosene Oil, t.5c per giillou. .,Lion and Arbuckles Cojice, t pounvls for 11,00. 3 cakes nice toilet soaii, 6c. 3 cakes laundry soop, ,10c. 1 2-oz t)ag smoking tob. 4c. Good Kio (yotfee, i.O and t2o. Largest box blacking on - the market, .5c. Best pocket knife on the mark et, 25c. Can’t lose it. Cali for it. Best line Penny Candies iu to'.i'u. Call and-see us. BAILY & CO. Start a Bank Account. If you wil] visit every store like ours in this town {or county), and compare their goods with ouj-s, and their prices 'tvith our prices, you would quickly see how' you might actually start a snug little bank account with llie money you can save at our prices. Liil IT TIIS-! 5 crayon pencils, 1 cent. 2 cakes laundry soap, 5 cts. h'ilberts, 2 lbs for 25 cts. Yv^alnuts, 3 lbs for 50cts. Dates, lOcts lb. 12 boxes matches, 5 eents, Clream nuts, 2 lbs for 25 cents. P«ca>ns, 2 lbs fo.r 25.cents. . Figs, 15 cents, ib. Citrons, 20 cents ft,. Liii ilT Fil if iiiiSTliS li. It will bo a hummer. Large lot of trnuks just in, v.'Jjiah. will sell low for cash. Good produce wanted. J. S. Bell, Reserved For The Talloiiiig* Department I of A Love Affair It began when she first .appear ed at church rigged out in that lovely hat which she purchased On Saturday before from Mrs. C. M. King, I’asliioiiable milliner of Elkin. You can follojv the young la dies example by doing like ise. Latest Styles, ■ Kew Goods, Popular Prices. Call and see them CHATHAM MANUFACTURiNQ CO,. DO YOU Need a nice Saddle, Riding or Driving Bridle, Haiter, Saddle Blanket, Buggy robe, Wagon or Buggy Harness, or Anj'thing in the harness or saddle line. We have a lirand new stock in the building next to the post otfice, and can pleivSe you both in quality and price. All kinds of repairing done promptly, and work guaraiiteed. Call and ili,spect our stock. J- W. will lam. Sometlileg’ to 'Chew on” After a boy had eaten three plates of turkey with plenty of vegetables and dressing, and three saucei® of piutding, besides bread and butter and <iranberry Siiiice, his grandma asked him to have a piece of pie. ■“Grandma,” said he solemnly, “I.ca.n’t swallow.anj more, but I might chew some.” People who don’t feel like “'swallowing” many ad vertising statements, are invited to “chew on” the following plain facts : t|)Ugart have Irasiness at Zebedee Beal in the Jonesville cem etery. They were furnished by the Wilkesboro Marble Works. W. E. Paul, agent of the South- tiiat chui’ch. beautiful. It was certainlj^ Bev. T. II. Begram, pastor of the Pilot Moinitain circuit, entered eru railway, lias been appointed g, j,, xfyrsyth court for a di- i sub agent of the Travelers Acckleut I vorce from his" wife, but in last Insiirance Co., and keeps accident' papers we notice that he tickets on hand at tJie depot. j ^ reconciliation has been ef- Dr. J. M. Eeece is fitting up a|fected between theui, and the suit handsome otfice in the post ofiice ■ is withdi-av.-n. building. He will however still re- and tain his ofiice at his residence, use this as a dowu town ofiice. The town eominissioners failed to meet Mondaj' night on aceoimt of the abseiice of two of the board, i They will meet toiiiorrow (Friday) Ephriam resi(tent of B. Miiiish, a Messrs. Sheek & closed out there store. : this place and moved i taclc to Yad ' kinville. They enjoyed a good : trade while here, but Mr. Sheek and wife botli being natives of Yad- kiuville, and having large interests there, which they would Jiave to ddspose of they had remained here, naturally concluded to go back toi their old home. Yv'e were sorry to | see theni leave and wish them much ' success. At the last session of the confer ence, Beeves chapel, at Eoariug former j Ri-ver, was added to the Elkin and First Class Beef Marhet, jr. W. GOEDOl'T, PROP. Iveeps constantly on hand the choicest beef. Highest mark- ' ct price for. fat beef. Jfone other bought. I buy and sell sti'ictly for CASH. Call and see me. Corner Main street, near bridge. That we sell good goods at a very low prices, always consider quantity as well as quality and meet all competition. A. E. KINO & con PAN Y. (torner Main and Bridge Streets CLICK & CO. this section, but for .Jonesville charge. This necessitat ed a change iu the appointments, which are as follows : First and third Sundays morning and uight at Elkin, second morning at Jones- ville, three o’clock iuthe afternoon at Grassy Creek, fourth Sunday morning! at Roaring Biver, after noon at three o’clock at Slaple Spring. This was the best arrange- will work on the farm with his: pers death in 1890 is the only one! meut that could be made, and one This is a remarkable' it is hoped will prove acci^ptable to ' the people. night at Eidson & Reeves store. Hugh A. Cr'wyn, who lias beeu traveling in Tennessee for the past year has returned to Yadkin, and many j^eaas a citizen of, Cahlwell, has for 35 j'ears lived and cultiva ted one of the three farms owned by the late Col. J. C. Harper. Y^thin that time only one death i (that of a little child) has taken: place. On tho second farm not a ’ deatli has occurred in 41 j:ears.y While on the third fiirm, Col. Har- i Sweets To The Sweet, If j^ou give her a bottle of that lovely perfumery we are sell ing she will appreciate you more. FromlOc- up to $2. Yo can’t find anything in town more suitable for a Christmas present for your best girl, wife or daughter. Our stocit of Drugs Is complete. Prices reasonable. Give us a call. J, W. RING. Leading Jobbers of General Merchandise, In Western North Carolina. father, ye;sr. Rev. E. J7. Gwyn, next, in 46 j^ears. reciord. Watch = this = space.

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